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Autor/ica Poruka
 Naslov: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 15:33 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 11:29
Postovi: 76976
Lokacija: Institut za razna i ostala pitanja
Kako je nastao islam?

Znaci na pocetku smo imali arapskog trgovca. Kad je napunio negdje oko 40 godina starosti poceo je tvrditi...

Nastavite. Ovo je povijesna a ne teoloska tema, niti je tema terorizam.

Fun fact: I HDZ i SDA su osnovani u Zagrebu.


 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 15:58 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 39628
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Nastao jednostavnom Muhamedovom ideojom da arapski politeizam prilagodi monoteističkom judaizmu i kršćanstvu.

Hubal, the moon god of the Kaba


What is quite certain is that the Pagan Arabs in Mecca worshipped a moon god called Hubal at the Kabah. Hubal was the Lord of the Kabah, being the highest ranking god of the 360 gods worshipped in the Kabah. Now here is the amazing thing. Allah was also worshipped as the Lord of the Kabah. Yet, Allah was never represented by any idol of physical nature. To suggest the polytheistic Arabs never created an idol to represent Allah is simply unreasonable and unbelievable. We suggest rather, that Hubal was who the Pagan Arabs addressed their prayers to Allah through. In other words, Allah was Hubal. Muhammad came along and smashed the idol of Hubal and now the Arabs had no idol of Allah to pray through any more and Hubal was forgotten. There are stories in the Sira of pagan Meccan praying to Allah while standing beside the image of Hubal. (Muhammad's Mecca, W. Montgomery Watt, Chapter 3: Religion In Pre-Islamic Arabia, p26-45) We suggest that Arabs stood beside Hubal and prayed to him, referring to him as Allah.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 16:03 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 39628
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Pre-Islamic history, what with the gods and goddesses of the Kaaba,( the Koran 53:20. ) These three were important as they were considered to be Allah’s (Arab moon god)three daughters. “The South Arabians before Islam were polytheists and revered a large number of deities. Most of these were astral in concept but the significance of only a few is known. It was essentially a planetary system in which the moon as a masculine deity prevailed.

This, combined with the use of a star calendar by the agriculturists of certain parts, particularly in the Hadramaut, indicates that there was an early reverence for the night sky. Amongst the South Arabians the worship of the moon continued, and it is almost certain that their religious calendar was also lunar and that their years were calculated by the position of the moon. The national god of each of the kingdoms or states was the Moon-god known by various names: ‘Ilumquh by the Sabaeans, ‘Amm and ‘Anbay by the Qatabanians, Wadd (love) by the Minaeans, and Sin by the Hadramis”. The term ‘God is Love’ is characteristic of Wadd (Briffault 3/85). ‘the Merciful’ ascribed to Allah is also South Arabian. The Nabatean findings are consistent with the idea that Sin is also the progenitor of the ancient Arabian high God al-Llah, which like El simply means God, who is still represented by the crescent moon. It has already been noted that the star and crescent of Islam is prefigured both in the coinage of Harran and the symbolic relationship between the crescent moon of Sin and the evening star of Ishtar, seen also among the Sabeans

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 16:07 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 39628
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
The Archaeology of the Middle East

The religion of Islam has as its focus of worship a deity by the name of "Allah." The Muslims claim that Allah in pre-Islamic times was the biblical God of the Patriarchs, prophets, and apostles. The issue is thus one of continuity. Was "Allah" the biblical God or a pagan god in Arabia during pre-Islamic times? The Muslim's claim of continuity is essential to their attempt to convert Jews and Christians for if "Allah" is part of the flow of divine revelation in Scripture, then it is the next step in biblical religion. Thus we should all become Muslims. But, on the other hand, if Allah was a pre-Islamic pagan deity, then its core claim is refuted. Religious claims often fall before the results of hard sciences such as archeology. We can endlessly speculate about the past or go and dig it up and see what the evidence reveals. This is the only way to find out the truth concerning the origins of Allah. As we shall see, the hard evidence demonstrates that the god Allah was a pagan deity. In fact, he was the Moon-god who was married to the sun goddess and the stars were his daughters.

Archaeologists have uncovered temples to the Moon-god throughout the Middle East. From the mountains of Turkey to the banks of the Nile, the most wide-spread religion of the ancient world was the worship of the Moon-god. In the first literate civilization, the Sumerians have left us thousands of clay tablets in which they described their religious beliefs. As demonstrated by Sjoberg and Hall, the ancient Sumerians worshipped a Moon-god who was called many different names. The most popular names were Nanna, Suen and Asimbabbar. His symbol was the crescent moon. Given the amount of artifacts concerning the worship of this Moon-god, it is clear that this was the dominant religion in Sumeria. The cult of the Moon-god was the most popular religion throughout ancient Mesopotamia. The Assyrians, Babylonians, and the Akkadians took the word Suen and transformed it into the word Sin as their favorite name for the Moon-God. As Prof. Potts pointed out, "Sin is a name essentially Sumerian in origin which had been borrowed by the Semites."

