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[ 8164 post(ov)a ] |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 31 srp 2022, 20:27 |
Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2020, 17:34 Postovi: 23668
aleksije radicevic je napisao/la: УЖИВО – дан 158: У гранатирању Николајева погинуо украјински олигарх, почео ремонт моста преко Дњепра у Херсонуhttps://www.in4s.net/uzivo-dan-158-u-gr ... u-hersonu/Da li ovaj ruski pohod na Nikolajev i povecane aktivnosti oko Hersona, znaci da Donbas smatraju vec zavrsenim? Ukrajinci su jos tamo, ali valjda misle da su ih dovoljno polupali, i da ce zato uskoro otici? Podsecam, Zelenski je pozvao na evakuaciju civila. ne, Ukrajinci su ih naprosto prislili ratovati na dva fronta (pokušavli su oni napadati prema Hersonu).
_________________ Čuvajte nacionalnu homogenost ko zjenicu oka svoga!
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 01 kol 2022, 11:39 |
Pridružen/a: 14 sij 2022, 10:12 Postovi: 536
_________________ Može se očekivati da će takva odluka rasplamsati nacionalističke, protuzapadne i militarističke tendencije u ruskom mišljenju..." https://www.nytimes.com/1997/02/05/opinion/a-fateful-error.html
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 01 kol 2022, 16:07 |
Pridružen/a: 04 srp 2022, 07:35 Postovi: 1039
buli6 je napisao/la: https://ria.ru/20220801/ukraina-1806375390.html
Odu još dva himarsa u paralelnom svemiru ![sega :sega](https://hercegbosna.org/forum/images/smilies/c040.gif) rusi do sada po svojim brojenjem ubili 17 HIMARSA ![sega :sega](https://hercegbosna.org/forum/images/smilies/c040.gif)
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 01 kol 2022, 18:55 |
Pridružen/a: 04 srp 2022, 07:35 Postovi: 1039
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 01 kol 2022, 19:58 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 13:49 Postovi: 8608 Lokacija: Usa
unistenja vojna kolona ukrajinaca kod Bakhmuta, rusi su ih ovdje presreli u povlacenju i tako to
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 01 kol 2022, 20:27 |
Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2020, 17:34 Postovi: 23668
crni_bombarder je napisao/la: unistenja vojna kolona ukrajinaca kod Bakhmuta, rusi su ih ovdje presreli u povlacenju i tako to ukropski moral je najveći fenomen ovog rata. iako su dugoročno osuđeni na pushing, ovo što oni podnos do sada, a da im se vojska nije sva rasula, to je spektakularno. da mi imamo per capita gubitke poput njih, ne bi na frontu ostalo 6 ljudi od bježanije.
_________________ Čuvajte nacionalnu homogenost ko zjenicu oka svoga!
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 01 kol 2022, 20:42 |
Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2020, 17:34 Postovi: 23668
crni_bombarder je napisao/la: Mi bas i nismo poznati po bjezaniji, Hrvat je cesto stajao gdje drugi ne bi ni lezao, od Sigeta do Vukovara. . to su uvijek bile male skupine fanatika. takve su Ukri već izgubili, ali vojska se još solidno popunjava. Borben narod, makar uzalud.
_________________ Čuvajte nacionalnu homogenost ko zjenicu oka svoga!
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 01 kol 2022, 21:06 |
Pridružen/a: 04 srp 2022, 07:35 Postovi: 1039
crni_bombarder je napisao/la:
unistenja vojna kolona ukrajinaca kod Bakhmuta, rusi su ih ovdje presreli u povlacenju i tako to
Fake! Snimak od 2014e.
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 01 kol 2022, 21:16 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 13:49 Postovi: 8608 Lokacija: Usa
Nije to do fanatizma koliko do reakcije odredjene grupe ljudi u odredjenoj situaciji.
Hrvati su narod koji uglavnom suti, ali kad dodje pet do dvanaest onda podivljamo, kako su nekad voljeli reci "kad hrvatska sutnja progovori".
I bosanski muslimani su dosta ratoborni, Srbi nekad u proslosti u zadnjem ratu se nisu proslavili. Sada mislim da ove nove generacije shisha barova nisu neka referenca.
Sto se tice ukrajinaca, bore se oni. Istina, ovo sto ih napada je daleko od mogucnosti ruske armije, sve one silne elitne divizije nisu u jurisu, stoje pozadi. Ili su ostavljene za ne daj Boze, ako pukne na Baltiku i slicno.
Cinjenica je da u Donbasu nema elitnih ruskih divizija, nijedna od 4 zracno desantne, Tula je dijelom u Mariupolju dijelom u Belgorodu, ostale niti nisu tu bar ja nisam nigdje procitao. Da ne navodim ostale divizije.
Nesto malo spetsnaza, i to je to. Artiljerija na stranu, gro pjesastva su lokalne milicije.
