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 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 15:45 

Pridružen/a: 30 svi 2009, 23:01
Postovi: 19644
Ukrajina: Demonstranti zauzeli još jednu zgradu u Slavjansku

DONJECK – Proruski demonstranti su u subotu zauzeli još jednu zgradu u gradu Slavjansku na istoku Ukrajine, u kojoj se nalazi lokalno sjedište ukrajinske Državne bezbjednosti, navedeno je u saopštenju policije Ukrajine.

Nešto ranije je grupa od najmanje 20 naoruzzanih ljudi zauzela zgradu policije u Slavjansku, podsjetio je Reuters.

- Ista grupa ljudi je sada zauzela i zgradu Državne bezbjednosti u Slavjansku – navedeno je u saopštenju regionalne policije iz Donjecka.

Policija Kijeva navodi da je glavni cilj preuzimanja zgrade policije bilo uzimanje oružja, koje demonstranti daju učesnicima protesta u Slavjansku, dok je fotograf agencije Reuters naveo da na licu mjesta nije vidio napadače kako ikome dijele oružje.

Proruski demonstranti i dalje drže pod kontrolom ključne zgrade vlade u istočnoj Ukrajini, iako je premijer Arsenij Jacenjuk obećao veću autonomiju regiona.

Izvor: http://www.pobjeda.me/2014/04/12/ukrajina-demonstranti-zauzeli-jos-jednu-zgradu-u-slavjansku/#.U0lDJlWSx3o

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 16:35 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:11
Postovi: 24009
Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Majdanski scenarij na istoku zemlje. Baš neodoljivo podsjeća. Nemiri su otpočeli i polako "rastu" i šire se.

Safe European Home

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 17:11 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
lider30 je napisao/la:
Majdanski scenarij na istoku zemlje. Baš neodoljivo podsjeća. Nemiri su otpočeli i polako "rastu" i šire se.

Možda i krimski.


 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 17:28 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Na jugovostoku dolazi do naglih pojava prisustva naoružanih i maskiranih. Dosad se sve svodilo na vješanje ruskih zastava po adm. zgradama a ovo juče i danas uveliko liči na Krim uoči njegovog odlaska.


Primjetite ove na 1:50

Ili ove, na punktovima pred Slavjanskom

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 18:18 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Ipak, ovi se u odnosu na one na Krimu razlikuju po tome što je krimska vojska (bez oznaka) djelovala kao profesionalna vojska koja je mogla doći i iz Vladivostoka dok su ovi po Donbasu očito domaći. Rusiji nije u interesu daljnje rasturanje Ukrajine (pod uslovom da ne zarati) tako da mislim da su ovo samo pritisci na pučiste za razliku od Krima za kojeg se znalo da će otići.
Inače, širom Donbasa (7 miliona stanovnika) se upada u policijske objekte pa se danas ušlo i u Donjecku a i gradovima Krasnoarmejsk, Kramatorsk, Družkovka, uz gore pominjani Krasnij Liman.

Danas sam zvao svog prijatelja gospodina Arsenija ali opet se ne javlja.
Mora da je velika frka među pučistima čim nema vremena da se javi svom prijatelju, gospodinu Agi :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 19:51 

Pridružen/a: 30 svi 2009, 23:01
Postovi: 19644
Ukrajina odbrojava: Ruski avioni spremni za dejstvo

„Migovi“ i „suhoji“, jurišni helikopteri, tenkovi i borbena vozila, deo su ruskog arsenala na granici Ukrajine.

Anders Fog Rasmusen, generalni sekretar NATO, zatražio je od Rusije da povuče svojih 40.000 vojnika sa granice i uključi se u dijalog uz poštovanje suvereniteta Ukrajine, nakon što je Alijansa objavila satelitske snimke koji dokazuju rusko vojno prisustvo. Na snimcima od 26. marta kod ruskog grada Belgoroda, na oko 40 kilometara od ukrajinske teritorije, vide se delovi motorizovanog pešadijskog puka, transportni helikopteri „mil mi-8“ i borbeni „mi-24“. Tu su i tenkovi i borbena pešadijska vozila, kao i dostavna i prevozna vozila.

