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Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 13 svi 2013, 00:57 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
‘Ethnic Majority’ Areas Growing, Says Report David Barrett, Telegraph (London), May 6, 2013
Demos, the Left-wing think-tank, said its analysis of Census data for England and Wales showed ethnic minorities are concentrating in particular areas and white people are moving out.
The findings echo a phenomenon first seen in the mid-20th century United States–where it was dubbed “white flight”–which saw racially-mixed urban areas become predominantly black as affluent whites moved to the suburbs.
The research is significant because Demos, which was once closely linked with the previous Labour government which increased immigration to record levels, suggested ethnic minorities are becoming more isolated in British life rather than becoming more integrated in a “multi-cultural” Britain.
It found 4.6 million ethnic minority Britons–about 45 per cent of the country’s black and Asian population–are now living in areas where whites are in a minority.
Ten years ago just one million black and Asian people, or 25 per cent of the country’s then total ethnic minority population, lived in such communities, said Demos.
In the 2001 Census, 282 of the 8,850 council wards in England and Wales were classed as “high non-white” or “highest non-white” by Demos, but in the 2011 Census that figure had risen to 414.
David Goodhart, director of Demos said: “This has uncovered a really quite shocking level of concentration of the ethnic minority population, which means there is less opportunity for interaction with the white mainstream.”
Demos’s research said in minority-dominated areas new waves of immigrants such as Somalis take up housing vacated by established minorities, such as Afro-Caribbeans.
“This means a dissipation of ethnic concentrations, but also an increase in the number of people who have limited contact with white British people,” it said.
The paper attributed the changes to white British people choosing not to move to minority-dominated areas.
Trevor Phillips, a former chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality and its successor, described it as “majority retreat”.
Mr Phillips, who is now a Demos associate, said: “This very interesting piece of research reveals a number of vital findings about how people in England and Wales are living together.
“What ought to make us a little anxious is the ‘majority retreat’ it has unearthed – white people leaving minority-led areas and not returning – which isn’t good news for the cause of integration.”
The research by Eric Kaufmann, professor of politics at Birkbeck College, London, also showed some ethnic minorities are spreading out more into white-dominated parts of the country.
Black and Asian people are becoming less rare in provincial England because there are now fewer than 800 council wards that are more than 98 per cent white compared with more than 5,000 in 2001.
Sir Andrew Green, Chairman of Migration Watch said the findings were a sign that Britain is becoming more segregated.
He said: “This is extremely serious. It is undeniable evidence that we have indeed been sleepwalking into segregation as Trevor Phillips warned seven years ago and it is the clear result of Labour’s mass immigration policy.
“Public dismay at the pace of change in our communities largely explains why so many voted as they did in last week’s local elections.
“The case for a sharp reduction in immigration is now overwhelming; we cannot possibly integrate new arrivals on anything like the present scale.”
Svaka ptica svome jatu leti. Samo dok dođu druge slične ptice da se može oformiti jato.
Njet multikulti. Njet.
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 13 svi 2013, 13:57 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 16:52 Postovi: 2746 Lokacija: Žepačko-bobovačka županija
Segregacija je bolja za sve njih, i za nas u BiH. Treba poštovat raznolikosti i tuđe, ali drž se svojega brate...
_________________ Herceg-Bosno brdovita, zemljo mila plemenita, sva prkosna i od pjesme osvojit te nitko ne smije.
ivica je napisao/la: Tuđman je za muslimane učinio više i od alije...
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 13 svi 2013, 14:11 |
Pridružen/a: 13 sij 2012, 17:01 Postovi: 12216
Doc, bilo bi dobro da ili prevedeš ili prepričaš ove članke što ostavljaš.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 13 svi 2013, 14:16 |
Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35 Postovi: 12979 Lokacija: Zagreb
Pa više-manje svi znaju engleski, jedino za Sayuri nisam siguran...
_________________ Summum ius, summa iniuria.
Vrh |
Divlja svinja5
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 13 svi 2013, 15:09 |
Pridružen/a: 30 sij 2012, 18:47 Postovi: 4024
Svi misle da znaju engleski. Ili se srame priznati. Nikad neću zaboraviti ispit na prvoj godini, bilo je ljudi koji nisu znali pročitati "one".
