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Tko će pobijediti u američkim predsjedničkim izborima?
1. Hillary Clinton 22%  22%  [ 10 ]
2. Donald Trump 78%  78%  [ 36 ]
Ukupno glasova : 46
Autor/ica Poruka
 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2015, 13:32 

Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41
Postovi: 9853
Jao... Gledao sam uživo. Trump je pokupio svu pažnju... Prepirke njega i Jeba Busha su bile najbolji dio. Čovjeka boli ***, prirodan je. Ali ono s facom od one žene... I think she has a beautiful face... bla bla :D

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2015, 13:46 

Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 01:05
Postovi: 22970
Tuta je napisao/la:
Ja sam napravio ovakav scenarij u glavi.

Za republikanskog kandidata biti će izabran netko umjeren, na koga republikanci računaju da može odnijeti velik broj glasova kod neodlučnih, pa i od demokrata. To je vjerojatno Jeb Bush ili John Kasich. Iako je Donald Trump vrlo popularan, smatram da on nikako ne može biti republikanski kandidat, jer će osigurati isključivo glasove 'desnice'. Nakon što Bush ili Kasich budu izabrani kao republikanski kandidat, Trump, koji je snažan igrač i poduzetnik, će voditi neovisnu predsjedničku utrku.

Trump će republikancima oduzeti 'sigurne' glasove 'desnice', i olakšati demokratskom kandidatu izbornu pobjedu. Vjerojatno će se radit o Hillary Clinton.

Ne staje to samo na tome, Donald je i jedan od većih donatora Hilarine kampanje.

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2015, 16:20 

Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41
Postovi: 9853
Carmello Šešelj je napisao/la:
Tuta je napisao/la:
Ja sam napravio ovakav scenarij u glavi.

Za republikanskog kandidata biti će izabran netko umjeren, na koga republikanci računaju da može odnijeti velik broj glasova kod neodlučnih, pa i od demokrata. To je vjerojatno Jeb Bush ili John Kasich. Iako je Donald Trump vrlo popularan, smatram da on nikako ne može biti republikanski kandidat, jer će osigurati isključivo glasove 'desnice'. Nakon što Bush ili Kasich budu izabrani kao republikanski kandidat, Trump, koji je snažan igrač i poduzetnik, će voditi neovisnu predsjedničku utrku.

Trump će republikancima oduzeti 'sigurne' glasove 'desnice', i olakšati demokratskom kandidatu izbornu pobjedu. Vjerojatno će se radit o Hillary Clinton.

Ne staje to samo na tome, Donald je i jedan od većih donatora Hilarine kampanje.

Valjda bio.

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 21 ruj 2015, 01:37 

Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41
Postovi: 9853
Trump: I would have 'just listened' if supporter had opposed black people

=)) =)) =))

http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015 ... ?CMP=fb_us

Ali žalosno da je predmet rasprave postalo nešto što čovjek nije rekao... dokle to seže...? Gdje je kraj?

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 21 ruj 2015, 03:01 

Pridružen/a: 13 srp 2015, 02:07
Postovi: 131
Lokacija: Праведна ХБ
Carmello Šešelj je napisao/la:
Tuta je napisao/la:
Ja sam napravio ovakav scenarij u glavi.

Za republikanskog kandidata biti će izabran netko umjeren, na koga republikanci računaju da može odnijeti velik broj glasova kod neodlučnih, pa i od demokrata. To je vjerojatno Jeb Bush ili John Kasich. Iako je Donald Trump vrlo popularan, smatram da on nikako ne može biti republikanski kandidat, jer će osigurati isključivo glasove 'desnice'. Nakon što Bush ili Kasich budu izabrani kao republikanski kandidat, Trump, koji je snažan igrač i poduzetnik, će voditi neovisnu predsjedničku utrku.

Trump će republikancima oduzeti 'sigurne' glasove 'desnice', i olakšati demokratskom kandidatu izbornu pobjedu. Vjerojatno će se radit o Hillary Clinton.

Ne staje to samo na tome, Donald je i jedan od većih donatora Hilarine kampanje.

