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 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 09:47 

Pridružen/a: 19 tra 2016, 11:56
Postovi: 888
Lokacija: Stockholm - Banja Luka
Carmello Šešelj je napisao/la:
Audrey je napisao/la:

No need to hold your breath. Use the Google and search for the jurisdiction in regards to the mentioned context. That would be enough for a start.

And just a friendly advice - don't try to argue in a patronizing way. It's so unsexy.

I wasn't trying to be sexy. I just wanted to hear from you what informations you have about regular Russian troops on Ukraine soil. That doesn't include Crimea, which Russia also didn't invade, since they had 20.000 soldiers in Crimea under the treaty that they have signed with Ukraine. Crimeans holded a referendum, and overwhelmingly voted to reunite with Russia. That wasn't an invasion. Neither is a war in Donbas a Russian invasion, since there are no Russian troops on the ground there, just the local inhabitants rebelling, as even the American government doesn't refute. Please give us the informations that we are unaware of, or pretty please, stop arguing just for argue sake.

Well, as I said before - you choose to ignore the facts that the Crimea was a part of Ukraine before the Russian invasion. By Ukrainian law secession is illegal. That's a fact, once again. And then we have The Budapest Memorandum - in '94 Ukraine and Russia entered a treaty where Russia would respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within its existing borders. Keep in mind that since 1950, there have been several attempts to grab land, and each of those has either been reversed, or the nation has been heavily condemned with the border change internationally unrecognized. But then again, you choose to believe that the annexation of Crimea was legal - do so. Still, I beg to differ.

“To write well and to speak well is mere vanity if one does not live well."

– Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373)

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 09:52 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:11
Postovi: 24244
Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Discuss the topic in English, please. Thank you.

Safe European Home

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 09:55 

Pridružen/a: 19 tra 2016, 11:56
Postovi: 888
Lokacija: Stockholm - Banja Luka
Agathonikos je napisao/la:
Audrey je napisao/la:
A sto se tice emigracije, po meni je logicno da rusofili radije idu u Rusiju nego na Zapad. No, ta ljubav je ocito samo teoretska i pomalo licemjerna. Ja sam inace mislila da su Srbi dosledni ljudi, a ovako mi kvarite iluzije. ;)

Rusofilija kod Srba nije uslovljena ni bogatstvom ni siromaštvom Rusije kao što je uslovljena vaša westofilija, gospođice Audrey. Da Zapad zavrne pipe ili da osiromaši do nivoa Zemalja trećeg svijeta, dupe biste mu se klanjali. Dakle, vaša westofilija je licemjerna, gospođice Audrey.

Ma naravno, licemjerstvo ne poznaje granice kod rusofila. Ja preferiram Zapad iznad Rusije. Ne govorim jedno, a radim drugo. Poput rusofila. Nikada u zivotu ne bih zivjela u Rusiji ako mogu da biram, a mogu. Vi govorite o drugim stvarima, i ako vec govorite o tim drugim stvarima - kak to da ne vidite da je Rusija takodjer osiromasila druge zemlje, ljude? Ponavljam se, ali zivite po nalogu duplih arsina.

“To write well and to speak well is mere vanity if one does not live well."

– Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373)

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 09:56 

Pridružen/a: 19 tra 2016, 11:56
Postovi: 888
Lokacija: Stockholm - Banja Luka
lider30 je napisao/la:
Discuss the topic in English, please. Thank you.

I agree.

“To write well and to speak well is mere vanity if one does not live well."

– Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373)

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 10:45 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Gospođice Audrey,


 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 11:18 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 40466
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
UkrBosna je napisao/la:
daramo, my post about the Tatars was somehow strangely circumcised. The fact that you copied more than the original post. There was another video about the Kuban Cossacks. I am sure that the Tatars have their national interests. But I think we have mutual understanding

I just cant justify use the suffering of other nation for political points in fights with russian annexation of Crimea.
When you love so much Tatars why you didnt give him autonomy as the Russians other muslim nations in Russian Federation?

I have a few questions UkrBosnia, I hope not too personal?
You are grecocatholic or orthodox Ukrainian?
From which part of Ukraine?

Do you support memberships of Ukraine in EU and NATO?
What you think about decentralized Ukraine with federal state Donbas and all right for Russian speakers?
What you think about political, cultural and financial autonomy for prorussian part of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblast?

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 12:06 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15513
Audrey je napisao/la:
Metemma je napisao/la:

Kalinjingrad nije ukraden već je uzet kao kazna i odšteta. Pa nisu Rusi Švabama što su Srbi Hrvatima...

Ma naravno, klasicna mantra. Sve je u redu ako to rade Rusi. Priberite se.

Let us get some facts straight:
- strategically very important area was about to be given to someone that is endangering interests of Russia, which is act of agression
- foreign forces were meddling into Ukraine and its government
- aerea was taken from Russia for no reason
- majority of population, meaning more then 90% wanted reunification with Russia
- area was confronted with terror and human rights violations from Kiev
- angry mob and neo Nazi were taking over in Kiev

And your explanation is "You support it just because Russians do it".