_________________ (*_*)
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 13 svi 2013, 16:38 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Lebowski je napisao/la: Doc, bilo bi dobro da ili prevedeš ili prepričaš ove članke što ostavljaš. Članak kaže da sve više pripadnika manjina u Britaniji živi u većinskim manjinskim dijelovima zemlje, što znači da se segregacija produbljuje, a ne smanjuje. Prije 10 godina je milijun crnaca i Azijaca (25% svih manjinaca) živjelo u većinski crnim i azijskim područjima u Britaniji, a danas ih živi 4.6 milijuna ili 45% manjinskog stanovništva. A direktor tog liberalnog instituta koje je provelo istraživanje kaže da je otkrivena poprilično šokantna koncentracija manjinskog stanovništva (meni bi bilo zanimljivije znati sa koliko je manjinaca naš vrli liberal okružen u svom susjedstvu kad ga to toliko iznenađuje. ), a drugi nadodaje da bi trebali biti uznemireni zbog većinskog iseljavanja iz manjinskih područja. Bijelci odlaze i više se ne vraćaju. Što nije ništa neočekivano. Podaci iz Amerike govore kako se broj Azijatkinja koje se udaju izvan svoje rase smanjio u usporedbi prije 30 godina (kad su bijeli vojnici dovukli sa sobom azijske mladenke iz Vijetnama i Tajlanda, no kako su došli i Vijetnamci i Tajlanđani to se sve više Vijetnamke i Tajlanđanke biraju udati za svoje). Ili podaci o sve većoj radikalizaciji Turaka u Njemačkoj u usporedbi prije par godina. I da su mlađi radikalniji od starijih i svi žele ostati Turci, a ne se pretvoriti u "Nijemce" kako liberali zamišljaju. Svatko hoće biti sa svojima. Tek u početku kad nema dosta tvojih su ljudi prisiljeni na pretakanje u većinsku populaciju (ako im je slična). Što više dolazi tvojih u stranu zemlju to ljudi više biraju biti sa svojima što znači da u budućnosti nećemo dobiti multikulti raj gdje neće biti bitno tko je šta i gdje će ljudi svih rasa i boja živjeti u nekakvoj utopiji nego ćeš dobiti nekoliko plemena koja će se držati zasebno u istoj zemlji, a podjeljeno po rasi, naciji, vjeri. Recept za mir i stabilnost. Kako primjer exyu zorno pokazuje. Ali da, svijet je napredovao od prije 50 godina.
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 13 svi 2013, 20:32 |
Pridružen/a: 02 pro 2011, 22:58 Postovi: 9003 Lokacija: Zagreb
Inače anglikanci su nam bliži daleko bliži od protestanata. No sad su počeli totalno tonut. U procesu su raspadanja na dva dijela. Jedan prelazi nama, drugi će se ˝protestanizirati˝ i propasti. Nedavno je premijer Cameron želio da se u ustav UK uvede odredba da se engleski kralj može oženiti katolkinjom no Elizabeta II se usprotivila u strahu da katolik danas sutra bude vrhovni vjerski poglavar zemlje, i vrati AC Vatikanu. Englezima se sve vratilo ko bumerang. Oni i dalje vide Vatikan kao neprijatelja broj jedan. Eto neka uživaju sa predivnim Saudijcima i Pakistancima koji ih štite od zlih ˝križara˝, ˝templara˝ i katoličkih ˝fanatika˝
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 13 svi 2013, 20:59 |
Pridružen/a: 13 sij 2012, 17:01 Postovi: 12216
Divlja svinja5 je napisao/la: Svi misle da znaju engleski. Ili se srame priznati. Nikad neću zaboraviti ispit na prvoj godini, bilo je ljudi koji nisu znali pročitati "one". Upravo tako, neka je i to neko rekao.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 15 svi 2013, 22:32 |
Pridružen/a: 08 ruj 2010, 09:54 Postovi: 7538 Lokacija: Danska
Dolijale PEDOFILČINE, ZLOSTAVLJAČI, SILOVATELJI I NAKAZE NAJGORE VRSTE, Citat: The seven men have been remanded in custody for sentencing next month
Ukupno su podvodili 22 djevojke/djevojčice silovali ih, drogirali, držali zatvorenim, prodavali kao seks roblje bandama za grupno iživljavanje i prijetili im ubojstvom njima i njhovim obiteljima. Face i imena. Bassam Karrar Mohammed Karrar Assad Hussain Anjum Dogar Akhtar Dogar Zeeshan Ahmed Kamar Jamil A koliko su ih maltretirali mjesec, dva, pet, deset mjeseci? Punih 8(osam) GODINA, i to zbog niza propusta 2 ljevičarke i liberalke, koje su se oglušile na pozive u pomoć i prijave djevojaka i koje su na čelu policije i odbijaju dati ostavku Joanna Simons left, Sara Thornton right http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... esign.htmlMeanwhile u drugom dijelu grada sasvim običan dan žena vodi dijete, a pored patrolira naoružana policija koja ne može stati u kraj bandama koje haraju