Na drugoj grupi satelitskih snimaka načinjenih 27. marta iznad Novočerkaska takođe su prikazani delovi motorizovanog pešadijskog puka, a NATO „pretpostavlja“ da se vide i antitenkovski bataljon i artiljerija.

Satelitski snimci od 22. marta u blizini luke Jejsk, na samo 20 kilometara od ukrajinskog vazdušnog prostora, prikazuju četiri borbena aviona „su-33“ i avion za rano upozoravanje, dok se na onim svežijim od 2. aprila vide borbeni avioni „su-27“, „su-30“, „su-24“ i MiG-31 u nekada napuštenoj vazdušnoj bazi Buturlinovka na 150 kilometara od ukrajinske granice.

Neimenovani predstavnik Ministarstva odbrane Rusije međutim tvrdi za agenciju Itar-Tas da su strani inspektori više puta leteli nad pograničnim teritorijama Rusije i Ukrajine i mogli da se uvere da nikakve koncentracije vojne tehnike u tim oblastima nema.

Satelitski snimci kojima se potkrepljuju NATO tvrdnje on ocenjuje kao „ekstravagantnu inicijativu“ Filipa Bridlava, glavnokomandujućeg Združenih oružanih snaga NATO u Evropi. Izvor iz ruske vojske navodi da NATO ovim pokušava na svaki način da opravda povećanje rashoda i razmeštanje dodatnih grupa u istočnom delu Evrope.

- Danas i đaci znaju da je iz satelita moguće videti broj automobilske tablice, a ne „iznenadno“ primetiti vojsku od 40.000 pripadnika u „žbunju“ - naveo je izvor Itar-Tasa.

On kaže da tokom marta i aprila 2014. „predstavnici Ukrajini ne samo da su preleteli, već i prošli automobilima rutama kojim su želeli, posetivši vojne jedinice koje su se nalazili na planskim aktivnostima na terenu“.

Sergej Lavrov, ruski šef diplomatije, smatra da je stabilnost Evrope pod pretnjom zbog rasta antiruskih osećanja vezanih za krizu u Ukrajini.

Ova kriza izazvala je najgoru krizu u odnosima Istoka i Zapada od kraja hladnog rata.

„SAD čitaju tuđa pisma“

Vladimir Putin, predsednik Rusije, nazvao je čudnim reagovanje Vašingtona na njegovo pismo liderima EU. Sve je to pomalo čudno jer nije lepo čitati pisma upućena na adrese drugih ljudi. Pismo nije poslato Amerikancima, već evropskim kupcima našeg gasa, rekao je Putin.

Izvor: http://www.blic.rs/Vesti/Svet/457352/Ukrajina-odbrojava-Ruski-avioni-spremni-za-dejstvo

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 20:07 

Pridružen/a: 16 sij 2013, 14:46
Postovi: 8164
Lokacija: Republic of Srpska
Svaka čast ruskom narodu u Ukrajini, nevjerovatna količina ponosa i snage.. Bravo.
Što se kvazi Vlade Ukrajine tiče iz dana u dan su sve komičniji i jadniji.


 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 20:28 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
storaB je napisao/la:
Što se kvazi Vlade Ukrajine tiče iz dana u dan su sve komičniji i jadniji.

Danas im se narugao i jedan ruski pilot. Nadletio je okupljene u Lugansku i pozdravio ih mahanjem krila.

Bila bi fora da pilot NATO-a uzvrati, nadleti Kijev i pozdravi majdansku ekipu.
Još veća fora bi bila da Rusi nakon toga uđu tenkovima u Ukrajinu. Šta mislite da li bi ovi uzvratili? Ja mislim da bi, kao što su uzvratili u Gruziji :D
Ovo je bilo perfidno ruganje i pučistima i mentorima im.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 20:38 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108339
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Rusi su to dobro odigrali. Dobili istok, sad će EU platiti i ukrajinski dug za plin.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 20:45 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108339
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Lider koji će nas povesti u rat. Trećina Europljana nikad čula za njega, druga trećina pojma nema kojem plemenu pripada.


Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 21:10 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА

Fotografija sa najavljivanog okupljanja pristalica jedinstvene Ukrajine u Harkovu.
Mene interesuje šta podrazumijevaju pod tim?
I federalizovana Ukrajina je jedinstvena a opet s druge strane, postoje i oni koji se okupljaju baš zbog potrebe za tom federalizacijom, kako bi njom zaštitili svoja prava.