Mislim da je ovo nemoguć scenarij. Nešto tako očito bi mogao uraditi samo idiot.
Shvaćam poantu i argumenti su tu, prognoza je fina. No, jednostavno bi na taj način napravio stotine milijuna budala.
Nije to način na koji ovo funkcionira, iako sigurno postoji neka matrica koju dosad nitko nije odgonetnuo, bar ovdje na forumu.

„Da, Herceg-Bosna je hrvatska i po trećem pravu: po pravu pobjede hrvatskoga duha...”

...Antun Gustav Matoš...

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 21 ruj 2015, 03:44 

Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41
Postovi: 9853
Patak je napisao/la:
Carmello Šešelj je napisao/la:
Ne staje to samo na tome, Donald je i jedan od većih donatora Hilarine kampanje.

Mislim da je ovo nemoguć scenarij. Nešto tako očito bi mogao uraditi samo idiot.
Shvaćam poantu i argumenti su tu, prognoza je fina. No, jednostavno bi na taj način napravio stotine milijuna budala.
Nije to način na koji ovo funkcionira, iako sigurno postoji neka matrica koju dosad nitko nije odgonetnuo, bar ovdje na forumu.

Nisam išao na to da je Hilarin igrač. To je Karmelovo mišljenje.

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 21 ruj 2015, 03:52 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 09:25
Postovi: 44033
Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Alpha as fuck, i dalje jedna od najjačih izjava od političara u zadnjih nekoliko godina. Poruka Pakistanu u vezi podrške Talibanima.

"You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them to only bite your neighbor," she said.


sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 03 lis 2015, 22:18 

Pridružen/a: 31 srp 2015, 22:39
Postovi: 1567
Donald Trump Falls: Ben Carson Surges To Lead In Poll
10/02/2015 05:54 PM ET

Donald Trump has boasted that he's "leading every poll and in most cases big." Not anymore. The latest IBD/TIPP Poll shows him in second place, seven points behind Ben Carson.

The nationwide survey found that 24% of Republicans back Carson, compared with 17% who say they support Trump.

Marco Rubio came in third with 11% and Carly Fiorina fourth at 9%. Jeb Bush, once considered a prohibitive favorite, ranked fifth with just 8% support, which was a point lower than those who say they are still undecided.

The IBD/TIPP Poll has a proven track record for accuracy, based on its performance in the past three presidential elections. In a comparison of the final results of various pollsters for the 2004 and 2008 elections, IBD/TIPP was the most accurate. And the New York Times concluded that IBD/TIPP was the most accurate among 23 polls over the three weeks leading up to the 2012 election.

The October poll, conducted from Sept. 26 to Oct. 1, included 377 registered voters who are Republican or registered independents who lean toward the Republican Party, with a margin of error of +/- 5 percentage points.

Peak Trump?

Other polls show Trump's support slipping in recent weeks. The Real Clear Politics average of six national polls shows him falling from 30.5% in mid-September to 23.3% by the end of the month. That average does not include the IBD/TIPP findings.

"Things appear to be catching up with Trump on multiple fronts," said Raghavan Mayur, president of TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, which conducts IBD's monthly poll. "In addition to facing increasing attacks from other candidates, Trump's boycott of Fox News may have set him back," Mayur said, noting that the poll was being conducted during Trump's self-imposed hiatus.

When asked on CNBC about his slipping poll numbers, Trump said that "if I fell behind badly, I would certainly get out."

Carson's gain comes after his controversial remarks on "Meet the Press" that he couldn't support a Muslim for president.

Rubio's third-place standing shows he has gained considerable ground since the second GOP debate. But Fiorina, who was widely seen as having won that debate, has been unable to capitalize on it with Republicans.

Hillary Clinton Leads Dems

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is the top pick of 42% of 344 registered Democrats or those leaning Democratic. Vice President Joe Biden is second at 22%, even though he has yet to announce whether he plans to run.

Bernie Sanders is backed by 18% of Democrats. Sanders' strongest support is among those 18-24, of whom 48% back the self-identified socialist, while only 14% back Clinton.