_________________ Svjetski priznati NOBELOVAC Ivo Andrić o trokutu23%
“Mene također ova sredina smrada, loja, ljenosti i pokvarenosti poklonika arapskog varalice guši, pa sam više u Zapadnom Mostaru nego u Bosni.’’
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 15 svi 2013, 22:42 |
Pridružen/a: 20 pro 2011, 20:02 Postovi: 8414
Sto reci, koju poruku poslati. Mislin da ovakvi ljudi i neke kulture samo razumu jezik sile, nemilosrdne, obracunavajuce sile. Mozda ih stigne u zatvoru, ako ne upadnu u neke svoje pakistanske, eritrejske sto vec strukture, tamo su pedofili niza vrsta.
_________________ Oj Hrvati, svi na desno krilo....
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 21 svi 2013, 09:10 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
‘Imams Promote Grooming Rings’, Muslim Leader ClaimsThe Oxford grooming ring was promoted by imams who encourage followers to think white women deserve to be “punished”, an Islamic leader has claimed.
Dr Taj Hargey, imam of the Oxford Islamic Congregation, said race and religion were inextricably linked to the recent spate of grooming rings in which Muslim men have targeted under-age white girls.The activities of the Oxford sex ring are “bound up with religion and race” because all the men–though of different nationalities–were Muslim and they “deliberately targeted vulnerable white girls, whom they appeared to regard as ‘easy meat’, to use one of their revealing, racist phrases”, Dr Hargey said.That attitude has been promoted by religious leaders, he believes. “On one level, most imams in the UK are simply using their puritanical sermons to promote the wearing of the hijab and even the burka among their female adherents. But the dire result can be the brutish misogyny we see in the Oxford sex ring.” People tiptoe around the issues and refuse to discuss the problems exposed by the scandals such as those “from Rochdale to Oxford, and Telford to Derby”, he wrote. In all cases the perpetrators were Muslim men and the victims were under age white girls.
To pretend it is not a problem is the Islamic community is “ideological denial”, Dr Hargey said. “But then part of the reason this scandal happened at all is precisely because of such politically correct thinking. All the agencies of the state, including the police, the social services and the care system, seemed eager to ignore the sickening exploitation that was happening before their eyes.
“Terrified of accusations of racism, desperate not to undermine the official creed of cultural diversity, they took no action against obvious abuse.” The men were allowed, he said, to come and go from care homes by the authorities, and if the situation had been reversed with gangs of white men preying on Muslim teenagers ”the state’s agencies would have acted with greater alacrity.”True Islam preaches respect for women but in mosques across the country a different doctrine is preached–“one that denigrates all women, but treats whites with particular contempt,” the Imam said.The men are taught that women are “second-class citizens, little more than chattels or possessions over whom they have absolute authority,” he claims in the column.
“The view of some Islamic preachers towards white women can be appalling. They encourage their followers to believe that these women are habitually promiscuous, decadent, and sleazy—sins which are made all the worse by the fact that they are kaffurs or non-believers. “Their dress code, from miniskirts to sleeveless tops, is deemed to reflect their impure and immoral outlook. According to this mentality, these white women deserve to be punished for their behaviour by being exploited and degraded.”