Ako među ovima ima i pristalica rigidnih tumačenja nečijih prava, poput tzv. Desnog sektora, onda im neće biti lako ako se zagužva. Koliko vidim, osim nenapadnog broja ukrajinskih zastava, nema i onih koje bi ukazivale na prisustvo takvih a koji su u tim krajevima redovno izvlačili deblji kraj.

Čitao sam da su se ka Harkovu zaputili i ti iz tzv. Desnog sektora ali ih je na putu zaustavila policija iz Harkova i Poltave. A možda i nisu trebali :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 21:15 

Pridružen/a: 09 vel 2010, 20:22
Postovi: 5970
Idemo na Moskvu

Neki Fadil

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 21:19 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108339
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Bečo jes ti rođen glup ili ti to samo hoby.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 21:19 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108339
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Obama’s Sleepwalk Toward War


Does Obama realize that he is leading the US and its puppet states to war with Russia and China, or is Obama being manipulated into this disaster by his neoconservative speech writers and government officials? World War 1 (and World War 2) was the result of the ambitions and mistakes of a very small number of people. Only one head of state was actually involved–the President of France.

In The Genesis of the World War, Harry Elmer Barnes shows that World War 1 was the product of 4 or 5 people. Three stand out: Raymond Poincare, President of France, Sergei Sazonov, Russian Foreign Minister, and Alexander Izvolski, Russian Ambassador to France. Poincare` wanted Alsace-Lorraine from Germany, and the Russians wanted Istanbul and the Bosphorus Strait, which connects the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. They realized that their ambitions required a general European war and worked to produce the desired war.

A Franco-Russian Alliance was formed. This alliance became the vehicle for orchestrating the war. The British government, thanks to the incompetence, stupidity, or whatever of its Foreign Minister, Sir Edward Grey, was pulled into the Franco-Russian Alliance. The war was started by Russia’s mobilization. The German Kaiser, Wilhelm II, was blamed for the war despite the fact that he did everything possible to avoid it.

Barnes’ book was published in 1926. His reward for confronting the corrupt court historians with the truth was to be accused of being paid by Germany to write his history. Eighty-six years later historian Christopher Clark in his book, The Sleepwalkers, comes to essentially the same conclusion as Barnes.

In the history I was taught the war was blamed on Germany for challenging British naval supremacy by building too many battleships. The court historians who gave us this tale helped to set up World War 2.

We are again on the road to World War. One hundred years ago the creation of a world war by a few had to be done under the cover of deception. Germany had to be caught off guard. The British had to be manipulated and, of course, people in all the countries involved had to be propagandized and brainwashed.

Today the drive to war is blatantly obvious. The lies are obvious, and the entire West is participating, both media and governments.

The American puppet, Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper, brazenly lied on Canadian TV that Russian President Putin had invaded Crimea, threatened Ukraine, and was restarting the Cold War. The host of the TV program sat and nodded his head in agreement with these bald-faced lies.

The script that Washington handed to its Canadian puppet has been handed to all of Washington’s puppets, and everywhere in the West the message is the same. “Putin invaded and annexed Crimea, Putin is determined to rebuild the Soviet Empire, Putin must be stopped.”

I hear from many Canadians who are outraged that their elected government represents Washington and not Canadians, but as bad as Harper is, Obama and Fox “News” are worse.

On March 26 I managed to catch a bit of Fox “news.” Murdoch’s propaganda organ was reporting that Putin was restoring the Soviet era practice of exercise. Fox “news” made this report into a threatening and dangerous gesture toward the West. Fox produced an “expert,” whose name I caught as Eric Steckelbeck or something like that. The “expert” declared that Putin was creating “the Hitler youth,” with a view toward rebuilding the Soviet empire.

The extraordinary transparent lie that Russia sent an army into Ukraine and annexed Crimea is now accepted as fact everywhere in the West, even among critics of US policy toward Russia.

Obama, whose government overthrew the democratically elected government in Ukraine and appointed a stooge government that has threatened the Russian provinces of Ukraine, falsely accuses Putin of “invading and annexing” Crimea.