In ancient Syria and Canna, the Moon-god Sin was usually represented by the moon in its crescent phase. At times the full moon was placed inside the crescent moon to emphasize all the phases of the moon. The sun-goddess was the wife of Sin and the stars were their daughters. For example, Istar was a daughter of Sin. Sacrifices to the Moon-god are described in the Pas Shamra texts. In the Ugaritic texts, the Moon-god was sometimes called Kusuh. In Persia, as well as in Egypt, the Moon-god is depicted on wall murals and on the heads of statues. He was the Judge of men and gods. The Old Testament constantly rebuked the worship of the Moon-god (Deuteronomy 4:19; 17:3; II Kings 21:3, 5; 23:5; Jeremiah 8:2; 19:13; Zephaniah 1:5, etc.) When Israel fell into idolatry, it was usually the cult of the Moon-god. As a matter of fact, everywhere in the ancient world, the symbol of the crescent moon can be found on seal impressions, steles, pottery, amulets, clay tablets, cylinders, weights, earrings, necklaces, wall murals, etc. In Tell-el-Obeid, a copper calf was found with a crescent moon on its forehead. An idol with the body of a bull and the head of man has a crescent moon inlaid on its forehead with shells. In Ur, the Stele of Ur-Nammu has the crescent symbol placed at the top of the register of gods because the Moon-god was the head of the gods. Even bread was baked in the form of a crescent as an act of devotion to the Moon-god. The Ur of the Chaldees was so devoted to the Moon-god that it was sometimes called Nannar in tablets from that time period.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 16:13 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 39628
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Cult of the Moon-god

During the 1950's, Wendell Phillips, W.F. Albright, Richard Bower and others excavated sites at Qataban, Timna, and Marib (the ancient capital of Sheba). Thousands of inscriptions from walls and rocks in Northern Arabia have also been collected. Reliefs and votive bowls used in worship of the "daughters of Allah" have also been discovered. The three daughters, al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat are sometimes depicted together with Allah the Moon-god represented by a crescent moon above them. The archeological evidence demonstrates that the dominant religion of Arabia was the cult of the Moon-god.

In Old Testament times, Nabonidus (555-539 BC), the last king of Babylon, built Tayma, Arabia as a center of Moon-god worship. Segall stated, "South Arabia's stellar religion has always been dominated by the Moon-god in various variations." Many scholars have also noticed that the Moon-god's name "Sin" is a part of such Arabic words as "Sinai," the "wilderness of Sin," etc. When the popularity of the Moon-god waned elsewhere, the Arabs remained true to their conviction that the Moon-god was the greatest of all gods. While they worshipped 360 gods at the Kabah in Mecca, the Moon-god was the chief deity. Mecca was in fact built as a shrine for the Moon-god.

The evidence reveals that the temple of the Moon-god was active even in the Christian era. Evidence gathered from both North and South Arabia demonstrate that Moon-god worship was clearly active even in Muhammad's day and was still the dominant cult. According to numerous inscriptions, while the name of the Moon-god was Sin, his title was al-ilah, i.e. "the deity," meaning that he was the chief or high god among the gods. As Coon pointed out, "The god Il or Ilah was originally a phase of the Moon God." The Moon-god was called al- ilah, i.e. the god, which was shortened to Allah in pre-Islamic times. The pagan Arabs even used Allah in the names they gave to their children. For example, both Muhammad's father and uncle had Allah as part of their names.

The fact that they were given such names by their pagan parents proves that Allah was the title for the Moon-god even in Muhammad's day. Prof. Coon goes on to say, "Similarly, under Mohammed's tutelage, the relatively anonymous Ilah, became Al-Ilah, The God, or Allah, the Supreme Being."

This fact answers the questions, "Why is Allah never defined in the Qur'an? Why did Muhammad assume that the pagan Arabs already knew who Allah was?" Muhammad was raised in the religion of the Moon-god Allah. But he went one step further than his fellow pagan Arabs. While they believed that Allah, i.e. the Moon-god, was the greatest of all gods and the supreme deity in a pantheon of deities, Muhammad decided that Allah was not only the greatest god but the only god.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 16:24 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 39628
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Porijeklo fraze Allahu Akbar

In effect he said, "Look, you already believe that the Moon-god Allah is the greatest of all gods. All I want you to do is to accept that the idea that he is the only god. I am not taking away the Allah you already worship. I am only taking away his wife and his daughters and all the other gods.

