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Autor/ica Poruka
 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 01 tra 2015, 20:27 

Pridružen/a: 20 pro 2011, 19:02
Postovi: 8414
Sto to, zbog daljnjeg jacanja Führungsrolle, uh ah ähhh mislin zbog utjecaja Njemacke. :zubati

Oj Hrvati, svi na desno krilo....

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 07 tra 2015, 23:02 

Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 21:41
Postovi: 9738
Predviđanja za parlamentarne izbore koji se trebaju održati u svibnju 2015.


 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 08 tra 2015, 00:41 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 20:35
Postovi: 12980
Lokacija: Zagreb
Koji glupi izbirni model, UKIP sa 15-20% glasova će osvojiti tri mandata, SNP sa 5% 40

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 08 tra 2015, 03:10 

Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 21:41
Postovi: 9738
volvoks je napisao/la:
Koji glupi izbirni model, UKIP sa 15-20% glasova će osvojiti tri mandata, SNP sa 5% 40

Jbga, meni je to čak i bolji sustav jer se eliminira parlamentarna nestabilnost.

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 08 tra 2015, 10:30 

Pridružen/a: 09 vel 2010, 19:22
Postovi: 5970

Neki Fadil

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 10 tra 2015, 10:50 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Sad će neki Francuz glavom platiti!!


Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 10 tra 2015, 11:08 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 08:25
Postovi: 43757
Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
volvoks je napisao/la:
Koji glupi izbirni model, UKIP sa 15-20% glasova će osvojiti tri mandata, SNP sa 5% 40

Dobar je Westminster sistem, imamo isti u Australiji, stabilan je i veže kandidate za lokalnu zajednicu. To je first past the post sustav koji je na snazi u zakonodavnom (donjem) domu. Gornji dom (Senat) je kaotičniji (da ne kažemo europski) jer funkcionira kao proporcionalni sustav s niskim pragom, pa ulaze Shooters Party, Bike Party, Sex Party, Fisher Party itd.

Koga zanimaju izborni sustavi, odnosno prednosti i nedostatci svakog od njih, nema bolje knjige od ove:


sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 10 tra 2015, 11:11 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
I je i nije.

Nemože se jednostrano reći. Sve ima svoje prednosti i mane.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 10 tra 2015, 11:56 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 08:25
Postovi: 43757
Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Nema savršenog sustava, baš svaki ima i prednosti i loše strane, ko pročita knjigu skontat će. U Westminster sustavu je teoretski moguće da stranka s 50%+1 (ili manje ako postoji sustav preferencija) osvoji 100% mjesta u parlamentu, kada bi im glasovi bili savršeno raspoređeni po izbornim oblastima.

sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 10 tra 2015, 13:36 

Pridružen/a: 24 vel 2012, 12:46
Postovi: 6569
Lokacija: kašeta brokava
Ja volim taj sustav, jer skoro potpuno eliminira potrebu koaliranja na nacionalnoj razini (prije sadašnje Cameronove koalicije, zadnja prava koalicija je bila na vlasti prije skoro sto godina).

Čast svakome, veresija nikome.

Jutarnji list, 16.11.2012., 8h:

Sudac Meron danas će pročitati konačnu presudu Hrvatskoj dr. Franje Tuđmana.

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 20 tra 2015, 13:34 

Pridružen/a: 02 pro 2011, 21:58
Postovi: 9003
Lokacija: Zagreb
SDB je napisao/la:
Ja volim taj sustav, jer skoro potpuno eliminira potrebu koaliranja na nacionalnoj razini (prije sadašnje Cameronove koalicije, zadnja prava koalicija je bila na vlasti prije skoro sto godina).

Italija i UK, dva pola.

UK koliko znam, nije imalo ni jedne prijevremene izbore (izazvane padom vlade) u zadnjih 70 godina. Ako se ne varam, Italija je imala 70 vlada.

Svake godine po jedna :zubati

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 21 tra 2015, 13:13 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Britanija planira izgraditi prvu ratnu luku u Perzijskom zaljevu

Manamska vojarna bit će prva europska vojna baza u Perzijskom zaljevu izgrađena još od 1971. godine.

Britanski veleposlanik u Bahreinu izjavio je da će nova ratna luka "ugostiti" nosače zrakoplova nove generacije, prenosi SN.

Britanska ratna luka u glavnom gradu Manami bit će izgrađena do kraja 2016. godine, izjavio je danas britanski veleposlanik Iain Lindsay. Manamska vojarna bit će prva europska vojna baza u Perzijskom zaljevu izgrađena još od 1971. godine. Nova ratna luka pomoći će Britancima da mogu držati velike ratne brodove u zaljevu; uz nosače aviona nove generacije.