Obama, or his handlers and programers, are relying on the total historical ignorance of Western peoples. The ignorance and gullibility of Western peoples allows the American neoconservatives to fashion “news” that controls their minds.

Obama recently declared that Washington’s destruction of Iraq–up to one million killed, four million displaced, infrastructure in ruins, sectarian violence exploding, a country in total ruins–is nowhere near as bad as Russia’s acceptance of Crimean self-determination. US Secretary of State John Kerry actually ordered Putin to prevent the referendum and stop Crimeans from exercising self-determination.

Obama’s speech on March 26 at the Palace of Fine Arts in Brussels is surreal. It is beyond hypocrisy. Obama says that Western ideals are challenged by self-determination in Crimea. Russia, Obama says, must be punished by the West for permitting Crimeans to exercise self-determination. The return of a Russian province on its own volition to its mother country where it existed for 200 years is presented by Obama as a dictatorial, anti-democratic act of tyranny. http://on.rt.com/sbzj4o

Here was Obama, whose government has just overthrown the elected, democratic government of Ukraine and substituted stooges chosen by Washington in the place of the elected government, speaking of the hallowed ideal that “people in nations can make their own decisions about their future.” That is exactly what Crimea did, and that is exactly what the US coup in Kiev contravened. In the twisted mind of Obama, self-determination consists of governments imposed by Washington.

Here was Obama, who has shredded the US Constitution, speaking of “individual rights and rule of law.” Where is this rule of law? It is certainly not in Kiev where an elected government was overthrown with force. It is certainly not in the United States where the executive branch has spent the entirety of the new 21st century establishing government above the law. Habeas corpus, due process, the right to open trials and determination of guilt by independent jurors prior to imprisonment and execution, and the right to privacy have all been overturned by the Bush/Obama regimes. Torture is against US and international law; yet Washington set up torture prisons all over the globe.

How is it possible that the representative of the war criminal US government can stand before an European audience and speak of “rule of law,” “individual rights,” “human dignity,” “self-determination,” “freedom,” without the audience breaking out in laughter?

Washington is the government that invaded and destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq on the basis of lies. Washington is the government that financed and organized the overthrow of the Libyan and Honduran governments and that is currently attempting to do the same thing to Syria and Venezuela. Washington is the government that attacks with drones and bombs populations in the sovereign countries of Pakistan and Yemen.

Washington is the government that has troops all over Africa. Washington is the government that has surrounded Russia, China, and Iran with military bases. It is this warmongering collection of Washington war criminals that now asserts that it is standing up for international ideals against Russia.

No one applauded Obama’s nonsensical speech. But for Europe to accept such blatant lies from a liar without protest empowers the momentum toward war that Washington is pushing.

Obama demands more NATO troops to be stationed in Eastern Europe to “contain Russia.” Obama said that a buildup of military forces on Russia’s borders would reassure Poland and the Baltic states that, as NATO members, they will be protected from Russian aggression. This nonsense is voiced by Obama despite the fact that no one expects Russia to invade Poland or the Baltic countries.

Obama doesn’t say what effect the US/NATO military buildup and numerous war games on Russia’s border will have on Russia. Will the Russian government conclude that Russia is about to be attacked and strike first? The reckless carelessness of Obama is the way wars start.

Declaring that “freedom isn’t free,” Obama is putting pressure on Western Europe to pony up more money for a military buildup to confront Russia.

The position of the government in Washington and its puppet states (Eastern and Western Europe, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Georgia, Japan) and other allies purchased with bagfuls of money is that Washington’s violation of international law by torturing people, by invading sovereign countries on totally false pretenses, by routinely overthrowing democratically elected governments that do not toe the Washington line is nothing but the “indispensable and exceptional country” bringing “freedom and democracy to the world.” But Russia’s acceptance of the self-determination of Crimean people to return to their home country is “a violation of international law.”

Just what international law has Washington and its puppets not violated?

Obama, whose government in the past few years has bullied Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Lebanon, Iran, Honduras, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Venezuela and is now trying to bully Russia, actually declared that “bigger nations can not simply bully smaller ones.” What does Obama and his speech writers think Washington has been doing for the entirety of the 21st century?

