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Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 14 kol 2014, 11:19 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
No to eto nije vijest. Nije zanimljivo. Bitno da nas je Dragan Nikolić (i ona tuka jučer u Dnevniku) izvjestio o ubojstvu nenaoružanog crnog tinejdžera. S druge strane ovakvi napadi su prava epidemija u Americi (prema iznimnim situacijama poput ove) no ni to nikog ne zanima.  Scott Simerson, who was white, was beaten and kicked while watching some kids on a playground in Grand Rapids, Michigan in May. He was defenseless and police say the attack was unprovoked. He finally died from his injuries this past Sunday. Four black males allegedly ganged up on him. The two who are being charged in the crime are Robert Kelly and Donmard White. On ne pripada "zaštićenoj grupi" koja je vrijedna sućuti i žaljenja. Što više znaš o svijetu...
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 14 kol 2014, 11:38 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Ovo je američka stvarnost. Four suspects arrested in the New Jersey murders of straight-A prep school graduate and a high school graduate... and one is a sex offender wanted in another double slaying    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... gPage=trueMurdered 'teacher of the year' was strangled announce police as her alleged killer smiles AGAIN on his second appearance at court http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... court.htmlI to se događa svaki dan. I prešućuje u liberalnim medijima. Po njihovom vlastitom priznanju. I kad se nakon 40ak takvih dogodi da neki bijeli policajac ubije crnog tinejdžera koji ga je napao i pokušao mu uzeti prištolj onda kreće liberalna propagandna mašinerija. Citat: Editors for the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times and the Chicago Tribune admitted to deliberately censoring information about black crime for political reasons. Chicago Tribune Editor Gerould Kern recently said that the paper’s reason for censorship was to “guard against subjecting an entire group of people to suspicion.” Citat: After researching the FBI numbers for “Suicide of a Superpower,” this writer concluded: “An analysis of ‘single offender victimization figures’ from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study.”
Though blacks are outnumbered 5-to-1 in the population by whites, they commit eight times as many crimes against whites as the reverse. By those 2007 numbers, a black male was 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse. http://buchanan.org/blog/black-americas ... acism-5710
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 19 kol 2014, 15:59 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Is Ferguson Our Future? “America is on trial,” said Rev. Al Sharpton from the pulpit of Greater St Mark’s Family Church in Ferguson, Missouri. At issue, the shooting death of Michael Brown, Saturday a week ago, on the main street of that city of 22,000, a neighbor community to Jennings, where this writer lived in the mid-1960s. Brown, an 18-year-old African-American, was shot multiple times by Darren Wilson, a 28-year-old white police officer with an unblemished record in six years on the force in Jennings and Ferguson.
From his patrol car, Wilson ordered Brown out of the street where he was walking and blocking traffic. A fight followed. Wilson appears to have been punched in the face. One police report says that there was a struggle for the officer’s gun.According to Brown’s companion, however, after he was first shot, he threw up his hands and yelled, “Don’t shoot. I surrender.” Then Wilson gunned him down. According to one of three autopsies, Brown was shot six times, once in the top of the head, which may suggest he was charging the officer when gunned down. A second St. Louis County autopsy found marijuana in Brown’s body. What we are witnessing in Ferguson today, and nationally, is not only a collision of reported facts, but also a clash of visions about America. In Sharpton’s vision, America is a country where white racist cops harass, assault and gun down young black males, and Brown’s execution is the latest outrage. Many media echo his indictment and accent the facts that support this preconceived narrative.
Disrupting this portrait and particularly outrageous to Sharpton was the release by the Ferguson police chief of a videotape of Brown stealing a $44 box of cigars, 15 minutes before he was shot dead, and manhandling and menacing the store clerk trying to stop him.
Brown was 6’4″ and 292 pounds. Sharpton contends that officer Wilson did not know of the “shoplifting” that was irrelevant to the shooting, and that release of the tape was a moral atrocity to smear the character of the dead teenager.