Nova vojarna koju gradi kraljevska vlada Bahreina naišla je na kritike raznih pokreta opozicije.

http://vojnapovijest.vecernji.hr/nova-b ... vu-1001319

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 22 tra 2015, 13:25 

Pridružen/a: 02 pro 2011, 21:58
Postovi: 9003
Lokacija: Zagreb
Znači, Britanci se vraćaju ˝kući˝. :kava

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 23 tra 2015, 09:44 

Pridružen/a: 25 ožu 2014, 00:48
Postovi: 25
Nije friško al svejedno :neznam

Britanka se udala za mačke :klanjam

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 25 tra 2015, 18:20 

Pridružen/a: 12 lip 2009, 12:19
Postovi: 5948
Lokacija: Croatia Alba; site:hercegbosna.org/forum
Why I answered the call of convent life

Increasing numbers of women in England and Wales are joining religious orders, but the reality of being a nun is not all habits and silent prayer

Friday 24 April 2015 19.07 BST Last modified on Saturday 25 April 2015 00.01 BST

Sister Gemma Simmonds was being interviewed on radio about her life with the Congregation of Jesus when she was asked, in rather solemn tones, if she and her fellow nuns ever laughed. “Laugh? We never stop laughing in this house,” hoots the order’s director of vocation in the UK. “The night before, we’d had a particularly hysterical supper. There’s obviously this image of us sitting looking terribly serious.”

“Drinking our gruel,” adds 29-year-old Theodora Hawksley, the convent’s newest recuit, to more guffaws.

The unusual level of interest in the sisters’ existence has been prompted by news that communities of Catholic nuns in England and Wales are expanding. The number of women entering convents in 2014 reached a 25-year high. At 45, it was a significant increase from 30 the year before. In 2004, only seven took up religious life.

When you walk towards religious life, what it is you’re giving up isn’t the first thing on your mind
Theodora Hawksley
Hawksley, who left academia to join the Congregation of Jesus as a postulant in January, attributes this increased commitment to godliness among women to a snowball effect. “God always calls people to religious life, but various things can make it harder to hear that, and one of the things that makes it easier is lots of people openly talking and thinking about it, and giving it a go,” she says.

It must help, too, that life as nun, while still requiring women to make a far from inconsequential lifelong vow of poverty, chastity and obedience, is no longer always the controlled, cloistered and silent experience of lore.

Of last year’s recruits, 27 joined as “active” or apostolic nuns such as those of the Congregation of Jesus – “out and about, as opposed to indoor penguins,” explains Hawksley. Younger women made up significant proportion of those recruits: 11 were aged 19-30, six were 31-40 and 10 were 41 or over. But 18 chose to be “enclosed” recruits: four in the 30 and under age group, seven aged between 31 and 40 and another seven over 41.

Some apostolic nuns wear habits, but members of the Congregation of Jesus dress simply and casually. A cross around their neck is the only outward sign of their vocation.

In the kitchen of the calm, comfortably furnished Victorian villa that the London branch occupies near Willesden Green, Hawksley and 54-year-old Sister Naomi Hamilton, a former archaeologist and self-professed feminist who became a nun four years ago, wear jeans and plain tops.

Life here is not particularly institutionalised. The seven members of the community – technically it is a convent, but the sisters tend not to refer to it as such – do much of their praying alone, and they work apart during the day.

Hawksley, who prays in her light and airy attic room between 6am and 7am, is finishing a book on peacebuilding and Catholic social teaching. Simmonds is a theology lecturer, and another sister is a part-time child and adolescent psychotherapist working for the NHS. (Her colleagues know she is also a nun, but her patients don’t.) They also volunteer, helping all kinds of people in need. They don’t watch a lot of TV, but they loved Call the Midwife.

Hawksley came to the convent after three years of post-doctorate study. “It wasn’t a decision that I made so much as one that was made in me that I discovered,” she says. “It’s like any other relationship, in that you suddenly realise you’ve rearranged your life around someone else, that you’ve encountered this life-shaping love.”

On the subject of relationships, yes, she says, she has had some. “I’ve dated. I had one pretty big relationship just after my undergraduate degree, for about a year. I was hugely happy and thought that we might get married in the end.” Though they didn’t, the relationship was “immensely important”. “Maybe I wouldn’t have entered religious life without that. It’s not that it broke my heart, but it showed me how great my heart is and therefore how great my capacity for God is.”

Was it difficult to know that she wouldn’t have that kind of relationship with another human being again? “Of course you’re aware of what you’re giving up,” Hawksley says. “But, in the same way, as when you’re getting married, you’re not dwelling on the fact that you’re giving up all the men or women in the world apart from this one. When you walk towards religious life, what it is you’re giving up isn’t the first thing on your mind.”