Who can possibly believe that Obama, whose government is responsible for the deaths of people every day in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and Syria, cares a whit about democracy in Ukraine. Obama overthrew the Ukrainian government in order to be able to stuff the country into NATO, throw Russia out of its Black Sea naval base, and put US missile bases in Ukraine on Russia’s border. Obama is angry that his plan didn’t pan out as intended, and he is taking his anger and frustration out on Russia.

As the delusion takes hold in Washington that the US represents idealism standing firmly against Russian aggression, delusion enabled by the presstitute media, the UN General Assembly vote, and Washington’s string of puppet states, self-righteousness rises in Washington’s breast.

With rising self-righteousness will come more demands for punishing Russia, more demonization of Russia and Putin, more lies echoed by the presstitutes and puppets. Ukrainian violence against Russian residents is likely to intensify with the anti-Russian propaganda. Putin could be forced to send in Russian troops to defend Russians.

Why are people so blind that they do not see Obama driving the world to its final war?

Just as Obama dresses up his aggression toward Russia as idealism resisting selfish territorial ambitions, the English, French, and Americans presented their World War 1 “victory” as the triumph of idealism over German and Austrian imperialism and territorial ambitions. But at the Versailles Conference the Bolsheviks (the Tsar’s government failed to gain the Straits and instead lost the country to Lenin) “revealed the existence of the notorious Secret Treaties embodying as sordid a program of territorial pilfering as can be found in the history of diplomacy. It appears that the chief actual motives of the Entente in the World War were the seizure of Constantinople and the Straits for Russia; not only the return of Alsace-Lorraine to France, but the securing of the west bank of the Rhine, which would have involved the seizure of territory historically far longer connected with Germany than Alsace-Lorraine had ever been with France; the rewarding of Italian entry into the War by extensive territory grabbed away from Austria and the Jugo-Slavs; and the sequestering of the German imperial possessions, the acquisition of the German merchant marine and the destruction of the German navy in the interest of increasing the strength of the British Empire” (Barnes, pp. 691-692).

The American share of the loot was seized German and Austrian investments in the US.

The secret British, Russian, and French aims of the war were hidden from the public, which was whipped up with fabricated propaganda to support a war whose outcomes were far different from the intentions of those who caused the war. People seem unable to learn from history. We are now witnessing the world again being led down the garden path by lies and propaganda, this time in behalf of American world hegemony.

Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. Roberts’ How the Economy Was Lost is now available from CounterPunch in electronic format. His latest book is How America Was Lost.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 21:20 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Kum Bečo je napisao/la:
Idemo na Moskvu

Pripazite da ne skončate u Berlinu s Moskovljanima na plećkama :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 21:34 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
U Lugansku već noćas očekuju napad na okupirane zgrade :D

Pristaše federalizacije i oružane skupine koje su preuzele vladine zgrade u istočnom ukrajinskom gradu Lugansk ističu kako već noćas očekuju napad snaga sigurnosti i interventne policije. Jedan od lidera pro-ruske skupine tvrdi kako može u svakom trenutku okupiti i do 10,000 ljudi koji će braniti zauzete zgrade. Unutar samih zgrada u ovom trenutku se navodno nalazi između 600 i 1,000 ljudi.

Ovo forsira gospodin Arsen (Avakov), tzv. ministar unutrašnjih poslova Malorusije, inače rođen u Bakuu (Azerbejdžan), Jermen po nacionalnosti.
Neda mi se provjeravati ali mislim da je iz tabora nuklearne napadačice na Rusiju i Ruse u Malorusiji, gospođice Julije (poluJermenke koja priča ruski), pokakam joj se u pletenicu :D


gospodin Arsen

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 21:54 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Inače, ovim proruskim aktivistima je na raspolaganju širok spektar pravljenja budalama pučista i njihovih snaga (ne)reda. Recimo, da sam vožd jedne takve grupe naoružanih i maskiranih, išao bih od grada do grada po jugovostoku i upadao u adm. i policijske zgrade i baš kad oni trebaju doći da te zgrade povrate, ja bih sa svojom grupom prijatelja nestao i pojavio se u susjednom gradu pa bismo po njihovom dolasku nestali i otud i tako u krug dok totalno ne polipsaju :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 22:06 

Pridružen/a: 16 sij 2013, 14:46
Postovi: 8164
Lokacija: Republic of Srpska
Komedija svega mi. Rusi se poigravaju i rade što im volja.
Raduje me što je svijest kod ogromnog dijela ukrajinskog naroda na najvišem mogućem stepenu i shvataju i oni da sva ona kukavička politika Kijeva je zapravo politika Zapada, politika interesa isključivo zadovoljavanja EU, nikako običnog Ukrajinca.