But while that tape may be unrelated to the shooting, it does testify to the mindset of Michael Brown that morning and to his respect for the rule of law. Ought we not know that? Then there is the rival vision of America rooted in a separate reality. It is that in America today, police, like Darren Wilson, are the first responders and last line of defense, willing to risk their lives battling the criminal elements that threaten us and our free society.
Moreover, violent crime in America — assault, murder, robbery, rape — emanates disproportionately from the black community, and especially the young male members of that community.
Crime rates, conviction rates, incarceration rates all testify to this truth. If cops are more on guard when encountering black males, is it not because, given the crime statistics, they have more to fear from them?Do not the weekly news reports from Barack Obama’s hometown of Chicago, where black-on-black violence is pandemic, also testify to this? Decades ago, U.S. newspapers, which used to publish the race of both victims of crime and perpetrators, decided to stop doing so. They felt that this was the kind of news people have no need to know. These conflicting visions are not exclusive to race. Many liberals share Sharpton’s vision, while many black folks move out of home communities to escape the scourge of crime.
Indeed, if Ferguson in the North County is a racist enclave, why did so many African-Americans move there from overwhelmingly black North St. Louis?And if only three of the 53 cops on the Ferguson force are black, is that due to race discrimination? The chief says he has sought to recruit blacks and asked the Justice Department for help. Is this untrue? We are told that of six members of the Ferguson city council only one is black, while two-thirds of Ferguson’s population is black. Yet, last week, we learned that the black voter turnout in local elections in Ferguson in 2013 was 6 percent. When St. Louis County, to stop the violence and looting last week, sent cops into Ferguson with armored personnel carriers and assault rifles, they were denounced for militarizing law enforcement. “Tell them to remove the damn tanks,” ordered Eric Holder. The county complied and a kinder, gentler law enforcement ensued. And the looters and rioters went on a three-night tear over the weekend forcing Gov. Jay Nixon to call out the National Guard. Nevertheless, the violence in Ferguson is child’s play compared to Watts in ’65, Newark and Detroit in ’67, and 100 U.S. cities including Washington, D.C., after Dr. King’s assassination in ’68. In those riots, great cities were gutted, dozens were killed, and thousands arrested. Detroit never recovered. And that is the future that beckons us all if our first demand today is not for peace and order, and then for justice for Brown’s family and Darren Wilson, according to the rule of law. http://buchanan.org/blog/ferguson-future-6886
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 19 kol 2014, 16:20 |
Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 20:35 Postovi: 12980 Lokacija: Zagreb
Ali opet, ne smije se negirati da je u SAD-u policija preprisutna, preagresivna i posjeduje preveliku moć. Istina, crnci su daleko krimogeniji od bilo koje rase, no puno njih je završilo u zatvoru zbog zločina vezanih uz drogu koji ne bi bili ni otkriveni da se stalno policija tamo ne mota.
Ako bi se smanjio pritisak mogla bi sama "community" shvatiti da je u njihovom ponašanju nešto krivo i samoorganizirati se. Pogotovo u mjestu kao Ferguson koje nastanjuje crna srednja klasa.