This is seen from the fact that the first point of the Muslim creed is not, "Allah is great" but "Allah is the greatest," i.e., he is the greatest among the gods. Why would Muhammad say that Allah is the "greatest" except in a polytheistic context? The Arabic word is used to contrast the greater from the lesser. That this is true is seen from the fact that the pagan Arabs never accused Muhammad of preaching a different Allah than the one they already worshipped. This "Allah" was the Moon-god according to the archeological evidence. Muhammad thus attempted to have it both ways. To the pagans, he said that he still believed in the Moon-god Allah. To the Jews and the Christians, he said that Allah was their God too. But both the Jews and the Christians knew better and that is why they rejected his god Allah as a false god.

Origin of the Name Allah

The word "Allah" comes from the compound Arabic word, al-ilah. Al is the definite article "the" and ilah is an Arabic word for "god".

The Encyclopedia of Religion says: "'Allah' is a pre-Islamic name . . . corresponding to the Babylonian Bel"

"Allah is found . . . in Arabic inscriptions prior to Islam" (Encyclopedia Britannica, I:643)

"The Arabs, before the time of Mohammed, accepted and worshipped, after a fashion, a supreme god called allah" (Encyclopedia of Islam, eds. Houtsma, Arnold, Basset, Hartman; Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1913, I:302)

"Allah was known to the pre-Islamic Arabs; he was one of the Meccan deities" (Encyclopedia of Islam, ed. Gibb, I:406)

"Ilah . . . appears in pre-Islamic poetry . . . By frequency of usage, al-ilah was contracted to allah, frequently attested to in pre-Islamic poetry" (Encyclopedia of Islam, eds. Lewis, Menage, Pellat, Schacht; Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1971, III:1093)

"The name Allah goes back before Muhammed" (Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, "The Facts on File", ed. Anthony Mercatante, New York, 1983, I:41)

The origin of this (Allah) goes back to pre-Muslim times. Allah is not a common name meaning "God" (or a "god"), and the Muslim must use another word or form if he wishes to indicate any other than his own peculiar deity" (Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, ed. James Hastings, Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1908, I:326)

"In ancient Arabia, the sun-god was viewed as a female goddess and the moon as the male god. As has been pointed out by many scholars as Alfred Guilluame, the Moon god was called by various names, one of which was Allah.

The name Allah was used as the personal name of the Moon god, in addition to the other titles that could be given to him.

"Allah, the Moon god, was married to the sun goddess. Together they produced three goddesses who were called 'the daughters of Allah'. These three goddesses were called Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat.

"The daughters of Allah, along with Allah and the sun goddess were viewed as "high" gods. That is, they were viewed as being at the top of the pantheon of Arabian deities" (Robert Morey, The Islamic Invasion, Eugene, Oregon, Harvest House Publishers, 1977, pp.50-51).

The Quraysh tribe into which Mohammad was born was particularly devoted to Allah, the Moon god, and especially to Allah's three daughters who were viewed as intercessors between the people and Allah.

"The worship of the three goddesses, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat, played a significant rôle in the worship at the Kabah in Mecca. The first two daughters of Allah had names which were feminine forms of Allah.

"The literal Arabic name of Muhammad's father was Abd-Allah. His uncle's name was Obied-Allah. These names reveal the personal devotion that Muhammad's pagan family had to the worship of Allah, the Moon god" (op.cit., Morey, p.51).

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 17:18 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 11:29
Postovi: 76976
Lokacija: Institut za razna i ostala pitanja
Znaci Alah je arapski paganski bog Mjeseca.

E sad jeli islam originalna muhamedova izmisljotina, ili je nastao postupno kao kulturna pojava utjecaja judaizma i krscanstva na arapsku pagansku religiju?

Ajmo malo spekulirati.
Ako je muhamed postavio sve osnovne ideje, gdje je muhamed naucio krscanstvo i judaizam? Mozda nije naucio od osobe. Bio je trgovac, pa mu je lako bilo nabaviti knjige iz spomenutih religija na arapskom (bilo je tada arapa krscana i arapa zidova).

Tesko da je i ratovao i proucavao religijske spise i skladao stihove kurana samostalno, sigurno je imao pomoc pisaca i pismenih ljudi oko sebe koji su njegove ideje pretvarali u skladnu prozu i poeziju.

Fun fact: I HDZ i SDA su osnovani u Zagrebu.