Such cases can only be prevented in the future if Britain abandons the blinkers of political correctness, he concludes.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ ... laims.html
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 21 svi 2013, 09:12 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Politička korektnost. Political correctness is tyranny with manners.
Charlton Heston
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 21 svi 2013, 09:19 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Za to vrijeme negdje na istom otoku... Christianity Declining 50 Percent faster than Thought–As One in 10 Under-25s Is a MuslimA new analysis of the 2011 census shows that a decade of mass immigration helped mask the scale of decline in Christian affiliation among the British-born population–while driving a dramatic increase in Islam, particularly among the young. It suggests that only a minority of people will describe themselves as Christians within the next decade, for first time. Meanwhile almost one in 10 under 25s in Britain is now a Muslim.The proportion of young people who describe themselves as even nominal Christians has dropped below half for the first time. http://www.amren.com/news/2013/05/chris ... -a-muslim/Naravno koja je reakcija naših dragih sekularista na to? Secular campaigners said the new figures showed that Christianity had now dropped below “critical mass” making the case for disestablishing the Church of England stronger.Keith Porteous Wood, executive director of the National Secular Society, said the long-term reduction of Christianity, particularly among young people, was now “unstoppable”. “In another 20 years there are going to be more active Muslims than there are churchgoers,” he said. “The time has now come that institutional Christianity is no longer justified, the number has dropped below critical mass for which there is no longer any justification for the established Church, for example, or the monarch going through a religious ceremony at coronation. Oni će spasiti Zapadnu civilizaciju. Jer pravi problem sa religijom u Engleskoj je što se kralj ili kraljica jednom u 50 godina kruni u crkvi pred drhtavim nadbiskupom od Canterburyja. Kad pričamo o prioritetima sekularisti su neprocjenjivi. Znači uskoro više silovanja engleskih djevojčica od naših muslimanskih ljepotana. Najs.
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 06 lip 2013, 21:47 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
The Real Threat to British ElitesIn the Tory Telegraph last month, Sean Thomas wrote about Nick Griffin’s role: As long ago as 2001, Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP, was making claims about Asian grooming gangs. In 2004 he repeated these allegations in a speech clandestinely recorded by the BBC for a TV documentary, Secret Agent. He was arrested and charged with inciting racial hatred.So Griffin is a hero for risking prison to alert the nation to this horrific pattern of abuse? Wrong. According to The Telegraph, when you stop and think about it, the decade’s delay was mostly Griffin’s fault: No doubt Griffin feels vindicated today: for telling the truth before anyone else. And yet, paradoxically, it was his thuggish intervention that gave society another excuse to ignore the scandal. And thus the abuse continued. Strikingly, the Pakistani pimps and johns seem astonished that anybody would object to their behavior. If the girls’ parents cared about protecting their daughters, in their view, they would keep them locked up at home like good Muslims do.
The pimps seemed convinced that since their victims’ families haven’t organized lethal vendettas against them like any honorable Pakistani family would, they must not have cared.
Moreover, since the English people hadn’t carried out mass communal violence, such as burning down Pakistani neighborhoods in the time-honored South Asian manner, clearly they didn’t mind.
And if the English government didn’t want Pakistanis to act Pakistani, they wouldn’t let them into England, now would they?
You have to admit the defendants have a point. http://takimag.com/article/the_real_thr ... z2VT1puxdS
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 11 srp 2013, 19:39 |
Pridružen/a: 08 ruj 2010, 09:54 Postovi: 7538 Lokacija: Danska
_________________ Svjetski priznati NOBELOVAC Ivo Andrić o trokutu23%
“Mene također ova sredina smrada, loja, ljenosti i pokvarenosti poklonika arapskog varalice guši, pa sam više u Zapadnom Mostaru nego u Bosni.’’
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 13 srp 2013, 12:27 |
Pridružen/a: 13 sij 2013, 16:27 Postovi: 1660 Lokacija: Srbija Beograd
VB: Eksplozija u blizini džamije IZVOR: TANJUG London -- Britanska policija je saopštila da na današnju eksploziju u blizini jedne džamije u centralnoj Engleskoj gleda kao na čin terorizma.