_________________ Summum ius, summa iniuria.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 19 kol 2014, 17:25 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 19 kol 2014, 17:27 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 24 kol 2014, 22:00 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Još jedan slučaj. Krenuo na policajca, kažu sa nožem u ruci.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 24 kol 2014, 22:15 |
Pridružen/a: 18 sij 2014, 16:10 Postovi: 15077 Lokacija: Pod kraljevskim Srebrn'kom
_________________ Dušom i krvlju iskupit ćemo te, o Al-Aksa! Bi ruh bi dam nafdika ya Aqsa” By our souls, by our blood, all for you oh Al-Aqsa
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Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 02 ruj 2014, 13:09 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Three Quarters of Whites Don’t Have Any Non-White Friends Christopher Ingraham, Washington Post, August 25, 2014 In a 100-friend scenario, the average white person has 91 white friends; one each of black, Latino, Asian, mixed race, and other races; and three friends of unknown race. The average black person, on the other hand, has 83 black friends, eight white friends, two Latino friends, zero Asian friends, three mixed race friends, one other race friend, and four friends of unknown race. In fact, PRRI’s data show that a full 75 percent of whites have “entirely white social networks without any minority presence.” The same holds true for slightly less than two thirds of black Americans. [Editor's Note: This means that two thirds of blacks have all black social networks. The figure is 46 percent for Hispanics.] http://www.amren.com/news/2014/08/three ... e-friends/
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 06 ruj 2014, 10:08 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 21:11 Postovi: 24265 Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
SAmo ću reći - dnevno.hr. Citat: NATO summit u Newportu u Welsu posjetila je i kandidatkinja za predsjednicu Republike Hrvatske, Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, ali u funkciji pomoćnice glavnog tajnika NATO-a. Njezinu ljupkost zapazili su i jedan moćni predsjednik i jedan moćni premijer - Barack Obama i David Cameron. Barack Obama, poznat kao veliki šarmer, lijepu je Kolindu zapazio dok je s hodao dvoranom s glavnim tajnikom NATO-a Andersom Foghom Rasmussenom.   Obama im se priključio. Ljubazna kao uvijek, dotjerana kao uvijek u bijeloj opravi i slatko nasmijana - kao uvijek - Kolinda ga je oduševila, da se zaključiti po nasmiješenom Obaminom licu.  
_________________ Safe European Home
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 06 ruj 2014, 19:40 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Na izborima za Senat u jesen demokrati imaju veliku šansu izgubiti većinu čime će i Senat i Zastupnički dom biti republikanski. Znači podjela i prepucavanje s predsjednikom se nastavlja.
Trenutno su u Senatu 53 demokrata, 2 nezavisna koja glasuju s demokratima i 45 republikanaca. Treba im 6 mjesta za preuzimanje.
Od 36 mjesta na izborima 21 drže demokrati, 15 republikanci.
Republikanci uzimaju od demokrata Montanu, Južnu Dakotu, Sjevernu Karolinu i Zapadnu Virginiju.
Šest utrka je izjednačeno. Od njih, tri naginju republikancima: Louisiana, Kanzas i Aljaska. Dvije su izjednačene Arkanzas i Iowa. I jedna, Colorado blago naginje demokratima.
Nama je najzanimljivija Aljaska gdje naš demokrat Begić zaostaje u utrci za republikancem Sullivanom. Ali za sada u margini statističke pogreške.
Šteta bi bila da izgubi ali ipak je demokrat u republikanskoj Aljasci.
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 11 ruj 2014, 22:48 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 21:11 Postovi: 24265 Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Citat: Obama: Amerika i dalje stoji uspravno i ponosno
Političari, visoki dužnosnici i članovi obitelji žrtava okupili su se u New Yorku, Washingtonu i Pennsylvaniji kako bi se prisjetili 3000 poginulih u napadu Al-Qa'ide na SAD 11. rujna 2001.
Članovi obitelji žrtava napada polagano su, kao i proteklih godina, poput molitve izgovorili imena poginulih u donjem dijelu Manhattana, od Gordona Aaamotha do Igora Zukelmana.
Čitanje imena prekidano je četiri puta, čime se podsjetilo na vrijeme udara četiriju zrakoplova, te još dvaput, kako bi se podsjetilo na vrijeme kada se srušio najprije sjeverni, a zatim i južni toranj Svjetskoga trgovinskog centra (WTC).
Na komemoraciji su, među ostalima, bili guverner države New York Andrew Cuomo, newyorški gradonačelnik Bill de Blasio te bivši gradonačelnici Michael Bloomberg i Rudy Giuliani.