 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 17:29 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Ne moraš špekulirati. Ubacio je Mariju i Isusa u svoju izmišljotinu, kao i osobe iz židovskih vjerskih knjiga. Bitno je napomenuti da je to uradio da privoli kršćane i Židove da konvertiraju na njegovu novu "religiju". Židove najviše jer su u njegovom kraju bili najbogatiji i najmoćnija plemena.
Da je znao da će mu se oni izrugivati, odbiti ga, i da će ih sve morati pobiti, danas vjerojatno islam ne bi spominjao Isusa, Mariju i ostale osobe iz staro-židovskog života.

Čak su i muslimani svjesti toga na nekoj nižoj podsvjesnoj razini. Tako da možeš na klislam portalu pročitati svakakvih uvreda Mariji i Isusu.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 17:31 

Pridružen/a: 11 lip 2015, 00:16
Postovi: 6001
To mu je na stanovitom mestu, 7 brezuljaka napisan scenarij, a on ga je ognjem i macem i penezima provodio.
Modificirana mantra za Arapske kozojebe, jer se nisu nasli u krscanstvu. Mind control nad barbarima.

Kako smo svi opljackani.Film "Tezina lanaca" https://youtu.be/waEYQ46gH08

Film o propasti imperije duge 1.123 g. Vizantijska lekcija https://youtu.be/_fLuI92iHR4

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 17:34 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Robbie MO je napisao/la:
Ako je muhamed postavio sve osnovne ideje, gdje je muhamed naucio krscanstvo i judaizam? Mozda nije naucio od osobe. Bio je trgovac, pa mu je lako bilo nabaviti knjige iz spomenutih religija na arapskom (bilo je tada arapa krscana i arapa zidova).

Nije znao čitati i pisati, bio je nepismen do kraja života.
U njegovo vrijeme je ko u komediji Brain´s Life bilo popularno po tržnicama, i bilo gdje gdje ima ljudi, propovijedati svoje religije. Svako pleme je tad imalo neku svoju i svoje furke. Muhammadu se dok ih je slušao najviše dojmilo pripovjedanje židova i tamo tada rijetkih kršćana.

Poslije je iz pamćenja nakaradno krpio stihove za kuran i ostalo što su njegovi biografi napisali.

Tad se religija u propagiranju na javnim mjestima izražavala kroz stihove, pa tko ljepše odrecitira.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 17:42 

Pridružen/a: 01 sij 2015, 22:05
Postovi: 2956
Robbie MO je napisao/la:
Znaci Alah je arapski paganski bog Mjeseca.

E sad jeli islam originalna muhamedova izmisljotina, ili je nastao postupno kao kulturna pojava utjecaja judaizma i krscanstva na arapsku pagansku religiju?

Ajmo malo spekulirati.
Ako je muhamed postavio sve osnovne ideje, gdje je muhamed naucio krscanstvo i judaizam? Mozda nije naucio od osobe. Bio je trgovac, pa mu je lako bilo nabaviti knjige iz spomenutih religija na arapskom (bilo je tada arapa krscana i arapa zidova).

Tesko da je i ratovao i proucavao religijske spise i skladao stihove kurana samostalno, sigurno je imao pomoc pisaca i pismenih ljudi oko sebe koji su njegove ideje pretvarali u skladnu prozu i poeziju.

Navodno je kao dječak došao u doticaj sa arijanskim kršćanstvom tijekom svojeg putovanja. Ono što se dalje špekulira i da je točno je da je bolovao od epilepsije. tijekom napadaja bi dobio "ukazanja".

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 17:49 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Isto je bitno napomenuti da muhammad nije vrbovao sljedbenike tako da im dijelio 4/5 opljačkanog od Židova i drugih plemena, i 4/5 zarobljenih žena za sex to nikad ne bi zaživilo niti bi se danas znalo za to.
1/5 toga je ostavljao sebi, "allah tako rekao".

Nešto kao Mafia i Godfather. Nažalost tad nitko nije primjetio kuda to zlo vodi i nijedan "Eliot Ness" ga nije za glavu skratio na vrijeme. Kad su se dosjetili o čemu se radi bilo kasno, već bili protjerani i pobijeni.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 17:52 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 39628
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Robbie MO je napisao/la:
Znaci Alah je arapski paganski bog Mjeseca.

E sad jeli islam originalna muhamedova izmisljotina, ili je nastao postupno kao kulturna pojava utjecaja judaizma i krscanstva na arapsku pagansku religiju?

Ajmo malo spekulirati.
Ako je muhamed postavio sve osnovne ideje, gdje je muhamed naucio krscanstvo i judaizam? Mozda nije naucio od osobe. Bio je trgovac, pa mu je lako bilo nabaviti knjige iz spomenutih religija na arapskom (bilo je tada arapa krscana i arapa zidova).