 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 22:11 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108339
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Zar oni ne kuže da Krim više nikad neće vratiti. Rusija je sad obvezna to braniti svom silom svoje armije i nuklearnim oružjem ako zatreba. Sad je to u ruskom ustavu i zakonu.

Mislim na Kijev. Obama i NATO lešinari su toga svjesni. Ali ako preko leđa Ukrajinaca mogu Rusima izbiti koju milijardu i oslikati ih kao negativce u svijetu oni će to rado uraditi.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 22:25 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108339
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Ukraine’s IMF Deal

On March 27, 2014, the IMF released the broad outlines of its terms and conditions for loans and other measures for the Ukrainian economy. What those terms and conditions mean is less a rescue of the Ukrainian economy than the onset of a Greece-like economic depression for the Ukrainian populace.

Ukraine’s economy had clearly entered a recession, its third since 2008, sometime in the latter half of 2013. Some recent estimates of the likely contraction of the economy in 2014-15 have ranged from 5%-15% in GDP decline.

The ‘IMF Standby Agreement with Ukraine’ text released March 27, acknowledges the current severe economic instability of the Ukrainian economy. What it fails to acknowledge, however, is how the IMF package will further adversely impact that economy.

The IMF deal calls for $14-$18 billion in IMF financial support provided over the next two years, 2014-15. Another potential $9 billion reportedly will come from other countries, although in yet unspecified form. The European Bank for Reconstruction & Development apparently will provide $2 billion of that $9 billion. Presumably the US aid package of around $1-$2 billion now currently working its way through the US Congress represents another element of the $9 billion. The remaining $5 of the $9 billion non-IMF funding is yet unidentified.

The $27 billion total is well in excess of the $15 billion that was being talked about in prior weeks by the public press and more than the $20 billion Ukraine had asked the IMF for at the end of 2013—an indication that the economy has been deteriorating more rapidly than reported since the beginning of 2014.

In previous articles on the Ukraine economic situation a few weeks ago, this writer estimated that at least $50 billion would be needed to stabilize the Ukraine’s economy over the next two years. That figure may even rise by 2015.

The IMF Statement of March 27 addresses what it considers the most important economic weaknesses of the Ukrainian economy that require immediate and focused attention. Those weaknesses include the Ukraine’s current trade deficit, its rapidly declining international currency reserves, its fiscal budget deficit, and the budget deficit of its state-owned national gas company, Naftogaz.

The IMF estimates that the Ukraine’s trade deficit (exports minus imports) at around 9% of GDP ($17 billion a year) is due to Ukraine’s stagnating exports. What the IMF proposes in order to resolve this is to allow Ukraine’s currency to continue to ‘float more freely’. The Ukraine currency so far in 2014 has already fallen 26% to the dollar. So the idea is to allow the currency to decline still further. In theory, that will make Ukrainian exports more competitive and in turn reduce the trade deficit. The problem is it will also result in a sharp rise in the cost of imports and therefore inflation for Ukrainian households. The IMF policy of promoting further currency decline, in other words, will mean even more domestic inflation, primarily impacting households, and therefore less spending by households on other goods and services.

Allowing the currency to decline further also suggests that IMF policy is for the Ukrainian central bank not to intervene aggressively in coming months to prop up the currency in global markets. That releases more of the IMF funds to service debt payments to western banks for the current and past loans. As the IMF statement indicates, “large foreign debt repayments loom in 2014-15.” The amount of debt payments due is estimated at $6.2 billion. So Ukrainian households will in part pay for the debt payments to western banks by having to adjust to higher inflation and reduce their real spending.

Given that $6.2 billion of the $27 billion IMF total package will go to servicing debt payments to the west, it also means that only around potentially $21 billion of the IMF total bailout remains to stimulate the Ukrainian economy. But the key word here is ‘potentially’, since much less than the $21 billion will actually go into the economy—and will be offset by far more ‘taken out’ per the IMF deal.

A $21 billion net IMF injection is an economic illusion. Here’s why.