Vrh |
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Navodni Poslanik
Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 01 kol 2022, 21:32 |
Pridružen/a: 03 tra 2022, 21:52 Postovi: 516
Rekao je Goebbels nešto o tome, izgleda da je očešao. Kaže Rusi su naprosto tvrdoglavi, na nivou bestijalnog, prihvataju usud borbe i prihvataju smrt (on navodi da su takvi jer nemaju nade u bolji život) i možda najvažnije, lojalni su ideološkom pobedniku, ja bih tako opisao. On je naveo da ih boljševizam koristi kao idiote, a mi to danas tvrdimo za NATO Ukrajinu, odnosno zapad, ali u oba slučaja, fanatizam je na nivou jer taj slavenski seljak misli da je na strani pobednika i popušio je ideologiju. Prosto rečeno, Ukrajincima danas zapad svetluca, vjeruju u to i veruju da je to ne samo ispravno, nego i moćno pobedničko okruženje. To zbilja jedino brutalna vojna pobeda Rusije može da izbije iz glava, a to znači i mnogo, mnogo mrtvih. Nažalost. A nije dobro što je i Goebbels upravo tako vidio pobedu, čekanje da Rusi potroše topovsko meso. https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/goeb11.htmBackground: Goebbels began a weekly newspaper called Das Reich in 1940. He generally wrote the lead article each week, in which he took special pride. This essay is dated 19 July 1942. Goebbels explains the Soviet Union’s remarkable military resistance. For a good discussion of Goebbels’s wartime essays, see Bramsted’s book Goebbels and National Socialist Propaganda [https://www.bytwerk.com/mybib.htm] The source: “Die sogenannte russische Seele,” Das eherne Herz (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1943), pp. 398-405. The So-Called Russian Soul by Joseph Goebbels The hard and pitiless battle for Sevastapol, as well as the recent broad offensive operations of the German army, have reopened a lively debate, above all in the neutral press. Similar to that of the past winter, it is on the issue of the so-called Russian soul. The spiritual as well as the territorial boundaries between Asia and Europe have always interested Western Europeans. It is not to be denied that the ethnic mixture that we called Russia before 1917 and the Soviet Union thereafter has been a riddle to our part of the world. That had nothing to do with tsarism then or Bolshevism today. It simply has to do with the fact that the various peoples joined together in this monster of a nation are not a people [Volk] in our sense of the word. The many sides of the Russian soul which appears so complex and contradictory to us are in reality nothing but the reflection of the various peoples who are a part of it. It would be a mistake to evaluate it by the standards of Western Europe. What we call Russia has always been a collective mass. Only a small portion of it has made history. Earlier it was the tsarist upper class, today the Bolshevist-Jewish ruling clique. The broad masses of peasants and workers were only tools, having themselves no part in historical events. The peoples of the Soviet Union live at a level of brutish primitiveness that we can hardly imagine. An exhibition called “The Soviet Paradise” has recently visited Berlin and other large cities, trying to show the nature of life in the Soviet Union through original materials. Normal and naive people can hardly believe it. One often saw groups of civilians discussing the matter heatedly, who then had to be told by a few wounded veterans of the Eastern Front that reality in the so-called workers’ and peasants’ paradise was even worse than what was presented. It is significant that the campaign against the Soviet Union has not brought back any fond memories of communism. None of our soldiers has seen any evidence of an agreement between the theory and practice of Bolshevism. None has returned from the East as a communist. The veil has been removed. Bolshevism is not a danger for us any longer. It still seems astonishing that the Soviet army has put up resistance against our troops that they have not encountered in previous campaigns. They fight with a stolid, almost bestial determination, and sometimes show a contempt of death that is more than remarkable. Participants in the Battle of Sevastopol relate stories of the resistance of the Soviet troops that need explanation if they are not to unsettle a large part of the public. The Russians throughout their history have always shown a particularly stubborn and tough manner of defense, while never being particularly gifted at offense. Their national character has a defensive nature. They are stolid and animalistic. They are accustomed to a hard and impoverished existence, and therefore do not hold on to life all that strongly. The average person has less worth than a bicycle. A rapid birthrate quickly replaces any losses. They have a type of primitive toughness that one cannot call bravery. It is entirely different. Bravery is a kind of spiritual courage. The toughness with which the Bolshevists defended their bunkers in Sevastapol was more a bestial drive, and nothing could be more mistaken than to assume that it was the result of Bolshevist views or education. The Russians were always like that, and will likely always remain so. It is also easier to throw a life away when there is no promise to it than when, even at the moment of danger, a distant paradise still seems to beckon. One does not need to speak of the enormous danger that the armed uprising of such stolid millions is for Germany and all of Europe. For attacking soldiers, the motive of the defenders is not particularly relevant. The methods the Bolshevist commissars use to drive their troops to the last measure of resistance are not really all that important for the course of battle. It is however important to know it to prevent false impressions. Bolshevism is a master at exploiting the Slavic national soul. Only in Russia was this dreadful experiment possible. It required the primitive and bestial dullness of the peoples forming the Soviet Union, as well as their limited social and economic expectations. Its methods were then implemented with a consistency that amazed the observer. Our first images of Bolshevism