Other October poll findings:

57% of those following the Hillary Clinton email scandal say she should drop out of the presidential race if the FBI determines that she sent or received classified emails on her private email server while secretary of state. Among Democrats, 75% say she should stay in.

53% of those following the refugee crisis oppose bringing 185,000 refugees fleeing the Middle East into the U.S., and 63% say Congress should first OK any plans to admit the refugees.

http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorial ... p-poll.htm

Giggity giggity goo!

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 04 lis 2015, 12:01 

Pridružen/a: 19 stu 2010, 11:50
Postovi: 10400
Lokacija: Banja Luka
Blize se izbori nove marionete amerckog krupnog kapitala ( i ostalih rokfelera ).

http://www.blic.rs/Vesti/Svet/584979/Pr ... emokratije

Ko li ce u ovom osjetljivom trenutku za USA zamjeniti prvu tamnoputu marionetu..?

Prebogati opicenjak poput Donalda Trampa ?

Isfrustrirana, od muza puno puta izvarana starija zena , ciji je c'oek dva puta bio presjednik .. a ona ni jednom ( nije uredu , jbg.. :neznam )?




Ili neko treci ?

Kako god ,ali moram primjetiti da sva ta gungula mnogo lici na bizaran rialiti sou .

Sunce izlazi na Istoku . Ništa nije moćnije od ideje čije je vrijeme stiglo .

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 14 lis 2015, 08:48 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:11
Postovi: 23886
Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Prva debata predsjedničkih kandidata iz redova Demokrata, održana sinoć (noćas po našem vremenu) u Las Vegasu. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Lincoln Chafee, Jim Webb i Martin O'Malley su demokratski kandidati, sudionici debate.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, seeking to halt the momentum of her insurgent challenger, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, aggressively questioned his values, positions and voting history Tuesday night in the first Democratic presidential debate, turning a showdown that had been expected to scrutinize her character into a forceful critique of his record.

In a series of sometimes biting exchanges, Mrs. Clinton declared that Mr. Sanders was mistaken in his handling of crucial votes on gun control and misguided in his grasp of the essentialness of capitalism to the American identity. Mocking Mr. Sanders’s admiration for the health care system of Denmark, she interrupted a moderator to offer a stinging assessment of his logic, suggesting he was unprepared to grapple with the realities of governing a superpower.

“We are not Denmark,” Mrs. Clinton said, adding with a sly smile, “I love Denmark. We are the United States of America.”
The crowd erupted in applause.

A few moments later, Mrs. Clinton took aim at what may be Mr. Sanders’s greatest vulnerability with the Democratic left, asking why he had voted to shield gun makers and dealers from liability lawsuits. Mr. Sanders, who linked his record on gun control to his representation of a rural state, called the bill “large and complicated.”

“I was in the Senate at the same time,” Mrs. Clinton replied. “It wasn’t that complicated to me. It was pretty straightforward.”

Asked if Mr. Sanders had been tough enough on guns during his decades-long career in Congress, Mrs. Clinton offered a sharp reply: “No. Not at all.”

“I think that we have to look at the fact that we lose 90 people a day from gun violence,” she said. “This has gone on too long, and it’s time the entire country stood up against the N.R.A.”

It was a dominant performance that showcased Mrs. Clinton’s political arsenal: a long record of appearances in presidential debates, intense and diligent preparation, and a nimbleness and humor largely lacking in her male counterparts. She let no opportunity pass her by. When Mr. Sanders described the conflict in Syria as “a quagmire within a quagmire” but said he did not support sending American ground troops there, Mrs. Clinton interjected energetically: “Nobody does. Nobody does, Senator Sanders.”

For Mr. Sanders, the gathering in Las Vegas provided an evening of unexpectedly forceful challenges, both from Mrs. Clinton and from the moderator, Anderson Cooper of CNN. At times, he seemed somewhat exasperated and unsure about how to match Mrs. Clinton’s agility. Perhaps his most memorable moment occurred when he zestfully defended Mrs. Clinton from criticism of her email practices.

“Let me say something that may not be great politics,” he said. “But I think the secretary is right, and that is that the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails.”