First, the Ukraine’s economy will decline as a result of the IMF package because IMF measures require major changes in Ukraine’s monetary and fiscal policies that will in net terms slow, not stimulate, the Ukrainian economy.

For example, the IMF statement calls for monetary policy that targets “domestic price stability while maintaining a flexible exchange rate”. What that means is that the central bank, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), will be required by the IMF to reduce the Ukraine’s money supply and thus raise domestic interest rates, as part of “an inflation targeting framework over the next twelve months to firmly anchor inflation expectations.” Minus the economic jargon, what that means is that the NBU and IMF policy raising interest rates will slow the economy in order to offset expected inflationary pressures from imports that will occur from a further currency decline. That interest rate hike policy designed to offset expected import inflation will further slow the real economy. And that translates into a further loss of jobs as businesses cut back production due to rising interest costs.

But that’s not the half of it. IMF measures will not only result in rising import inflation, but will produce even greater inflationary pressures as a result of IMF-dictated terms related to Ukraine’s natural gas. Estimates are that natural gas prices will increase by 79% as a result of the IMF-dictated 50% increase in gas prices. Simultaneously, as gas prices escalate gas subsidies to households will be totally phased out over the next two years, according to the IMF deal.

It has been reported that gas subsidies to households are equivalent to 7.5% of Ukraine’s GDP. So eliminating gas subsidies means a reduction in consumption of $6.5 billion a year, as households will have to reduce other consumption to pay now for the gas price hikes and the total phase out of gas subsidies.

That phase out of gas subsidies and 79% increase in gas prices means a $13 billion cut in real consumption over two years, 2014-15. That $13 billion reduces the remaining $21 billion of the IMF package still further, leaving only $8 billion in potential net remaining stimulus for the real economy from the IMF deal. However, that’s still not the entire picture of the IMF deal negative impact on the Ukrainian economy.

The IMF deal also calls for ‘Fiscal Policy’ reforms, or what it calls the need to “implement deeper fiscal adjustment” that will “reduce the fiscal deficit to around 2.5% of GDP by 2016.” That 2.5% budget cut represents another $4.5 billion in combined annual Ukrainian government spending cuts (and/or tax hikes), presumably in each of the next two years.

The spending cuts will no doubt come out of government job reductions and wage cuts for remaining government workers. It will also undoubtedly include deep cuts to the pension system affecting all retirees, which some estimate will mean cuts in pensions by up to 50% by 2016. It is possible that the $4.5 to $9 billion in government deficit reduction over the next 1 to 2 years will mean sales tax hikes for consumer households as taxes are cut for businesses, since the IMF statement of March 27 also calls for “measures to facilitate VAT (value added tax) refunds to businesses”.

In its March 27 statement the IMF has not spelled out the required job, wage, and pension cuts specifically. It is clearly waiting for the Ukrainian interim government to inflict those economic wounds on itself and the Ukrainian people, following which the IMF Management and Executive Board will approve the offered deal.

To summarize, the IMF deal of March 27 calls for paying western banks and lenders $6.5 billion over the next two years in debt servicing payments. It additionally requires the reduction of household gas subsidies by another $13 billion plus the total phase out of gas subsidies. And it indirectly calls for the Ukrainian government to cut spending by at least $8 billion (2.5% of GDP) over the next two years—in the form of cuts in government jobs, wage cuts for government workers, and pension payment reductions of a likely 50% for retirees in general.

Add all that up, and not surprisingly it’s around $27 billion. That’s $27 billion of economic spending and stimulus taken out of the Ukrainian real economy per the IMF deal. In other words, just about the $27 billion that the IMF purportedly will provide to the GDP per the March 27 announcement. Which means Ukrainian households will pay for the IMF’s $27 billion package with higher gas prices, elimination of gas subsidies, government job and wage cuts, and big pension payment reductions.

But $27 billion is not really an ‘even trade off’. It’s really a net negative stimulus for Ukraine due to the composition of the IMF deal. Keep in mind, the $6.2 billion in debt servicing payments outflow to the west will have absolutely no positive impact on Ukraine’s GDP. So, first of all, it’s really only the IMF net $21 billion ‘’in” vs. the Ukrainian $27 billion taken “out” of the economy per IMF requirements. But even $21 billion ‘in’ vs. $27 billion ‘out’ is not the true net estimate.