Tesko da je i ratovao i proucavao religijske spise i skladao stihove kurana samostalno, sigurno je imao pomoc pisaca i pismenih ljudi oko sebe koji su njegove ideje pretvarali u skladnu prozu i poeziju.

Muhamed kao trgovac vjerovatno osobno upoznaje Židove koji su brojini na arapskom polutoku, kao dječak upoznaje kršćanskog monaha u Siriji tijekom putovanja s ujakom Abu Talibom, koji mu priča priču o proroku koji će se pojaviti za njegova života, što vjerovatno kao dječaka Muhameda i nadahnjuje.

Kasnije dolazi u doticaj s kršćanima u gradu Najranu na arapskom polutoku.

No najveći utjecaj na Muhameda ima Waraka ibn Nawfal, rođak po ocu prve Muhamodove žene koji je bio nestorijanski svećenik
Nestorijanstvo ili nestorijanizam je kršćansko učenje o Isusovoj dualnosti, tj. da je Isus postojao kao dvije osobe - Isus čovjek i Isus Sin Božji.

Spominje se da je Waraka posjedovao čitao Novi Zavjet na arapskom vjerovatno i Muhamedu, neki čak smatraju da ga je on osobno preveo s grčkog.

Meeting with the Monk Bahira

The Prophet’s first meeting with a Christian occurred when he, as a young boy aged between nine or twelve, joined his uncle’s merchant caravan for a trip to Syria.1 The Christian whom the Prophet Muhammad encountered was the monk, Bahira,2 who was living in Bostra, a Roman colonial city.3 Monk Bahira was known for his belief that a prophet was soon to appear among the Arabs. Bahira had studied old manuscripts, where he had learned of the coming of a final prophet, and he was convinced that this prophet would appear in his own lifetime. He was particularly interested in the Arab merchants who visited Syria, to see if his conviction would come true.

Bahira’s attention was struck in particular by a caravan from Makka, which to his amazement, was shaded by a cloud that hovered closely above them. The cloud moved as the caravan moved, and did not go any further when they stopped; it was as if it were providing shade for a person or people in the group. When he also noticed that a tree lowered its branches over the caravan to provide further shade, he immediately realized that this caravan must contain an extraordinary person or persons. He invited all of the individuals in the caravan to a meal at his place, but none of their faces revealed the capacity of the expected Prophet. He inquired if there was anyone who had not joined the meal; the answer he received was that Muhammad had been left behind to watch the caravan. He was keen to see Muhammad; and when he actually saw him he realized that he carried all the signs that the awaited Prophet was to have, as describ-ed in his books.4 He told Muhammad’s uncle to take him back to Makka as soon as possible in order to guard him against potential enemies.5

This incident is used by some Western scholars as a basis to claim that Muhammad learned about the Judeo-Christian tradition from this monk, and that he later converted this knowl-edge into a new religion, i.e. Islam.6 However, it would not be logical or reasonable to adopt such an idea; Prophet Muhammad was far too young to acquire such an immense knowledge and the conversation between the monk and Muhammad was not a protracted one.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 17:54 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Tu imate sve što vas zanima. Od današnjeg ateiste Iranca, bivšeg muslimana. Ako vam se ne čitaju vijesti pređite na osnovne stvari.


Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 18:02 

Pridružen/a: 01 sij 2015, 22:05
Postovi: 2956
BBC je napisao/la:
Isto je bitno napomenuti da muhammad nije vrbovao sljedbenike tako da im dijelio 4/5 opljačkanog od Židova i drugih plemena, i 4/5 zarobljenih žena za sex to nikad ne bi zaživilo niti bi se danas znalo za to.
1/5 toga je ostavljao sebi, "allah tako rekao".

Nešto kao Mafia i Godfather. Nažalost tad nitko nije primjetio kuda to zlo vodi i nijedan "Eliot Ness" ga nije za glavu skratio na vrijeme. Kad su se dosjetili o čemu se radi bilo kasno, već bili protjerani i pobijeni.

Još tada se znalo kakav je on i pokušavalo se sprječiti. Ako se ne varam pleme koje je vladalo Mekom gdje se nalazi sveti kamen se zvalo Kurajš. Oni su u početku nastojali pregovarati sa Muhamedom i čak mu nudili neke političke koncesije i da mu vjera bude zastupljena među ostalim. Međutim, Muhamed je htio se za sebe pa im nije preostalo ništa drugo nego da ga protjeraju u Medinu. Muslimani će reći da su Kurajši "diskriminirali i proganjali muslimane".

Židovi su posebno Muhameda iritirali jer uvijek kada je govorio da je prorok Židovi su tražili od njega izvede neko čudo kao dokaz. Naravno, on to nije mogao i od kuda dolaze oni stihovi o Židovima kao majmunima i slično.