Mrs. Clinton flashed a wide smile and shook her rival’s hand. “Thank you, Bernie,” she said, setting off huge applause in the auditorium.

Mr. Sanders regained his footing when the debate turned to one of his signature issues: Wall Street and its excesses.

Mrs. Clinton said that her plan to crack down on wrongdoers on Wall Street “would have the potential of actually sending the executives to jail,” but that Mr. Sanders’s proposal to break up banks was naïve. Mr. Sanders grew animated.

“Congress does not regulate Wall Street,” he said, setting off roars from the crowd. “Wall Street regulates Congress.”

He suggested that the real naïveté was Mrs. Clinton’s notion that reaching out to Wall Street was part of the solution. “ ‘Please do the right thing,’ ” he said, “is kind of naïve.”

And there were reminders of the tendencies that have made the left wing of the Democratic party suspicious of Mrs. Clinton. Prodded about her history of changing positions on major issues, she inelegantly explained why it took her so long to come out against the proposed Canadian American oil pipeline that so many of her rivals already oppose. “I never took a position on Keystone until I took a position on Keystone.”

Mrs. Clinton benefited for much of the night from the tentativeness of her rivals, who appeared wary of directly attacking the figure who represents their party’s best chance at electing a woman president. Instead, they offered oblique criticisms and diplomatic dismissals. In his opening statement, Lincoln Chafee, the former senator and governor of Rhode Island, told the audience: “What I’m most proud of is that, in 30 years of public service, I have had no scandals. I have high ethical standards.”

Jim Webb, the former senator from Virginia, seemed to take a swipe at Mrs. Clinton’s decades in public life and her closeness to Democratic Party insiders, saying the country was looking for somebody “who understands how the system works, who has not been co-opted by it.”

There were exceptions, of course. Former Gov. Martin O’Malley of Maryland, when asked whether Mrs. Clinton would be too quick to use American military force, scolded her for her 2002 Senate vote to authorize military action in Iraq, saying the vote had been carried out “under false pretenses” and calling the war “one of the worst blunders in modern American history.”

Safe European Home

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 14 lis 2015, 10:55 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109214
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
5 kandidata koji se toliko razilkuju.

Jedan bi da USA bude jedini svjetski policajac.
Drugi bi da USA bude moderate svjetski policajac.
Treći bi da USA bude relatively moderate svjetski policajac.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 31 lis 2015, 10:43 

Pridružen/a: 31 srp 2015, 22:39
Postovi: 1567
Neki dan bili izbori za guvernera u Louisiani. Republikanac osvojio 23% a demokrat 40% glasova. Sad prema izbornom zakonu iste moraju ići u drugi krug za 50% +1 glas. Ankete pokazuju prednost dem. kandidata.
U utorak izbori za guvernera u Kentucky-u i Mississippi-u. U Kentucky-u je tossup/tilt democratic dok se u Mississippi-u očekuje republikanska pobjeda sa minimum 60% glasova.
Ovo bi moglo biti pokazatelj za predsjedničke izbore budući da su sve tri savezne države tradicionalno republikanske.

Giggity giggity goo!

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 04 stu 2015, 10:14 

Pridružen/a: 31 srp 2015, 22:39
Postovi: 1567
Pobijedili Republikanci i u Kentucky-u i Mississippi-u.
http://www.electionprojection.com/2015- ... esults.php
http://www.electionprojection.com/2015- ... esults.php

Giggity giggity goo!

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 17 stu 2015, 01:07 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 13041
Lokacija: Zagreb
Srećom, Trump se ovaj tjedan vratio na čelo. Iako tako ne izgleda, ovaj Carson je jako opasan lik, ultrakonzervativan sektaš koji recimo smatra da je planirano roditeljstvo usmjereno protiv Crnaca, da je problematično što su Kinezi orodali džipove Assadu, koji bi zabranio pobačaj i vjerojatno homoseksualizam, vjeruje u biblijsku sliku stvaranja svijeta i ona Markanova apokaliptična sranja o Izraelu. Osvojio Bible belt svojom "pristojnošću" no kada liberalni mediji smetnu s uma činjenocu da je Crnac ide na dno.