The $27 billion taken out reflects a household consumer spending ‘multiplier effect’ that is much larger than the $21 billion net domestic Ukraine injection by the IMF. If one assumes a conservative 1.5 multiplier effect, the amount taken out of the Ukrainian economy is more like $40 billion over the next two years—a massive sum given that the Ukraine’s GDP in 2012 was no more than $175 and was flat to stagnant in 2013. Of course, the $40 billion ‘out’ is adjusted by the $21 billion ‘in’ and its multiplier effect. But while the $40 billion ‘out’ will definitely occur, there is no guarantee the full $21 billion IMF injection “in” will actually happen in turn.

Some of that $21 billion will no doubt be ‘put aside’ by the Ukrainian central bank to replenish its foreign currency reserves, today at around only $10 billion or less. Some of it will be used to assist Ukrainian businesses to purchase European imports of intermediate goods, projected to rise in cost significantly as Ukraine’s currency continues to decline. And some of it will go to loans from the NBU to Ukrainian businesses that will hoard the cash and not use it to expand production. All this means that probably no more than half the $21 billion IMF net injection will actually affect the real Ukrainian economy. Given these ‘leakages’, the multiplier effects of the IMF injections will no doubt prove to be negative. It is not unreasonable to assume no more than a net $10 billion of the IMF’s $21 billion will get into the Ukraine’s real economy as a stimulus.

That leaves no more than a $10 billion net stimulus over the next two years, offset by a ‘multiplier’ of $40 billion reduction in the real economy over the next two years. A net reduction in Ukraine’s GDP of $30 billion in the next two years, or about $15 billion a year, represents a cumulative decline in GDP of at least 18%. And that’s a Greece-like Depression.

By absorbing the Ukrainian economy into the Eurozone, the latter is in effect taking under its economic wing yet another ‘Greece’ and ‘Spain’. And as in the case of those latter economies, those who will pay will not be the bankers and multinational businessmen, but the Ukrainian people. But that is the essential and repeated history and legacy of IMF deals globally for the last three decades.

Dr. Jack Rasmus is author of the 2010 and 2012 books, “Epic Recession: Prelude to Global Depression” and “Obama’s Economy: Recovery for the Few”, Pluto Presss, 2010 and 2012. He hosts the weekly radio show, ‘Alternative Visions’, on the Progressive Radio Network in the USA. His website is www.kyklosproductions.com and his blog is jackrasmus.com. His twitter handle is @drjackrasmus.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 22:26 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108339
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Ne trebaju im Rusi neprijatelji pored ovoga. No dobro što se posudilo to se mora vratiti sa kamatama.
Trefit će ih galopirajuća inflacija kao Jugoslaviju.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 23:19 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Naišao sam na vijest da se u Kramatorsku, gradu na jugovostoku gdje su maskirani upali u zgradu policije, već puca. Ko na koga i ima li žrtava, ne zna se. Usput sam pročitao da ka Donjecku kreće jedna od spec. tenkovskih divizija za koju su Američani ovih dana govorili da je locirana nadomak granice. Opisivali su je kao jednu od onih bez kojih je defile na Crvenom trgu nezamislim. Pređe li granicu, eto Ukrajine u grdnom problemu.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 12 tra 2014, 23:55 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108339
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Bilo je malo, policija se branila dok ih nisu istjerali. Pustili su ih. Grad za gradom policijske stanice padaju u ruke Rusa. Prava narodna i demokratska revolucija.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 13 tra 2014, 00:04 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Mada, možda je i dezinformacija jer Američani su se ovih danaa kao i ranije toliko nalagali da su jedan dan tvrdili da se uz granicu nalazi 300 hiljada a drugi dan 50 hiljada ruskih vojnika. Vole srati i preuveličavati kako bi ove jadovane iz EU što više vezali uz sebe i jebali ih u mozak izdegenerisani ruskom prijetnjom po njihove granice.

Ovo je iz Kramatorska, ako je bilo pucnjave, vjerovatno je snimak poslije nje ako je tačno to što pišete, gospodine BBC.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 13 tra 2014, 00:04 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108339
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Ako su ovo lokalci ja ću ruku odrezati.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

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