Stanovnici grada Tiptona čuli su danas oko 13 sati jaku eksploziju i pronašli eksere u blizini džamije, navela je policija, dodajući da u eksploziji niko nije povređen.
Teren oko džamije je evakusian iz predostrožnosti.
U proteklih nekoliko sedmica, britanska policija je registrovala povećanje broja napada na džamije, preneo je AP.
Incident u Tiptonu počinjen je istog dana kada je sahranjen vojnik Li Rigbi, ubijen u maju u južnom delu Londona. Njegovo ubistvo podiglo je tenzije u britanskom društvu, a dvojica osumnjičenih za njegovu smrt, britanski muslimani, u novembru idu na suđenje.
Otkako je Rigbi ubijen, desničarska grupa Liga za odbranu Engleske (EDL) koja se žestoko protivi islamu, održavala je proteste na kojima su njene pristalice uzvikivale slogane kao što su: "Muslimanske ubice, sklonite se s naših ulica", navodi Rojters.
U Birmingemu je brojna muslimanska populacija, a prošlog meseca veći broj ljudi iz tog mesta smešten je u zatvor, jer su nameravali da skupove EDL napadnu bombama domaće izrade u kojima se nalaze ekseri.
EDL namerava da održi miting u Birmingemu naredne sedmice i za to mesto kaže da je "leglo" islamskog ekstremizma.
"Mi ne želimo da proteramo muslimane iz Birmingema, niti da iskorenimo muslimansku kulturu iz oblasti", saopštila je grupa EDL na svom veb-sajtu.
"Muslimani, u svakom slučaju, nastoje da nametnu svoje zakone i svoj sistem verovanja engleskom narodu, pokazujući pri tom nepoštovanje za britanski zakon i demokratiju. Naša vlada ne čini ništa, osim što finansira njihovu celokupnu operaciju", smatra EDL.
************************* Long live EDL !!!
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 21 kol 2013, 20:19 |
Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09 Postovi: 15513
sreda, 21. avg 2013, 16:46 -> 17:30
Moskva: Licemerje Londona
Velika Britanija prekršila sopstvena načela o ljudskim pravima, jer je primorala list "Gardijan" da uništi materijale bivšeg američkog obaveštajca Edvarda Snoudena, poručuju iz Moskve.
Rusija je optužila Veliku Britaniju da je prekršila sopstvena načela o ljudskim pravima time što je primorala dnevnik Gardijan da uništi kompjuterske fajlove sa informacijama bivšeg američkog obaveštajca Edvarda Snoudena.
"Mere koje su preduzele britanske vlasti prema listu Gardijan nisu u skladu s britanskim izjavama o posvećenosti univerzalnim standardima poštovanja ljudskih prava", rekao je portparol ruskog Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Aleksandar Lukaševič, preneo je Rojters.
Urednik Gardijana Alan Rasbridžer otkrio je pre nekoliko dana da je britanska vlada zapretila da će protiv tog lista, koji je objavljivao otkrića američkog "uzbunjivača" Snoudena, preduzeti pravne mere ukoliko ne uništi te poverljive dokumente ili ih preda u ruke britanskim službenim organima.
Rasbridžer je rekao da su redakciju Gardijana u Londonu posetila dva "stručnjaka za bezbednost" iz vladine Agencije za komunikacije, britanskog ekvivalenta američke Nacionalne bezbedosne agencije (NSA).
Državni agenti su u podrumu zgrade Gardijana zatim prisustvovali uništavanju hard diskova koji su sadržavali materijal koji je obezbedio Snouden, otkrio je Rasbridžer i dodao da se jedan od agenata zatim našalio: "Sad možemo da opozovemo dolazak helikoptera sa ljudima u crnom."
Britanske vlasti su prethodno više od devet sati na londonskom aerodromu držale Dejvida Mirandu, partnera Glena Grinvalda, novinara koji je u Gardijanu objavio niz dokumenata koje je dobio od Snoudena.
