

Forum Hrvata BiH
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Započni novu temu Odgovori  [ 33 post(ov)a ] 
Autor/ica Poruka
 Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance)
PostPostano: 15 sij 2021, 16:50 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 08:25
Postovi: 43757
Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Bump za novije hrvatske forumaše, ovo je jedna od najvrijednijih stvari na ovom forumu, nema drugdje.

sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance)
PostPostano: 15 sij 2021, 17:27 

Pridružen/a: 02 sij 2021, 00:17
Postovi: 1419
Ministry of Sound je napisao/la:
Bump za novije hrvatske forumaše, ovo je jedna od najvrijednijih stvari na ovom forumu, nema drugdje.

Ovo je staro, je li ostalo isto ili ima neki update? Ovo je sa CultureActive, je li tako?

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance)
PostPostano: 15 sij 2021, 17:33 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 08:25
Postovi: 43757
Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
The Green Zebra je napisao/la:
Ministry of Sound je napisao/la:
Bump za novije hrvatske forumaše, ovo je jedna od najvrijednijih stvari na ovom forumu, nema drugdje.

Ovo je staro, je li ostalo isto ili ima neki update? Ovo je sa CultureActive, je li tako?

Je, Culture Active mislim, ali primarni izvor je: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/482071.When_Cultures_Collide

A update sam ja osobno napravio, eno ga gore, nekoliko postova iznad:

2020 Addendum by MoS:

All Croats, regardless of their regional or political affiliation crave and desire approval from those nations they consider superior to them (northern hemispere, starting at the Austrian border and ending on the US Pacific coast). The approval can manifest itself as the merest mention or acknowledgment of existence by a Western politician, personality or a media outlet. Croatian media spends thousands of man hours per week combing through any and all mentions of Croatia in the public discourse of nations deemed superior to Croatia. These are immediately relayed to the anxious body public, who will subsequently dissect and analyse the quote or article in question. Depending on the content and length, this may become THE burning issue among the political elite.

It has been said that Croats are akin to an incel beta-orbiter, continually orbiting the object of their lust and attention, only occassionally receiving the smallest token of recognition, which is sadly enough to keep them mesmerised and in a state of servitude, hoping that one day, it will be their turn for a warm and loving embrace.

Safe topics and easy brownie points with Croats of any political persuasion:

- Compliment them on the beauty of their town (don't compliment the entire country, as Croats from the left side of the political spectrum might be horrified as they could perceive that you think they are nationalist and expect their country to be spoken about in a kind manner)
- Tell them that you have heard that Croats are "good Europeans" and that have done a good job of keeping the EU together.

For anything outside of that, you need to identify whether a person is from the left or the right. This can be gleaned by asking them whether they recommend "Index" or "Vecernji" as your own source of information. If it's the former, proceed as follows:

- Compliment them on the progress that Croatia has made moving on from its "fascist past" (don't ask just do it)
- Tell them that you and your friends in the west have heard about "eminent human rights activists" such as Jelena Veljaca and Oliver Frljic and that Croatia is earning a good reputation in the west for being a very "progressive country"
- Compliment them on the immaculate organisation and support of the Zagreb Pride
- Wax lyrical about the amazing cultural spectacle put on in the city of Rijeka and remark that it might just have been THE pinnacle of European culture
- Wish them good luck in dismantling the conservative shackles and "regional rednecks" who are holding the country back from receiving even more praise from the "friends in the west"

If the person reads Vecernji, do the following:

- Compliment them on the beauty of the entire country and make a big point of telling them you could see a huge difference as soon as you crossed the border from Serbia (do mention that the Serbs were not your cup of tea and that Croats are "real Europeans")
- Mention that their football team was "robbed" in the WC 2018 final
- Thank the Croats for protecting the borders of the west for centuries and especially now
- Tell them that you have heard that Franjo Tudjman was a leader akin to George Washington and whether they could tell you more about it
- Tell them that you are a military history buff and that you have heard that their brilliant "Operation Storm" is a mandatory subject in the military academies of the country you hail from

Proceed to fuck them over and extract the maximum in whatever your extractive commercial or political goal is.

sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance)
PostPostano: 15 sij 2021, 17:40 

Pridružen/a: 02 sij 2021, 00:17
Postovi: 1419
Ministry of Sound je napisao/la:
The Green Zebra je napisao/la:
Ovo je staro, je li ostalo isto ili ima neki update? Ovo je sa CultureActive, je li tako?