Predsjednik Barack Obama održao je govor u Pentagonu, na privatnoj komemoraciji na kojoj su bili članovi obitelji 184 poginule osobe u napadu na sjedište ministarstva obrane SAD-a u Arlingtonu.
Trinaest godina nakon što je mala skupina ljudi koji mrze cijeli svijet skovala urotu u nastojanju da nas slomi, Amerika i dalje stoji uspravno i ponosno, rekao je među ostalim američki predsjednik.
Jedina komemoracija otvorena za javnost danas je održana u Shanksvilleu, gdje se srušio oteti zrakoplov na letu 93 tvrtke United Airlines.
_________________ Safe European Home
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 14 ruj 2014, 00:03 |
Pridružen/a: 29 ruj 2013, 22:37 Postovi: 177
korrisnik je napisao/la: Ispod prosjeka jedne naše svadbe. 
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 14 ruj 2014, 10:16 |
Pridružen/a: 18 sij 2014, 16:10 Postovi: 15077 Lokacija: Pod kraljevskim Srebrn'kom
 I u nas kad sjedu u onaj civilni "Polo" jedu džaba govna.
_________________ Dušom i krvlju iskupit ćemo te, o Al-Aksa! Bi ruh bi dam nafdika ya Aqsa” By our souls, by our blood, all for you oh Al-Aqsa
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 14 ruj 2014, 10:52 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Voters Strongly Oppose Obama's Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants Most voters oppose President Obama's reported plan to unilaterally grant amnesty to several million illegal immigrants and think Congress should challenge him in court if he goes ahead with it A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 62% of Likely U.S. Voters oppose the president granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants without the approval of Congress. Just 26% are in favor of Obama's plan, while 12% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.) Only 24% think the president has the legal authority to grant amnesty to these illegal immigrants without Congress’ approval. Fifty-seven percent (57%) believe the president does not have the legal right to do so. Eighteen percent (18%) are undecided. If the president does grant amnesty to several million illegals, 55% of voters think Congress should challenge that action in court. Thirty percent (30%) disagree, while 14% are undecided. Fifty-five percent (55%) of voters believe that when it comes to dealing with issues the president considers important to the nation, the government should only do what the president and Congress agree on. Thirty-five percent (35%) think Obama should take action alone if Congress does not approve the initiatives he has proposed. When it comes to his executive actions, a plurality (44%) thinks Obama has been less faithful to the U.S. Constitution than most other presidents. Consistent with surveying for years, two-out-of-three voters (67%) think securing the border to prevent future illegal immigration should come before amnesty is granted for some illegal immigrants already in this country. Just 26% believe amnesty should come first. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_ ... immigrantsAmerički narod vs. elita u Americi. Ovih 26% su Meksikanci plus liberali. Ostatak je protiv. To je pitanje koje razdire republikance. Iz baze izrastaju ljudi koji izazivaju necon establišment. Pitanje imigracije i granice je pitanje broj 1. I ako se beskompromisno ustraje na tome dobijaju se izbori. Bez obzira na sto drugih pitanja. I dobar dio demokrata, birača naravno, je očito protiv. No tu nema snage za narodni pokret. Tu se dobar dio političkih analitičara slaže. Republikanci mogu dobiti predsjedničke izbore samo sa nacionalističkim kandidatom. Necon fore više ne prolaze. Ta opcija jedina ima šanse privuči radničku klasu, prvenstveno bijelu. Ostatke Reaganovih demokrata. Stop intervencionizmu i igranja svjetskog policajca, ekonomski nacionalizam, stop useljavanju i zatvaranje granice. McCain, Romney i slična ekipica nemaju prođu. Citat: 67% think securing the border to prevent future illegal immigration should come before amnesty is granted for some illegal immigrants already in this country. Just 26% believe amnesty should come first. Dobra stvar za razmišljanje glede snage elite. Od ovih 26% većina su Latinosi. No ipak tih 10-12% gura i prkosi 67% tako da je do nedavno bilo nemoguće biti protiv useljavanja i uništenja tradiocionalne američke nacije, a da te medijski ne unište. No sad one protiv briga za etikete koje im lijepe liberalni mediji.