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 17 stu 2015, 01:13 

Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41
Postovi: 9853
volvoks je napisao/la:
Srećom, Trump se ovaj tjedan vratio na čelo. Iako tako ne izgleda, ovaj Carson je jako opasan lik, ultrakonzervativan sektaš koji recimo smatra da je planirano roditeljstvo usmjereno protiv Crnaca, da je problematično što su Kinezi orodali džipove Assadu, koji bi zabranio pobačaj i vjerojatno homoseksualizam, vjeruje u biblijsku sliku stvaranja svijeta i ona Markanova apokaliptična sranja o Izraelu. Osvojio Bible belt svojom "pristojnošću" no kada liberalni mediji smetnu s uma činjenocu da je Crnac ide na dno.

Ništa loše u zabrani pobačaja :D

Ali Trump se izgleda još dobro drži. Glavni kandidati uz rečenu dvojicu su svakako i dva Latinosa - Cruz i Rubbio. Vjerujem da će Cruz na vrijme i isplivat na površinu.

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 17 stu 2015, 01:15 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 13041
Lokacija: Zagreb
Latinosi su novi kandidati establishmenta, Jeb je potrošen. Ako se ide na establishmentsku kombinaciju "naš" Kasich vjerojatno ide za potpredsjednika.

Nije mjesto za raspravu o pobačaju, no ima zla i u ukidanju istoga i u napadima na priziv savjesti. Sloboda odabira uz možda definiraniju ulogu oca.

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 17 stu 2015, 01:17 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 13041
Lokacija: Zagreb
Koliko je GOP multirasniji u ovim predizborima, fascinantno :zubati

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 17 stu 2015, 01:17 

Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41
Postovi: 9853
volvoks je napisao/la:
Koliko je GOP multirasniji u ovim predizborima, fascinantno :zubati

Da... Ima jedan meme, kandidati demokrata - old white folks.

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 17 stu 2015, 09:45 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 09:25
Postovi: 44033
Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
volvoks je napisao/la:
Srećom, Trump se ovaj tjedan vratio na čelo. Iako tako ne izgleda, ovaj Carson je jako opasan lik, ultrakonzervativan sektaš koji recimo smatra da je planirano roditeljstvo usmjereno protiv Crnaca, da je problematično što su Kinezi orodali džipove Assadu, koji bi zabranio pobačaj i vjerojatno homoseksualizam, vjeruje u biblijsku sliku stvaranja svijeta i ona Markanova apokaliptična sranja o Izraelu. Osvojio Bible belt svojom "pristojnošću" no kada liberalni mediji smetnu s uma činjenocu da je Crnac ide na dno.


Iako sam liberalno-sekularno nastrojen, teško je ne imati simpatije za Carsona (iako je doslovno lud ako doista vjeruje u ono što govori), s obzirom na ono što je postigao. Uzdignuti se iz apsolutnog siromaštva i dogurati do najsposobnijeg neurokirurga na svijetu i pionira eksperimentalnih operativnih zahvata, je za divljenje.

Nažalost, baš tipičan primjer osobe kojoj se sva pamet koncentrirala u jednom uskom području, postoji nemali broj takvih genijalaca. No, možda ne bi bio najgori kandidat za VP-a, ukoliko bi povukao i glasove evangelista i barem dijela crnaca (a ostale dovoljno obeshrabrio da barem ne glasaju za Demokrate)

Inače, barem su on i Trump koliko-toliko normalno raspoloženi prema Rusiji, i sa ispravnim stavovima prema Islamu.

Ostali mainstream republikanci su i dalje za nastavak prakse lizanja šupka Saudijskoj Arabiji, i maksimalne mržnje prema Iranu i Rusiji.

Elem, sve ovo je mlaćenje prazne slame, ne znam zašto se neki desničari i kod nas uzbuđuju zbog Trumpa itd. Republikanci su svoje odsvirali što se tiče predsjedničkih izbora (osvajat će još neke izbore za kongres i senat jer manjine tu slabije izlaze a ima i prostora za gerrymandering), nikad ih više neće dobiti jer su WASP-ovci demografski otegli papke.