Community life does bring sacrifices, she admits. “I live with three people roughly the age of my mother, and three people the age of my grandmother,” she says. (The community’s oldest member is 89.) “One of the things I love doing is cooking for myself, and quite adventurously. I miss chilli. I cracked last week and made a jar of what I’ve labelled ‘nuclear hot sauce’.”

The nuns take it in turn to cook, sharing a meal at 7pm each evening. Older members tend to cook “the kind of food my grandparents eat”, Hawksley says (without complaint), while the younger women serve up more pasta dishes. The kitchen shelves reveal a mix of styles that includes “slow cooking for yourself” and Delia Smith’s 1976 classic Frugal Food, plus a Nigella Lawson and a Nigel Slater. Hawksley, who has cooked rabbit pie, enchiladas and falafel for the group (“I’m kind of experimenting on them – they’re tremendously game”), keeps her Marcella Hazan, Thomasina Miers and Allegra McEvedy upstairs.

There are signs elsewhere of young people’s desire to try out a religious life. In September, 16 men and women aged 20-35 will begin a year living the lives of monks and nuns at Lambeth Palace, as part of the newly formed Community of St Anselm. Another 40 who live and work in the capital will join part-time. Since applications opened in February, 420 have registered an interest, with more than 20 applicants per residential place. “We’ve been overwhelmed,” says the Rev Anders Litzell, the community’s prior. Hopefuls give the same reason over and over again: ‘They want to be all out for Jesus.’”

The journey towards becoming a nun is lengthy. If you have a congregation in mind, you can approach it directly, explains Sister Cathy Jones, religious life promoter at the Catholic Church in England and Wales’ national office for vocation. Otherwise, her office can help. You would start spending time with a congregation, perhaps building to periods of several months. After that, you live there as a postulant for a year or two, then spend another two years as a novice. Only after that will you take your vows and, even then, they are only for three years at first.

Jones attributes the increase in new nuns to the growth in opportunities for young people to consider their call to religious life over the past decade – from weekend groups to festivals. “Things like that raise the profile of different ways of living out vocations and help normalise what it is to be a nun or religious sister in the Catholic church. It’s not something extreme or bizarre, it’s something that always has been and always will be. Particularly in the last five years or so, religious congregations have grown in confidence in making their way of life known.”

Misconceptions about nuns abound, say Hawksley and Hamilton: you have to have short hair, you’re not allowed to see your friends. Yet despite lingering negative views of nuns, people often express pleasure on hearing what they do. “Quite often they say, ‘Oh gosh, that’s so nice to know people like you still exist,’” says Hamilton. “There’s a sense that we’re doing something which they recognise is good, but maybe they think is beyond their capabilities.”


 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 29 tra 2015, 13:19 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Zadar1993 je napisao/la:
doc je napisao/la:
Is David Cameron the most pro-Israel British PM ever?
The United Kingdom may no longer be a major player on the world stage, but its prime minister has still been able to work quietly in support of the Jewish State.

The very real prospect of David Cameron’s Conservative Party losing Britain’s general election on May 7 is causing a shudder of dread to pass through Israeli diplomats and lobbyists in London. Officially, of course, they are not involved in the United Kingdom’s internal politics. But the consensus is that “we have never had such a pro-Israel prime minister.”

http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-d ... m-1.653847

Razlika između izraelskih i zapadnih Židova.

Izraelski su zgroženi mogućnosšću da David Cameron izgubi izbore.

A u tom slučaju novi premijer će biti Ed Miliband.


Ako faca nije baš engleska to je zato jer je laburistička nada sin židovskih imigranata.

Ne groze se bez veze izraelski Židovi da potomak poljskih Židova zasjedne na čelo Engleske...

Teško da će isti dobiti bez mjesta iz Škotske.
Po zadnjim anketama SNP će dobiti sva mjesta u Škotskoj koja je nekoć bila laburistička utvrda u UKu.

Morati će vjerojatno u koaliciju sa SNPom, a kako će to završiti

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_po ... l_election

I to je napredak.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 29 tra 2015, 17:41 

Pridružen/a: 12 lip 2009, 12:19
Postovi: 5948
Lokacija: Croatia Alba; site:hercegbosna.org/forum
Briton admits marks on IEDs linked to Iraq death of US soldier are his

A British man on trial for making bombs that allegedly killed a US soldier in Iraq has admitted that fingerprints found on IEDs linked to the case are his.

Anis Abid Sardar, 38, of Wembley, north-west London, is accused of making bombs in Syria that were planted on the road west out of Baghdad throughout 2007.


Komentiranje ovog članka je onemogućeno.