Je, Culture Active mislim, ali primarni izvor je: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/482071.When_Cultures_Collide

A update sam ja osobno napravio, eno ga gore, nekoliko postova iznad:

2020 Addendum by MoS:

All Croats, regardless of their regional or political affiliation crave and desire approval from those nations they consider superior to them (northern hemispere, starting at the Austrian border and ending on the US Pacific coast). The approval can manifest itself as the merest mention or acknowledgment of existence by a Western politician, personality or a media outlet. Croatian media spends thousands of man hours per week combing through any and all mentions of Croatia in the public discourse of nations deemed superior to Croatia. These are immediately relayed to the anxious body public, who will subsequently dissect and analyse the quote or article in question. Depending on the content and length, this may become THE burning issue among the political elite.

It has been said that Croats are akin to an incel beta-orbiter, continually orbiting the object of their lust and attention, only occassionally receiving the smallest token of recognition, which is sadly enough to keep them mesmerised and in a state of servitude, hoping that one day, it will be their turn for a warm and loving embrace.

Safe topics and easy brownie points with Croats of any political persuasion:

- Compliment them on the beauty of their town (don't compliment the entire country, as Croats from the left side of the political spectrum might be horrified as they could perceive that you think they are nationalist and expect their country to be spoken about in a kind manner)
- Tell them that you have heard that Croats are "good Europeans" and that have done a good job of keeping the EU together.

For anything outside of that, you need to identify whether a person is from the left or the right. This can be gleaned by asking them whether they recommend "Index" or "Vecernji" as your own source of information. If it's the former, proceed as follows:

- Compliment them on the progress that Croatia has made moving on from its "fascist past" (don't ask just do it)
- Tell them that you and your friends in the west have heard about "eminent human rights activists" such as Jelena Veljaca and Oliver Frljic and that Croatia is earning a good reputation in the west for being a very "progressive country"
- Compliment them on the immaculate organisation and support of the Zagreb Pride
- Wax lyrical about the amazing cultural spectacle put on in the city of Rijeka and remark that it might just have been THE pinnacle of European culture
- Wish them good luck in dismantling the conservative shackles and "regional rednecks" who are holding the country back from receiving even more praise from the "friends in the west"

If the person reads Vecernji, do the following:

- Compliment them on the beauty of the entire country and make a big point of telling them you could see a huge difference as soon as you crossed the border from Serbia (do mention that the Serbs were not your cup of tea and that Croats are "real Europeans")
- Mention that their football team was "robbed" in the WC 2018 final
- Thank the Croats for protecting the borders of the west for centuries and especially now
- Tell them that you have heard that Franjo Tudjman was a leader akin to George Washington and whether they could tell you more about it
- Tell them that you are a military history buff and that you have heard that their brilliant "Operation Storm" is a mandatory subject in the military academies of the country you hail from

Proceed to fuck them over and extract the maximum in whatever your extractive commercial or political goal is.

To je ruganje, a trenutno pokušavam naći 4. izdanje knjige u PDF-u.

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance)
PostPostano: 17 sij 2021, 02:50 

Pridružen/a: 08 svi 2020, 15:23
Postovi: 3887
Lokacija: Stolni grad
The Green Zebra je napisao/la:

Uglavnom, samo optimistično, Junuz i dudu su moje duhovne vođe.