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 18:06 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 39628
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Najveći utjecaj na njega ima nestorijanski svećenik Waraka koji ga ga čak potiče u njegovim halucinacijama i uvjerava ga da mu se obratio anđeo Gabrijel, možda mu čak i on osobno kao odličan poznavatelj judaizma i kršćanstva i učen čovjek diktira Kuran u težnji da svoje arape prevede u monoteizam.

Waraqa ibn Nawfal

Prophet Muhammad also had some encounters with one of the known Arab Christians in Makka, Waraqa ibn Nawfal. Waraqa was a respected man of his time and a well-known Christian scholar. When the Prophet received his first Qur’anic revelation on Mount Hira, it had a great impact on him. Following this unusual experience, he went home, feeling ill. His wife Khadija took the Prophet to Waraqa and told him about the revelation.7 After listening to Prophet Muhammad, Waraqa said that it was Gabriel, the Angel of Revelation, who had come to him, just as he had come to Moses, and he added, “I wish I were young.”8

Waraqa was an open-minded man; he converted from paganism to Christianity and also understood the features of the revelation that had been given to Muhammad. He sincerely supported Muhammad as a Christian believer when he understood that he was the awaited prophet, after Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them. Waraqa encouraged Muhammad to continue his call, without any doubt that God would protect him. This is a fine example of cooperation between a well known Christian scholar and the would-be Prophet.

Vidi hamidže pročitaj imena islamologa koja su navedena, u pitanju su priznati i cjenjeni američki i britanski povjesničari i arheolozi specijalizirani za Bliski Istok a ne neki islamski i bošnjački "učenjaci".

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 18:15 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 39628
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Koliko je Muhamed bio uspješan u uvjeravanju Židova i kršćanska da pređu na islam govori detalj da čak i rođaka Waraku nije mogao nagovoriti iako mu je slao pozivnice.

The Delegation of Najran Christians

No doubt the most important interaction between the Christians and the Prophet was the visit of the Najran delegation to Madina. Makka and Madina had a very small Christian population (Waraqa ibn Nawfal was one of them). The majority of Christian residents lived in Najran. The Prophet’s first important encounter with Christian clergies was in the 9th year of Hijra (AD 631), one or two years before his death.

Prophet Muhammad had been sending official letters to different countries and their rulers, inviting them to Islam. Among these were two different invitations that had been sent to Najran with Khaled ibn al-Walid and Ali ibn Abi Talib.13 At that time the Najran Christians had a highly organized religious life. Before Islam, foreign teachers had even visited the town, such as the Italian priest Gregentius, which had deepen-ed their religious knowledge.14 Few of the Najran Christians converted to Islam; the majority of them did not change their religion after these invitations. Prophet Muhammad sent a representative to them, Mughira ibn Shu’ba, who was sent to explain the invitations and the religion of Islam. After discussions with Mughira, the Christians of Najran decided to send a group of people to visit the Prophet. The delegation was made up of about 60 well-educated Christians: A bishop, his 45 scholars, and 15 men. Their intention was to learn the nature of the revelations Prophet Muhammad was receiving.15

When the Najran delegation reached Madina, they debated with the Prophet in an investigatory dialogue for two or three days in the mosque (Masjid) of Madina. Prophet Muhammad allow-ed them to pray in the mosque (Masjid al-Nabawi) where the Muslims prayed. The whole incident was the first occurrence of peaceful dialogue between Christians and Muslims; it was the first time that Christians prayed in a mosque.16

Prophet Muhammad warmly welcomed the Najran delegation and provided them with a place to stay in Madina, in a secure place close to his mosque. He even ordered that their tent be pitched for them by the Muslims. However, the Najran delegation and Prophet Muhammad were not able to reach a solution in theological terms. At the end of these exchanges, the Najran Christians told the Prophet: “O, Abu al-Qasim, we decided to leave you as you are and you leave us as we are. But send with us a man who can adjudicate things on our properties, because we accept you.” The delegation was granted their request and a written assurance was provided by the Prophet that their lives, property, and religion would be protected. He made witnesses sign this undertaking.17 The Najran Christians were the first Christian community with whom the Prophet had a jizyah 18 agreement. At the beginning of the meeting, they had disagreements with the Prophet about the concept of the Trinity, but later on they were able to make a social pact.19 This contract was an initial step that would lead to further developments.