Moskva je, inače, odobrila privremeni azil Snoudenu, koga SAD tereti za špijunažu, odnosno otkrivanja podataka o tajnom programu NSA o nadzoru internet i telefonskih komunikacija u Americi i drugim državama.
_________________ + Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 21 kol 2013, 20:21 |
Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09 Postovi: 15513
POL_GASOL je napisao/la: A koliko su ih maltretirali mjesec, dva, pet, deset mjeseci? Punih 8(osam) GODINA, i to zbog niza propusta 2 ljevičarke i liberalke, koje su se oglušile na pozive u pomoć i prijave djevojaka i koje su na čelu policije i odbijaju dati ostavku
Joanna Simons left, Sara Thornton right
Ovo su ta chuda liberalnog morala... ona nece da doji dijete da ne bi imala prednost nad muzem, koliko je to posteno i neiskvareno, ove dopustile osam godina seksualnog zlostavljanja, a ostavka im na pamet ne pada... stoka...
_________________ + Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 21 kol 2013, 20:38 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Ali se zato dobro osjećaju same sa sobom!
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 27 kol 2013, 11:26 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Ethnic Minorities Could Decide the Next Election. If They Do, It’ll Be P45 Time for David Cameron Tim Wigmore, Telegraph (London), August 12, 2013 Operation Black Vote could well have ended the Tory summer cheer. Only 16 per cent of ethnic minorities voted for the Conservatives in 2010, compared to 68 per cent who voted for Labour. And, thanks to changing demographics and aggressive voter registration efforts – over 500 people registered to vote at an OBV event at a Church in Birmingham last week – the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) vote could be 20 per cent higher in 2015 than 2010. All of which is very bad news for the Conservatives. While the minority vote has traditionally been concentrated in urban Labour strongholds, it is increasingly migrating away from big city centres. Tory seats like North Warwickshire, Oxford West & Abingdon, Sherwood, Hove and Gloucester could all be lost to Labour thanks to nothing more than the growth of the BME vote. There are 61 Tory-held seats in which Labour are the main challengers and the BME vote is greater than the sitting MP’s majority. The only consolation for the Conservatives is that the Lib Dems, who have only ever had one ethnic minority MP, are even less popular among ethnic minorities.The Conservatives are becoming better at talking about their problem. Lord Ashcroft has implored the party to take the challenge of winning the BME vote seriously, and David Cameron has put Tory vice-chair Alok Sharma in charge of boosting the party’s appeal with ethnic minorities. There are now 11 Tory ethnic minority MPs, only five fewer than Labour. Theresa May has recently ordered a review of police stop and search powers, which minorities view as being more about racial profiling than stopping criminals. It is no exaggeration to say this could be the single most important stage in the Conservatives transforming their standing among ethnic minorities. Other Tories have called for greater urgency. Boris Johnson and Nadhim Zahawi support an amnesty on illegal immigrants. That’s exactly what Republicans are about to vote for in America after observing how demographic trends destroyed Mitt Romney’s campaign. But the case for an amnesty extends beyond politics. There are over half a million illegal immigrants in the UK; an amnesty would bring them into the tax system and, as Zahawi has argued, provide a significant economic boost. But a a combination of the vans stunt, and the bragging on the Home Office Twitter feed about the number of illegal immigrants arrested, may have undone any Tory gains made with ethnic minorities. Simon Woolley, Director of Operation Black Vote, says minorities feel that there is a “perception of demonisation of people of colour and that could have a negative effect at the ballot box”. Especially for the Conservatives: their race deficit is expected to cost them 20-40 seats in 2015. It does not have to be this way. The black newspaper The Voice last month asked “Is Labour Losing The Black Vote?”, a charge that will intensify after the debacle of Chris Bryant’s speech. As Woolley says of the BME community, “many are conservative with a small ‘c’ by instinct and there’s a growing affluent class.” If the Conservatives reform stop and search and invesitigate an amnesty for illegal immigrants, defeat by demographics is not inevitable. But they are making it too easy for Labour to hold on to the ethnic minority vote by default. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/timwi ... d-cameron/1. The destruction of Great Britain is nearly complete. Well done you "progressives". Millions of immigrants will now vote for more welfare and higher taxes. Fantastic. 