Ja ne znam, u mom okruženju(Mostar-Široki-Ljubuški) nikad nismo glorificirali nikoga ponajviše što sebe previše hvalimo pa nema mjesta za druge :zubati.

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance)
PostPostano: 08 pro 2021, 14:46 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 15:23
Postovi: 12467
U dokumentu se ističe i da su Slovenija i Hrvatska znatno bogatije od drugih dijelova Jugoslavije i naglašavaju hrvatske težnje prema nezavisnosti. Pri kraju dokumenta nalazi se rječnik, a pod "Hrvatska" ističe se kako se njome gotovo tisuću godina upravljalo iz Beča i Budimpešte, dok je Dalmacija imala znatno drukčiju povijest od ostatka zemlje te da je bila zemlja pirata, trgovaca i dugogodišnja kolonija Venecije.

Kozmopolitiskiji Dalmatinci, ističe se, ne dijele tako snažno militantni nacionalizam ostatka Hrvatske te su, barem između dva svjetska rata, bili skloniji proglasiti Srbe pobjednicima i jamcima nezavisnosti od neslavenske dominacije.

https://m.vecernji.hr/vijesti/sto-je-19 ... at-1545691

Dalmatian Dude - more tolerant and relaxed than the average Croat.

Sound legit. :D

CIA - understanding things on a whole other level since 1947.

HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance)
PostPostano: 08 pro 2021, 18:24 

Pridružen/a: 31 svi 2020, 15:38
Postovi: 4270
Pocinje se pojavljivat odredena nadmenost i samopostovanje. Primarno jer stari uzori padaju NAGLO.

Desnica/tradicionalisti se vise ne ugledaju na Njemacku, Francusku, Austriju, Italiju vec Rusiju, Kinu, Izrael, Madarsku, Singapur

Poslovnjaci i slobodnjaci vise se ne ugledaju na Ameriku ni zapad jer to jednostavno vise nije to. Amerika je izgubila trgovacki rat s Kinom, vise nije "land of the free", ogroman dio ekonomije je subvencioniran printanjem novca i socijalom, isto i s EU

Ljevica vise ne gleda na Rusiju, Srbiju itd a Anglosfera in je preluda, bar za sad. Vise nemaju uzora. Hrvatski ljevicari su zapravo nostalgicari najveci.

Ono sta fali ovoj analizi Hrvata je psiholoska analiza po big five traits i jos neki elementi.
Ta depresivnost je aspekt neuroticizma, inace relativno nasljedne osobine. Neuroticni ljudi su uvik nezadovoljni, neovisno o primanjima, komforu, listi ostvarenih osobnih ciljeva, obiteljskom statusu itd.

Osoba s niskim neuroticizmom bit ce zadovoljna, cak i sritna svojim zivotom i stanjem u drustvu cak i ako je objektivno siromasna, ispraznog osobnog zivota i kompletno neostvarena. Odlican primjer neuroticizma su svi ovi ultrauspjesni umjetnici koji umru od samounistavanja, depresije, ovisnosti. Ipak, Hrvati su manje depresivni od Muslimana recimo, a i ti Hrvati najvise emigriraju pa se to balansira. Ljudi s niskim neuroticizmom recimo imaju natprosjecno dice cisto jer im misli ne privlaci pesimizam i briga oko objektivnog stanja.

Hrvati BiH tribaju uvest americke/ceske zakone o oruzju.

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance)
PostPostano: 07 ruj 2022, 10:32 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2022, 10:16
Postovi: 1
Povijest hrvatskih gradova koji imaju itekako što ispričati o svojoj prošlosti, evo nekoliko zanimljivosti vezanih za ovaj mali kontinentalni biser, GRAD SISAK, čije kulturne i urbane atrakcije zaslužuju našu pažnju i posjetu https://www.emajstor.hr/clanak/612/sisa ... z_vijekove
Ponosna na svoj grad !!!

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