A za ove naše prostore to ionako nema nikakvih implikacija, američka politika za vrijeme Clintona, Busha i Obame prema BiH je 5-10% gore-dolje.

sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 17 stu 2015, 10:45 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 15:45
Postovi: 32864
Post sa drugog pdf-a:


Napokon jedan "normalan" kandidat...
"Vjerovaću u evoluciju, kad vidim fosile prijelaznih vrsta"
Dr Ben Karson, kandidat za predsjednika SAD,ima sve čudnije i čudnije nastupe u kampanji.



Držeći govor u Nešvilu, on je izjavio da ne vjeruje u evoluciju.

“Kažu mi: ‘Karsone, kako možeš da budeš kirurg, neurokirutg i da vjeruješ u to da je Bog stvorio Zemlju, a ne vjeruješ u evoluciju, koja je osnova svih znanja i nauke :ucelo ’”, rekao je kandidat.

“Znate, to je na neki način smiješno. Vjerujem da nas je Bog stvorio i nisam zbog toga imao nikakvih problema. Što više poznajete Boga i što imate dublju vezu s Njim, znanje o tome kako stvari funkcionišu, uključujući i ljudsko tijelo postaje sve jasnije”.

Ipak, zašto Karson, ljekar, ne vjeruje u evoluciju? Evo nekoliko citata iz njegovog govora koji daju odgovor na to pitanje:

“Priznajem da se promjene u okviru neke vrste dešavaju. Međutim, da li je to znak evolucije, ili znak postojanja inteligentnog tvorca koji je stvorenjima dao sposobnost adaptiranja okruženju, kako ne bi morao da počinje ispočetka na svakih 50 godina? Znate, to zvuči inteligentnije, od bilo čega drugog”.


“Niko nikad nije demonstrirao kako se jedna vrsta menja u drugu. Teorija evolucije, ako je točna, podrazumijeva kontinuirano evoluiranje. Dakle, mi bismo morali da nađemo prijelazne vrste u nekom trenutku”.


“Darvin je rekao da njegova kompletna teorija ovisi od fosilnih ostataka. On je rekao da bismo mogli da poredamo sve fosile – od jednoćelijskih vrsta do čovjeka – u liniju dugačku nekoliko kilometara i samo prolazimo tom stazom fosila, kako bismo vidjeli kako je sve evoluiralo. On je rekao da je jedini razlog zbog kog još nemamo sve te fosile, nedostatak geološke opreme, ali da ćemo do njih moći da dođemo u narednih 50 ili 100 godina. Evo, to je bilo prije 150 godina. Još ih nismo našli. Gdje su? Gdje su fosilni ostaci?”


“Kad pitate evolucionistu o tome, on vam kaže: ‘Ne znam gdje su. Negdje su sigurno, samo ih još nismo našli’. To je bijedan izgovor”.

Karson je inače nedavno izjavio da smatra da je piramide u Egiptu napravio biblijski lik prorok Josip i to kao neku vrstu ambara.

Jarane,malo pripazi na jezik,ja nisam toliko liberal :kava

volvoks je napisao/la:
Srećom, Trump se ovaj tjedan vratio na čelo. Iako tako ne izgleda, ovaj Carson je jako opasan lik, ultrakonzervativan sektaš koji recimo smatra da je planirano roditeljstvo usmjereno protiv Crnaca, da je problematično što su Kinezi orodali džipove Assadu, koji bi zabranio pobačaj i vjerojatno homoseksualizam, vjeruje u biblijsku sliku stvaranja svijeta i ona Markanova apokaliptična sranja o Izraelu. Osvojio Bible belt svojom "pristojnošću" no kada liberalni mediji smetnu s uma činjenocu da je Crnac ide na dno.

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 17 stu 2015, 14:48 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 13041
Lokacija: Zagreb
"In the class of 1968 at Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, Mahmoud Abbas was one of the members of that class, and so was Ali Khamenei. And that's where they first established relationships with the young Vladimir Putin."