Očito ih morao držati u blizini da se i tada neki zaluđeni teorist ne bi zaletio na nevjernike.
Dolazi kršćanski biskup i cijela delegacija učenjaka da provjere Muhamedova viđenja i vide o čemu se radi ali očito donose jasan zaključak da su puste priče i obmana.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 18:19 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 39628
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Kršćanski vladar spašava islam i odbija izručiti Muhameda

The Abyssinian King (Negus) and The First Immigrants

When the Messenger of God began to declare his message openly, the Makkan pagans started to severely oppose him and the new Muslims, making many problems for them. Several Muslims died, with even more being humiliated and alienated. The Prophet realized that Makka was becoming a difficult place for Muslims to live in. He had his uncle as his protector; but there were many Muslims who had no protection from the aggressions of the Makkan pagans. He decided to send some of them to Abyssinia, especially those who had no effective protection; Abyssinia at the time was ruled by a Christian ruler. The Prophet told the group that King (Negus) of Abyssinia was a Christian, so they would be safe there.9 It is likely that Prophet Muhammad had some knowledge that the King was a peaceful and lenient ruler.

At the outset, eleven Muslims immigrated to Abyssinia. Later, they were joined by about 83 adult Muslims, women and men.10 Abyssinia was the Prophet’s choice; he felt that Christians were closer to Muslims than the Makkan pagans. When the first Muslim guests arrived there, they met with the King. Ja’far, as leader of the immigrants, gave the Prophet’s letter to the King, which read: “I have sent my cousin Ja’far to you, accompanied by a small number of Muslims; if he comes to you, receive them in hospitality . . .” The King welcomed them and promised to protect them from their enemies. In the royal presence a question was put to them: “What do you say concerning Jesus?” The spokesman for the group replied, “concerning Jesus we can only say what our Prophet has taught us: Jesus is the servant and messenger of God, the spirit and word of God, whom God entrusted to the Virgin Mary.” When the King Negus heard this testimony, he picked up a twig from the ground and said, “I swear, the difference between what we believe about Jesus, the Son of Mary, and what you have said is not greater than the width of this twig.”11

When the Makkans heard that the Muslims had begun to live within the Christian community peacefully, they sent a delegation of learn-ed people to the King to persuade him to deport the Muslims from Abyssinia. There was a debate in front of the King between the Muslims and the Makkan delegation about what and how the Muslims believed. After the end of the debate, the King rejected the requests of the Makkans along with their gifts.12 This was the first helping hand for the young but frail Muslim community from a Christian ruler.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 18:35 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Povijest se ponavlja i tko ne uči lekcije skupo plaća. Kao i danas tad su im ti dobri ljudi dali azil i utočište, poslije ih muslimani okupirali, opljačkali, pobili i konvertirali na islam.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 18:37 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 39628
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Hubal kao bog mjesec se spominje i u Bibliji kao babilonski bog Baal.
Štovanje boga Hubala u Arabiju je uvezeno sa sjevera iz Mezopotamije.

There may be some foundation of truth in the story that Amr travelled in Syria and had brought back from there the cults of the goddesses ʻUzzāʼ and Manāt, and had combined it with that of Hubal, the idol of the Khuza'a.[8] According to Al-Azraqi, the image was brought to Mecca "from the land of Hit in Mesopotamia" (Hīt in modern Iraq). Philip K. Hitti, who relates the name Hubal to an Aramaic word for spirit, suggests that the worship of Hubal was imported to Mecca from the north of Arabia, possibly from Moab or Mesopotamia.[9] Hubal may have been the combination of Hu, meaning "spirit" or "god", and the Moab god Baal meaning "master" or "lord". Outside South Arabia, Hubal's name appears just once, in a Nabataean inscription;[10] there hbl is mentioned along with the gods Dushara (ذو الشراة) and Manawatu — the latter, as Manat, was also popular in Mecca. On the basis of such slender evidence, it has been suggested that Hubal "may actually have been a Nabataean".[11] There are also inscriptions in which the word Hubal appears to be part of personal names, translatable as "Son of Hubal" or "made by Hubal".[12]

Allah Is None Other Than Baal of the Old Testament!


Child sacrifice to Baal/Moloch.

Alah bog rata Muhamedova plemena
Mircea Eliade and Charles J. Adams assert that he was "a god of rain and a warrior god. Towards the end of the pre-Islamic era he emerged as an intertribal warrior god worshipped by the Quraysh and the allied tribes of the Kinana and Tihama."[16] The view that he was a warrior rain god is repeated by David Adams Leeming

Upravo iz ovoga razloga Arapi uzimaju simbol boga Baala mjesec i zvijezdu koji je poznat svim bliskoistočnim kulturama radi lakšeg prihvaćanje novog boga kojega pedstavljau kao staroga.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 18:45 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 39628
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Pagan Origin in Islam

Pilgrimage and Circling Kaba 7x
- Each local tribe of Arab pagans walked 7 times around their own kaba that housed their own black stone.
- Muslims circle the Kaba, claiming Abraham did such.