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 07 svi 2015, 22:11 

Pridružen/a: 21 kol 2011, 15:34
Postovi: 15238
Lokacija: Misao svijeta

Exit poll: Conservatives to be largest party

Conservatives largest party with 316 seats, Lab 239, LD 10, SNP 58, UKIP 2, Green 2, PC 4, Others 19

Onaj Cameron (bolje da ne čujete što mi je o njemu izgovorio jedan konzervativac starog kova iz doba Tatcherice) se provukao, ponovno se smiješi 5 godina Con-LD vlade (326 mjesta je apsolutna većina). Znači kako zasad stvari stoje čini se da će u vladu VB Con-LD-UKIP a možda se pridruže i DUP i slične stranke.

Najbolji mogući rezultat ako mene pitate. Znači daljnja alienacija Škotske od UKa zbog tvrdolinijaškog stava koje su Conovi progurali kroz Smith's commision, a zatim i referendum o izlasku UKa iz EU.
Ako u narednom mandatu ostvari dva navedena cilja (daljnju alienaciju Škotske i izlazak UKa iz EUa) osobno ću predložiti osnivanje komisije za podizanje spomenik Davidu Cameronu u prirodnoj veličini na nekom jačem zagrebačkom trgu.

Te kad mi jednom s dušom po svemiru se krene,
Zaorit ću ko grom:
O, gledajte ju divnu, vi zvijezde udivljene,
To moj je, moj je dom!

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 07 svi 2015, 22:34 

Pridružen/a: 21 kol 2011, 15:34
Postovi: 15238
Lokacija: Misao svijeta
+ još jedna dobra stvar ako Conovi pobijede - ne ću više morati gledati facu Eda Milibanda na tvu. Kraj njega Gordon Brown i Blair izgledaju kao manekeni :D .

Te kad mi jednom s dušom po svemiru se krene,
Zaorit ću ko grom:
O, gledajte ju divnu, vi zvijezde udivljene,
To moj je, moj je dom!

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 07 svi 2015, 22:54 

Pridružen/a: 24 vel 2012, 12:46
Postovi: 6569
Lokacija: kašeta brokava
Ovo su za sada izlazne ankete, no tamo su obično dosta precizne.

Miliband bi morao Škotima dati puno veće ovlasti da je pobijedio, nego što će to napraviti Cameron. Opet, možda to i nije loše, jer će daljnje zaoštravanje dugoročno okrenuti veliku većinu Škota protiv UK. Osobit mi je gušt što u UK realno postoje samo tri ozbiljne stranke (dvije velike i SNP), dok je stranka onog šupka Paddyja Ashdowna čini se pojela sva govna koja je izasrala. :zubati

SNP pregazio Škotsku u ovom stilu:

Možda ipak bude nešto od njih.

Čast svakome, veresija nikome.

Jutarnji list, 16.11.2012., 8h:

Sudac Meron danas će pročitati konačnu presudu Hrvatskoj dr. Franje Tuđmana.

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 07 svi 2015, 23:04 

Pridružen/a: 21 kol 2011, 15:34
Postovi: 15238
Lokacija: Misao svijeta
To je i moje viđenje stvari. Labour-SNP koalicija bi primirila Škote i vjerojatno im poprilično proširila ovlasti. Cameronu to ne će pasti napamet jer ionako tamo ne dobiva ništa, ne će sigurno pobijediti u Glasgowu pa makar im dao sve osim pune neovisnosti, a s druge strane ikakvo popuštanje Škotima znači pad Conova u Engleskoj.
Nije ni Cameron koliko god ga ne volim vesla sisao, lik mi se čini poput njihove verzije Bandića.

Te kad mi jednom s dušom po svemiru se krene,
Zaorit ću ko grom:
O, gledajte ju divnu, vi zvijezde udivljene,
To moj je, moj je dom!

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 07 svi 2015, 23:22 

Pridružen/a: 17 tra 2015, 19:31
Postovi: 924
Evo dobili konzervativci.

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 07 svi 2015, 23:34 

Pridružen/a: 12 lip 2009, 12:19
Postovi: 5948
Lokacija: Croatia Alba; site:hercegbosna.org/forum
Izlazna anketa

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 08 svi 2015, 00:03 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
General election: shock exit poll puts Tories in touching distance of outright win

http://www.theguardian.com/politics/201 ... ion-labour

The exit poll no one expected

http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfre ... e-expected

I oni muku muče sa anketarima...

As for Scotland, the exit polls confirmed that this was the revolution some had foretold – in which Scotland turned collectively yellow, becoming the land of the Scottish National party.


Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija
PostPostano: 08 svi 2015, 00:06 

Pridružen/a: 24 vel 2012, 12:46
Postovi: 6569
Lokacija: kašeta brokava


Čast svakome, veresija nikome.

Jutarnji list, 16.11.2012., 8h:

Sudac Meron danas će pročitati konačnu presudu Hrvatskoj dr. Franje Tuđmana.

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