Izjava Bena Carsona. Vjerojatno vjeruje u neku zavjeru protiv Izraela od strane Rusa, Iranaca i Palestinaca. Uz to je i izrazito anti-kineski raspoložen. Bilo tko tko dolazi iz miljea nedominantnog protestantizma ima čudne ideje vezane uz Izrael i nastavio bi lizati šupak SA ako bi mu Bibi to napomenuo. Ne mislim da treba napustiti Izrael, no evangelisti su bolesno opsjednuti istim. Dobro je rekla jedna konzervativna novinarka u SAD-u, zašto se GOP toliko bavi Židovima i pozicijom prema Izraelu kada oni čine jebenih 2 posto populacije i ne glasaju za njih. Realno, ove izbore GOP može dobiti jer crnci neće žuriti na birališta zbog Hillary, a kombinacija Rubio-Kasich bi čak privukla centraše i Latinose.

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 18 stu 2015, 01:44 

Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41
Postovi: 9853
volvoks je napisao/la:
"In the class of 1968 at Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, Mahmoud Abbas was one of the members of that class, and so was Ali Khamenei. And that's where they first established relationships with the young Vladimir Putin."

Izjava Bena Carsona. Vjerojatno vjeruje u neku zavjeru protiv Izraela od strane Rusa, Iranaca i Palestinaca. Uz to je i izrazito anti-kineski raspoložen. Bilo tko tko dolazi iz miljea nedominantnog protestantizma ima čudne ideje vezane uz Izrael i nastavio bi lizati šupak SA ako bi mu Bibi to napomenuo. Ne mislim da treba napustiti Izrael, no evangelisti su bolesno opsjednuti istim. Dobro je rekla jedna konzervativna novinarka u SAD-u, zašto se GOP toliko bavi Židovima i pozicijom prema Izraelu kada oni čine jebenih 2 posto populacije i ne glasaju za njih. Realno, ove izbore GOP može dobiti jer crnci neće žuriti na birališta zbog Hillary, a kombinacija Rubio-Kasich bi čak privukla centraše i Latinose.

Ja ne bih prerano odbacio ni Busha. A što se tiče krucijalnih država, Bush-Kasich bi bila dobitna kombinacija, Florida-Ohio.

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 21 stu 2015, 12:41 

Pridružen/a: 31 srp 2015, 22:39
Postovi: 1567
Democrats See Rubio and Kasich as 2016 Threats
By Hope Yen & Stephen Ohlemacher
November 15, 2015
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Bring on Donald Trump, and Ben Carson, too.

That's what Democratic insiders are saying about the Republican outsiders who sit solidly atop preference polls in the race for the GOP nomination for president.

They are far more worried about GOP candidates who have experience in office, with Marco Rubio cited most often as the strongest potential competition for their overwhelming choice for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"As a Democrat, I'd love to see a Trump-Carson ticket," said Bob Mulholland, a member of the Democratic National Committee from California. "We'd probably win back the Senate and pick up the House as well."

The Associated Press contacted all 712 superdelegates to the Democratic National Convention next summer, and asked them which Republican they thought would be their party's strongest opponent in the general election.

Offering a window into how the Democratic establishment is sizing up the competition, most superdelegates declined to name a candidate, expressing bewilderment at a Republican field in which billionaire Trump and retired neurosurgeon Carson are leading in polls while Jeb Bush, the son and brother of presidents, struggles.

Of the 176 superdelegates who answered the question, 65 said Rubio, the first-term senator from Florida, would be the Democrats' strongest opponent.

"Rubio speaks well and he could generate appeal among Latino voters," said Chris Wicker, vice chairman of the Nevada Democratic Party, referring to Rubio's background as a Cuban-American raised by working-class parents. "He doesn't say some of the crazy stuff that the other leaders have said."

The other candidates, along with the number of Democratic insiders who said they would be the strongest opponent:

Ohio Gov. John Kasich: 45.

Bush: 36.

Trump: 16.

Carson: 4.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz: 4.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie: 2.

Businesswoman Carly Fiorina and former New York Gov. George Pataki each got a vote. So did Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who dropped out of the race, and Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican nominee.