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 13:02 

Pridružen/a: 08 vel 2017, 06:00
Postovi: 59
Carmello Šešelj je napisao/la:
Audrey je napisao/la:

No need to hold your breath. Use the Google and search for the jurisdiction in regards to the mentioned context. That would be enough for a start.

And just a friendly advice - don't try to argue in a patronizing way. It's so unsexy.

I wasn't trying to be sexy. I just wanted to hear from you what informations you have about regular Russian troops on Ukraine soil. That doesn't include Crimea, which Russia also didn't invade, since they had 20.000 soldiers in Crimea under the treaty that they have signed with Ukraine. Crimeans holded a referendum, and overwhelmingly voted to reunite with Russia. That wasn't an invasion. Neither is a war in Donbas a Russian invasion, since there are no Russian troops on the ground there, just the local inhabitants rebelling, as even the American government doesn't refute. Please give us the informations that we are unaware of, or pretty please, stop arguing just for argue sake.

Сайт Миротворец

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 13:08 

Pridružen/a: 08 vel 2017, 06:00
Postovi: 59
I see on the forum do not understand that the Russian and Soviet are almost the same. Soviet people after the collapse of the Soviet Union began to call themselves Russians. Russian internationalism is dominant.

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 13:22 

Pridružen/a: 08 vel 2017, 06:00
Postovi: 59
daramo je napisao/la:
UkrBosna je napisao/la:
daramo, my post about the Tatars was somehow strangely circumcised. The fact that you copied more than the original post. There was another video about the Kuban Cossacks. I am sure that the Tatars have their national interests. But I think we have mutual understanding

I just cant justify use the suffering of other nation for political points in fights with russian annexation of Crimea.
When you love so much Tatars why you didnt give him autonomy as the Russians other muslim nations in Russian Federation?

I have a few questions UkrBosnia, I hope not too personal?
You are grecocatholic or orthodox Ukrainian?
From which part of Ukraine?

Do you support memberships of Ukraine in EU and NATO?
What you think about decentralized Ukraine with federal state Donbas and all right for Russian speakers?
What you think about political, cultural and financial autonomy for prorussian part of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblast?

I will not be a hypocrite about the Crimean Tatars. Before the annexation Ukrainians treated them neutrally, did not notice them. There were no significant conflicts between the population.

Orthodox, the West, as a child lived in the Crimea

More positive than negative

"What do you think about decentralized Donbas and all right for Russian speakers?"
I take a negative view. In the current situation, it is used for a hybrid war. I treat the Russian-speaking population well.

"What you think about political, cultural and financial autonomy for prorussian part of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblast?"
Controlled by Russia.

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 13:23 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 40466
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Can you explain us what Ukraine you support?
Unitary state, with geography regions and without autonomy for Russians?

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 13:30 

Pridružen/a: 08 vel 2017, 06:00
Postovi: 59
daramo, i support a democratic state. What do you mean by Russian? By this word, can mean Slavs, Soviet people and internationalists.

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 13:34 

Pridružen/a: 08 vel 2017, 06:00
Postovi: 59
There is a mythology about the Crimea. With facts and statistics. Maybe someone will be interested in reading
https://crimeaua1.wordpress.com/2017/03 ... yu-kryima/

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 16:35 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 40466
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
UkrBosna je napisao/la:
daramo, i support a democratic state. What do you mean by Russian? By this word, can mean Slavs, Soviet people and internationalists.

Unitary state can also be democratic.
Under Russians I mean all people in Ukraine who identify as a different ethnic group than Ukrainians, that is 17.3% population.

You have to be realistic, unfortunately Ukraine will never return Crimea.
Better russian influence in Donbas than Ukraine like russian puppet state.
Better autonomy republic Donbas than Donbas as part of Russia and annexed as Crimea.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 16:43 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
UkrBosna je napisao/la:
daramo, i support a democratic state. What do you mean by Russian? By this word, can mean Slavs, Soviet people and internationalists.

You should have think about it when you by force removed democratically elected President. Now it it too late, way too late.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 17:13 

Pridružen/a: 08 vel 2017, 06:00
Postovi: 59
daramo, Some Russians support Ukraine and believes that Russia has started a war. I think there is a chance.

BBC, mythology.

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 18:19 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15513
UkrBosna je napisao/la:
What do you mean by Russian? By this word, can mean Slavs, Soviet people and internationalists.

He does not know what "Russians" mean :smijeh
What a bunch of crap...

UkrBosna je napisao/la:
daramo, Some Russians support Ukraine and believes that Russia has started a war. I think there is a chance.

Oh, great, we know likes of those, know as daidže among Bosnian Croats and Alijini Srbi among Serbs, quislings :smijeh

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 27 ožu 2017, 19:53 

Pridružen/a: 19 tra 2016, 11:56
Postovi: 888
Lokacija: Stockholm - Banja Luka
Metemma je napisao/la:
Audrey je napisao/la:

Ma naravno, klasicna mantra. Sve je u redu ako to rade Rusi. Priberite se.