2. I guess we need an Operation White Vote. 3. But that would be racist. Unlike Operation Black Vote, Operation Somalian and Nigerian Terrorist Vote, and Operation Bearded Hook-handed and Pyjama-wearing Vote. 4. If , heaven forbid, the numbers of Africans and Asians living in our land ever does exceed the number of indigenous Brits, I predict a horrible scenario. Firstly Britain as a country will no longer exist and secondly in true third world style the Blacks and Asians will fight between themselves for control of what is left. Multiracialism on a large scale never works, there always has to be a dominant race . The Africans and Asians residing in Britain are aware of that fact too ,so this will cause a bloodbath as each group tries to dominate the other. I have already witnessed pitched battles between Asian and African gangs in my own city. The msm ignore it and the police tend to play it down. 5. Thank goodness so many people are now waking up to the fact that our country is being handed over to alien cultures. The traitors in government are now so worried about the fact that the monopoly of control is slipping from their grasp, that they are now reduced to character assassination and other forms of dirty tricks. 6. In cities like Bradford, the native British will be disenfranchised to the point where they leave and take their business with them, and we will have third world lost civilisations on our hands like Detroit. 7. Why do we never hear of Operation White Vote? And why is Operation Black Vote even legal? 8. If we've reached the point where ethnic minorities are close to holding the balance of power then we're in deep trouble, because inevitably they will vote for parties and policies that strengthen their position and numbers. An amnesty might work once in securing their votes, but then what happens in 2020 when those now legalised migrants can also vote? The answer is that they will also vote for pro-migration parties and policies. It's the old problem of paying the Danegeld (or if you prefer, the newer problem of trying to compromise with Muslims): They always come back wanting more. 9. Whilst I could happily accept a Britain totally populated by indigenous Brits, I have to be pragmatic and therefore can live with the concept of a Britain that is 90% to 95% ethnic populated. I have no axe to grind with foreigners such as Africans and Asians so long as their numbers residing in my country are true minorities.The current situation however is that Britain is becoming so overwhelmed by their numbers that unless immediate drastic action is taken, within twenty or so years, we indigenous people will become a minority in our own land. 10. It was the very same well organised % of the Muslims block vote in France which won Hollande the election. Muslims and their block swing vote decide now who governs in France , and the rapid growth of Muslims in Europe will become increasingly the deciding factor of which party is elected and which govermental policies are implemented . 11. Minorities ( who will one day be majorities ) in the USA , Canada , Australia , and Europe vote mostly along racial/ religious identity lines on a basis of what is good for them, because they have a healthy sense of group identity in bucket loads , and they tend to vote for a candidate according to his ethnic roots and colour of his skin .In other words for them it is never considered controversial or " racist " to explicity vote along group identity lines, but any White politician to do the same as Blacks , Mexicans ; Jews , Asians and Muslims do and to proclaim that he represents the interests of the majority White population would have him condemned as a "far right wing White racial supremacist kunckle-dragging Nazi" . 12. So what you're saying, Tim, is that black and other ethnic minorities will deliberately and specifically vote on racial grounds to look after their own interests ? Not a lot of happy-clappy/ diverse / rainbow alliance / multi-cultural vibrancy on show in that little idea, is there ? I wonder what the BBC / Channel 4 / Unite Against Fascism have to say about it all ? 13. "Operation Black Vote" Strange that the liberal hand wavers and their puffed up sleb friends dont find that racist isnt it? 14. This is what happens when you sit back and watch socialists criticise our religion, damn our history, ridicule our heroes, deny our identity, give away our sovreignty, and open our borders. What you don't fight for you lose. 15. What is the difference between the BNP and the Labour party except that the BNP hates immigrants and the Labour party hates natives ? 16. That was Labour's plan when opening the doors. Uncontrolled mass immigration wasn't just due to incompetence, it was intended to give Labour a permanent majority in Parliament. 17. "Ethnic minorities" will no longer be minorities, if the traitors in the Lib/lab/Con brigade achieve their ultimate goal. 18. Europe will soon become one giant Pakistan. 19. Comment removed.