Kissing black stone
- Each local tribe of Arab Pagans kissed their own tribal black stones.
- Muslims kiss black stone but say it was a divine meteorite that fell at Adam's feet and was rediscovered by Abraham.

"The stone throw" at Mina
Wide spread custom among Pagan Arabs.
Muslims claim the custom was started by Abraham when he threw stones at the devil.

"The Run": Safa and Marwa
Pagans ran between two idols, Isaf and Na'ila:
Muslims perform the same running but redefine the meaning to be Hagar running between hills, looking for water for Ishmael.

"The Praise" after Pilgrimage
Pagans praised dead ancestors
Muslims perform the same praising but redirect the praise to Allah, and with more zeal!

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 19:17 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 11:29
Postovi: 76976
Lokacija: Institut za razna i ostala pitanja
Baal-ah dz.s.

Fun fact: I HDZ i SDA su osnovani u Zagrebu.


 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 19:26 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Holy Quran treba preimenovati u Holy Terrorist Manual.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 21:03 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
ISIL danas radi sve što je muhammad radio. Nikad sebi ne dozvolite da vas takijaju. I kao prvo ne dozvolite sebi da i pomislite da ne takijaju. Takija im je obvezna kad se odnose prema ne-muslimanima.

Jedna epizoda kad je muhammad sa par svojih sljedbenika mučio Židova trgovca zlatom da im kaže gdje je sakrio zlato.
- Tortura, stavljanje užarenog ugljena na prsa, vađenje očiju, i na kraju rezanje glave. Pitate se otkud ISIL crpi inspiraciju ?

The Prophet gave orders concerning Kinanah to Zubayr, saying, ‘Torture him until you root out and extract what he has. So Zubayr kindled a fire on Kinanah’s chest, twirling it with his firestick until Kinanah was near death. Then the Messenger gave him to Maslamah, who beheaded him. -- Al-Tabari, Vol. 8, p. 122

Druga epizoda:

He [Muhammad] had their hands and feet cut off, ordered nails which were heated and passed over their eyes, and they were left in a rocky land to die slowly. Anas said that they asked for water, and nobody provided them with water till they died. Bukhari 4.02.261

Anas said, "Some people of 'Ukl or 'Uraina tribe came to Medina and its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they went as directed and after they became healthy, they killed the shepherd of the Prophet and drove away all the camels. The news reached the Prophet early in the morning and he sent (men) in their pursuit and they were captured and brought at noon. He then ordered to cut their hands and feet (and it was done), and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron, They were put in 'Al-Harra' and when they asked for water, no water was given to them." Abu Qilaba said, "Those people committed theft and murder, became infidels after embracing Islam and fought against Allah and His Apostle." Bukhari 1.4.234

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Povijest islama
PostPostano: 29 srp 2016, 21:08 

Pridružen/a: 21 stu 2015, 18:34
Postovi: 3516
Lokacija: Folklorni srboćetnik, praktični muslimanski Bunjevac
master_mind_ je napisao/la:
BBC je napisao/la:
Isto je bitno napomenuti da muhammad nije vrbovao sljedbenike tako da im dijelio 4/5 opljačkanog od Židova i drugih plemena, i 4/5 zarobljenih žena za sex to nikad ne bi zaživilo niti bi se danas znalo za to.
1/5 toga je ostavljao sebi, "allah tako rekao".

Nešto kao Mafia i Godfather. Nažalost tad nitko nije primjetio kuda to zlo vodi i nijedan "Eliot Ness" ga nije za glavu skratio na vrijeme. Kad su se dosjetili o čemu se radi bilo kasno, već bili protjerani i pobijeni.

Još tada se znalo kakav je on i pokušavalo se sprječiti. Ako se ne varam pleme koje je vladalo Mekom gdje se nalazi sveti kamen se zvalo Kurajš. Oni su u početku nastojali pregovarati sa Muhamedom i čak mu nudili neke političke koncesije i da mu vjera bude zastupljena među ostalim. Međutim, Muhamed je htio se za sebe pa im nije preostalo ništa drugo nego da ga protjeraju u Medinu. Muslimani će reći da su Kurajši "diskriminirali i proganjali muslimane".

Nisu baš Kurajši bili bez proračuna, i oni su sigurno doprineli širenju islama.
Abu Sufjan (jedan od vođa) je kasnije svoju ćerku udao za Muhameda, a sin Muavija mu je postao prvi kalif Omajadske dinastije.
Čak čuh teoriju da je suštinski Muhamed bio njegova marioneta, sa političke strane gledano ne teološke.

Robi lopove vrati bodove!

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