Let us get some facts straight:
- strategically very important area was about to be given to someone that is endangering interests of Russia, which is act of agression
- foreign forces were meddling into Ukraine and its government
- aerea was taken from Russia for no reason
- majority of population, meaning more then 90% wanted reunification with Russia
- area was confronted with terror and human rights violations from Kiev
- angry mob and neo Nazi were taking over in Kiev

And your explanation is "You support it just because Russians do it".

With all the respect, I do believe that your translation is quite poor indeed. The meaning of "Sve je u redu ako to rade Rusi" can not be translated as "You support it just because Russians do it". The correct translation would be something like this instead: "Everything is approvable as long as it is done by the Russians". And just to get the things stright (repetitio est mater studiorum) - once again you proved my point.

“To write well and to speak well is mere vanity if one does not live well."

– Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373)

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 28 ožu 2017, 00:22 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15513
Audrey je napisao/la:
With all the respect, I do believe that your translation is quite poor indeed. The meaning of "Sve je u redu ako to rade Rusi" can not be translated as "You support it just because Russians do it". The correct translation would be something like this instead: "Everything is approvable as long as it is done by the Russians".

Since you implied that we (Serbs) consider it acceptable if it is done by Russians, meaning is the same.
There is no need to translate word by word, actually, it is considered bad translating to do so.

And just to get the things stright (repetitio est mater studiorum) - once again you proved my point.

Like you had anything that resembles point in the first place :smijeh

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 28 ožu 2017, 00:58 

Pridružen/a: 19 tra 2016, 11:56
Postovi: 888
Lokacija: Stockholm - Banja Luka
Metemma je napisao/la:
Audrey je napisao/la:
With all the respect, I do believe that your translation is quite poor indeed. The meaning of "Sve je u redu ako to rade Rusi" can not be translated as "You support it just because Russians do it". The correct translation would be something like this instead: "Everything is approvable as long as it is done by the Russians".

Since you implied that we (Serbs) consider it acceptable if it is done by Russians, meaning is the same.
There is no need to translate word by word, actually, it is considered bad translating to do so.

And just to get the things stright (repetitio est mater studiorum) - once again you proved my point.

Metemma je napisao/la:
Like you had anything that resembles point in the first place :smijeh

Well, what can I say - you're obviously not a linguist, nor are you able to see the differences when it comes to some obvious things and sentences. However, I find it pretty unbelievable that any linguist would consider that these translated sentences have the same meaning. Since they don't. Yet, I do understand - you and your peers interpret things as the Devil interpret the Bible. Approximately. Anyhow, I did not expect you to get the point. It would be too much to ask for.

“To write well and to speak well is mere vanity if one does not live well."

– Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373)

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 28 ožu 2017, 01:08 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15513
Audrey je napisao/la:
Anyhow, I did not expect you to get the point. It would be too much to ask for.

Are you 11 or what?

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 29 ožu 2017, 08:24 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:11
Postovi: 24244
Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
I think the Ukrainians (whom I love as a people) are not yet aware of the fact, they were just a tool in then geostrategic game between USA and Russia.
The American support was fake and just for sake of provoking Russians and destabilizing the area close to Russia.

Viktor Yanukovych was a legally elected president and the election procedure was at the time at an acceptable democratic level, as far as I know? He has been removed from his presidency in a non-democratic way - political pressure through violence and turmoils on the Ukrainian streets.

Safe European Home

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 29 ožu 2017, 10:55 

Pridružen/a: 08 vel 2017, 06:00
Postovi: 59
February 22, 2014 the Parliament of Ukraine recognized as being unconstitutional manner withdrew from the exercise of constitutional powers, and is one that does not fulfill its obligations.

Russian and Ukrainian authorities cooperate with each other. The discontent and desire to terminate cooperation comes from Ukraine. The version of the coup is designed for the domestic consumer in Russia. Thus, it is easier to justify next actions to the public.

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 29 ožu 2017, 13:37 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:11
Postovi: 24244
Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
UkrBosna je napisao/la:
February 22, 2014 the Parliament of Ukraine recognized as being unconstitutional manner withdrew from the exercise of constitutional powers, and is one that does not fulfill its obligations.

Russian and Ukrainian authorities cooperate with each other. The discontent and desire to terminate cooperation comes from Ukraine. The version of the coup is designed for the domestic consumer in Russia. Thus, it is easier to justify next actions to the public.

It's always a better way to come to power through elections than through street. I'm sorry, I can't accept violent demonstrations and an apparent American (and American allies) meddling in internal affairs of Ukraine as a mean to come to power. Later, there were huge manipulations through the media and a significant influence of the American foundations.

It was some other more positive ways to affirm Ukrainian nationalism and the newly established national pride.

It's pity for the people who is very similar to us Croats.

Safe European Home

 Naslov: Re: Bosnia and Ukraine
PostPostano: 29 ožu 2017, 18:15 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Polish consulate in western Ukraine comes under rocket fire

http://abcnews.go.com/International/wir ... e-46440359

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