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
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Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 27 kol 2013, 11:29 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Najbolje ocijenjeni komentari ispod. Naravno valjda najbolji je uklonjen.
Vidjet ćemo kako to ide.
Ali da se prirodno stanište pandi naseli drugim živim bićima to bi liberale strašno pogodilo. No europski narodi mogu biti zamjenjeni drugima.
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
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Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 27 kol 2013, 11:59 |
Pridružen/a: 21 kol 2011, 16:34 Postovi: 15238 Lokacija: Misao svijeta
Konzervativci su se odlukama o gay brakovima totalno udaljili od svog standardnog birackog tijela. Rekao bih da je njihov silazak s vlasti i samaranje Camerona samo pitanje vremena. Osim ukoliko ne udju u koaliciju sa liberalima i BIPom te svrgnu Camerona unutar stranke .
_________________ Te kad mi jednom s dušom po svemiru se krene, Zaorit ću ko grom: O, gledajte ju divnu, vi zvijezde udivljene, To moj je, moj je dom!
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Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 27 kol 2013, 13:12 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
doc je napisao/la: Ethnic Minorities Could Decide the Next Election. If They Do, It’ll Be P45 Time for David Cameron
Mass Immigration Was the Left’s Revenge for ThatcherMargaret Thatcher couldn’t be elected today. It’s not just that she was a great woman and such people don’t come along every day. Rather, the British Left made sure of it by altering the electorate through mass immigration. This isn’t conspiracy mongering. Andrew Neather, a former Labour-party speechwriter, admitted in 2009 that the immigration boom engineered after 2000 was specifically intended to import a new people:
The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.
He said Labour’s relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to “open up the UK to mass migration” but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its “core working class vote”. As a result, the public argument for immigration concentrated instead on the economic benefits and need for more migrants. Peter Hitchens, Christopher’s smarter brother, wrote a devastating piece recently on the reason for the Left’s promotion of immigration:
When I was a Revolutionary Marxist, we were all in favour of as much immigration as possible.
It wasn’t because we liked immigrants, but because we didn’t like Britain. We saw immigrants—from anywhere—as allies against the staid, settled, conservative society that our country still was at the end of the Sixties.
Also, we liked to feel oh, so superior to the bewildered people—usually in the poorest parts of Britain—who found their neighbourhoods suddenly transformed into supposedly ‘vibrant communities’.
If they dared to express the mildest objections, we called them bigots.
None of this is unique to the U.K. Throughout the developed world, the Left uses mass immigration and lies about racism to bend the sovereign, patriotic nation-state to its will. And it does so with plenty of help from its accomplices on the corporate and libertarian right. http://www.amren.com/news/2013/04/mass- ... -thatcher/Nije da nas nisu upozorili.
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
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Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 29 kol 2013, 09:12 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
400 British Citizens Emigrate Every DayStephen Swinford, Telegraph (London), August 22, 2013 More than 400 British citizens are leaving the country every day in a drain on talent that is leading to the “disappearance” of skilled middle-class professionals, a senior Conservative MP has warned. According to the Office for National Statistics, the number of British citizens who have moved abroad has risen by a fifth under the Coalition, reaching 154,000 last year. Separate figures, published by the OECD, show that almost 1.3 million Britons with university-level education are living abroad, more than any other developed economy. According to the OECD, a total of 1.28million highly-skilled British citizens are now living abroad, significantly more than any other developed economy.
There are 865,000 highly-skilled German citizens living abroad, and almost 400,000 highly skilled US citizens who have chosen to emigrate.He said: “Why are we losing so many people from the pharmaceutical, aerospace and creative companies? It is because they feel they can get a higher quality of life, a better education for their children and a lower cost of living elsewhere. Almost one-in-10 British graduates from institutions such as Cambridge, Durham, Exeter and Oxford who found jobs in 2011 were working overseas. The rate jumped to 12 per cent among British students from St Andrews. http://www.amren.com/news/2013/08/400-b ... every-day/
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
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Naslov: Re: Velika Britanija Postano: 02 lis 2013, 23:10 |
Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09 Postovi: 15513
Sandžaklive javlja da je Mr. Bin prešao na islam! Zna li ko šta više o tome?
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