Democratic superdelegates can support the candidate of their choice at the party's summer national convention, regardless of whom voters choose in the primaries and caucuses. They are members of Congress and other elected officials, party leaders and members of the Democratic National Committee.

They are the ultimate party insiders. With 712 votes at the convention, superdelegates make up about 30 percent of the 2,382 needed to clinch the Democratic nomination.

Rubio, 44, has done well in preference polls lately, but he still lags behind Trump and Carson. Some Democratic insiders worry that Rubio's candidacy could resonate in the general election, particularly among non-white and young voters who helped propel Democrat Barack Obama to victory in 2008 and 2012.

"I think Rubio would give us a tough time," conceded Cecil Benjamin, state Democratic chairman of the Virgin Islands.

In an interview, Rubio played down his status among Democratic insiders.

"You never know what these people are thinking when they say these things to reporters," Rubio said. "I do believe, and I've believed this through this campaign, that if I'm our nominee, we're going to be viewed as the party of the future and the Democrats are going to be viewed as the party of the past."

In the AP survey, many Democrats were dismissive of Trump. Some said his sharp rhetoric on issues like immigration, which is playing well among some Republican primary voters, won't fly in a general election.

"He's a loose cannon," Missouri superdelegate Sandra Querry said of Trump.

"Like everybody else in America," Georgia Democrat Dan Halpern said, he's "just wondering when the wind is going to come out from under the sails of both Carson and Trump."

In the last GOP presidential debate, Bush criticized Trump's call for mass deportations of immigrants living in the country illegally, calling it an impractical plan that would benefit Democrats with Hispanic voters.

"They're doing high-fives in the Clinton campaign right now when they hear this," Bush said.

Indeed, Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon responded to the exchange by tweeting: "We actually are doing high-fives right now."

The Clinton campaign said it had no comment on the strength of individual GOP candidates, saying they were all equally "out of touch" with voters.

About one-fifth of Democratic superdelegates who answered the survey said they believe Bush, who is fighting to stem a slide in GOP polls, could bounce back and pose a threat to Clinton, given his name recognition and early fundraising.

Even more superdelegates praised Kasich, a two-term Ohio governor who served 18 years in the House. Some Democrats described Kasich as the "adult" in the field who could campaign from the center and win his home state, a key battleground.

The last candidate to win the White House without Ohio was Democrat John F. Kennedy in 1960.

"A Democratic nightmare would begin and end with a Rubio-Kasich ticket," said former state Rep. Boyd Brown of South Carolina.

The AP results come as Clinton is solidifying her support among the superdelegates. More than two months before the first primaries and caucuses, Clinton has public endorsements from 359 superdelegates, while Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has 8 and former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has 2.

A few Clinton supporters warned against dismissing Trump too quickly, given today's political climate.

Joe Rugola, a labor union leader in Ohio, said Trump and Carson might be written off in a normal political year, but "I don't think there's anything normal about politics in America right now."

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articl ... 28737.html

Giggity giggity goo!

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 14 pro 2015, 20:51 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:11
Postovi: 23886
Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Mogu ga oni Donaldu... Najvjerojatniji novi Republikanski kandidat.

Donald Trump has hit a new milestone in national polling, garnering 41% of the Republican vote in a new national poll.

Trump is at 41% in a Monmouth University poll out Monday, holding a wide advantage over his GOP challengers. His support was up from 28% in October.

In second was the rising Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, at 14%; followed by Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, at 10%. Ben Carson was at 9%, down 9 points from October, and all other candidates were in the low single digits.

Cruz and Rubio both were up 4 points since October's poll, a shift within the poll's margin of sampling error.

The candidates are heading into their next Republican debate on Tuesday in Las Vegas, hosted by CNN.

Trump has led in nearly every national poll for months, though his solid lead in the key early state of Iowa is being threatened by Cruz -- who recently topped Trump in an Iowa poll out this weekend.

Monmouth surveyed 385 Republican and Republican-leaning voters by telephone from December 10-13 for the poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points

Safe European Home

 Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016.
PostPostano: 14 pro 2015, 21:44 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109214
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Zbog njega će Hillary biti predsjednica. Ali sve je to po starom u USA, ništa novo.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

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