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 18 ruj 2014, 15:42 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 18 ruj 2014, 17:04 |
Pridružen/a: 16 lip 2012, 23:09 Postovi: 15513
Tu knezovi nisu radi kavzi; Nit' su radi Turci izjelice, Al' je rada sirotinja raja, Koja globa davati ne može, Ni trpiti Turskoga zuluma; I radi su Božij ugodnici; Jer je krvca iz zemlje provrela, Zeman doš'o valja vojevati, Za krst časni krvcu proljevati, Svaki svoje da pokaje stare...
_________________ + Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 18 ruj 2014, 18:44 |
Pridružen/a: 18 sij 2014, 16:10 Postovi: 15077 Lokacija: Pod kraljevskim Srebrn'kom
Turci i Američka priča i mean really wtf.
_________________ Dušom i krvlju iskupit ćemo te, o Al-Aksa! Bi ruh bi dam nafdika ya Aqsa” By our souls, by our blood, all for you oh Al-Aqsa
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 18 ruj 2014, 19:57 |
Pridružen/a: 17 ruj 2014, 14:43 Postovi: 248
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 20 ruj 2014, 15:20 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 21:11 Postovi: 24265 Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Upravo na CNN-u, kako je nepoznati muškarac preskočio ogradu i došao do objekta Bijele Kuće u Washingtonu. Najčuvaniji objekt u svijetu se preskakanjem ograde "osvaja". 
_________________ Safe European Home
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 20 ruj 2014, 15:57 |
Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 20:35 Postovi: 12980 Lokacija: Zagreb
lider30 je napisao/la: Upravo na CNN-u, kako je nepoznati muškarac preskočio ogradu i došao do objekta Bijele Kuće u Washingtonu. Najčuvaniji objekt u svijetu se preskakanjem ograde "osvaja".  Idiot bi u Bushevo vrijeme popio jedan snajperski metak.
_________________ Summum ius, summa iniuria.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 24 ruj 2014, 23:15 |
Pridružen/a: 19 stu 2010, 10:50 Postovi: 10131 Lokacija: Banja Luka
Ban Ki Mun: Stiče se utisak da se svet raspada 24. septembar 2014. NjUJORK - Generalni sekretar UN Ban Ki Mun rekao je danas na otvaranju 69. Generalne skupštine da može da se stekne utisak da se svet raspada dok se krize gomilaju, bolest širi, a duhovi Hladnog rata vraćaju i dok je Arapsko proleće uglavnom skliznulo u nasilje. Na istoj Generalnoj skupstini ,Barak Obama presednik USA , u svom govoru nekoliko puta rece, da je svijet postao bolji i sigurniji . Sergej Lavrov je to okarakterisao bizarnim ... pitajuci se , da li je Obama ozbiljan ili ne ? Evo jedne karte , koja govori da je svijet na rubu globalnog sukoba . A možda je već i počeo. 
_________________ Sunce izlazi na Istoku . Ništa nije moćnije od ideje čije je vrijeme stiglo .
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 25 ruj 2014, 22:44 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 21:11 Postovi: 24265 Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
_________________ Safe European Home
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 25 ruj 2014, 23:31 |
Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2009, 20:01 Postovi: 13738 Lokacija: ZG
O vanjskoj politici USA generalno bez obzira na sva naša neslaganja oko BiH, imam vrlo dobro mišljenje ... I želim im da još dugo vode igru 
_________________ Muslimane ko je kleo, nije dangubio.
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Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema Postano: 26 ruj 2014, 00:09 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Ukrajina, Sirija...na ostalo nemam naročitih primjedbi.
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
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