were not exaggerated, but understated. They were cast into the shadows by reality. We will not even mention the so-called social achievements of the Soviet system, which in comparison with ours can provoke only laughter or shock. It has hardly a matter of taste, however, to be astonished by the fact that Bolshevist propaganda largely succeeded in sealing the masses of Russian workers and peasants off from the world and persuading them by stupid repetition that they were living in a paradise on earth. Independent judgment requires the opportunity to compare. That is ruled out for them. The workers and peasants of the Soviet Union are like the man imprisoned in a dark dungeon for 25 years, who may easily be persuaded that a kerosene lantern is the sun. The political commissar has a function in such a system that is absolutely incomprehensible for us. He wields the whip, both among the masses and in the army. He has full power over life and death, and his own head is on the line as well. The stolid masses are at his disposal. They are forced to choose between accepting it all or facing jail at the least or bestial death at the worst. There is nothing like an intelligentsia remaining to put up any resistance. The system has the resources to eliminate it at the earliest stages. The whole country is covered by a spy system that misuses children to spy on their parents. What choice do the stolid and hopeless masses have but to obey with the fatalism that lies within their racial soul, to give themselves up to their fate? What choice does a soldier in a bunker have when the commissar is standing there with a drawn pistol, and systematic Jewish propaganda has persuaded him that becoming a prisoner means not only death, but gruesome torture? That really has nothing to do with bravery as we understand it. Even this system, when it faces the final test, will bend before the superior force of manly combativeness. The Bolshevists had a great advantage in their defensive positions, yet they capitulated after 25 days. In the end, their system lacks the free personal will that springs from the individual fighting spirit. It overcomes difficulty and danger not through terror and threats, but through individual bravery. Certainly international Jewry with its organized stolid and malleable human material is a dangerous enemy. Once it is used up, there will be no threat left for us to face. We would have to doubt the quality of our race, the goodness of our soldiers, and the fighting power of our worldview and principles if we even for a moment doubted that we can break this danger. It is a part of the fate of the German race that at critical points it must defend itself against the threat from the East. It is especially dangerous today, bound as it is to the ruthless infernal goals of Jewish intellectualism. Without doubt it was a near fatal threat not only to Germany, but to all of occidental culture, when Jewry transformed the physical capacities of the East into a monstrous and armed Soviet military, aimed at Germany and all of Europe. The red commissar is defending his world by holding together his attack on us. We must destroy his system if we want to live free from danger in the future. This explanation goes beyond the realm of Philistine discussions of the so-called Russian soul. The old measures are inadequate to things of such an enormous spiritual and philosophical scale. The gigantic battle on the Eastern Front is shaking a world that must fall if we are to have any kind of a national future. The bestial brutality with which the enemy is waging war is proof of the enormity of the danger facing us. Everything is truly at stake. One cannot imagine the consequences if that system were to be implemented here. It would introduce Europe’s total domination by international Jewry. Our people would be subjected to the stolid brutality of a primitive race and would lose its most valuable aspects. London could only welcome such a thing. They have an opponent they are unable to defeat by their own strength, as the course of the war shows. One therefore understands why we Germans have limited patience for intellectual discussions of a so-called Russian national soul, which must be thoroughly investigated in order to uncover its presumed secrets. There are no mysteries here, only facts. We are battling a world power that threatens our national life. The war is hard reality for us, not a philosophical question. We see its ghastly origins, and our soldiers are fighting for our holiest possessions. We do not underestimate our opponent. Still, we are as always persuaded that here, too, the higher race will triumph over the lower one, regardless of what infernal means it uses to escape its deserved fate. We know well that Europe would be lost if the Axis powers did not defend it. We have given our part of the world renewed youth. The attack from the East against its life and culture will fail because we will meet its stolid power with an offensive resistance that draws its strength from the intelligence of the leadership and the vitality of Europe’s young races. As so often before, this time, too, the surging nomads of the East will be driven back to their steppes. That is the purpose of our battle against the Soviet Union. [Page copyright © 1998 by Randall Kako je propaganda uvek glupa, borili se protiv Rusa - Azijata, a bili saveznici sa Japanom. Eh.
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 01 kol 2022, 22:15 |
Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47 Postovi: 39983 Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
divizija je napisao/la: crni_bombarder je napisao/la: unistenja vojna kolona ukrajinaca kod Bakhmuta, rusi su ih ovdje presreli u povlacenju i tako to ukropski moral je najveći fenomen ovog rata. iako su dugoročno osuđeni na pushing, ovo što oni podnos do sada, a da im se vojska nije sva rasula, to je spektakularno. da mi imamo per capita gubitke poput njih, ne bi na frontu ostalo 6 ljudi od bježanije. Bježali bi i ovi da mogu napustiti Ukrajinu.
_________________ mostarski europski
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 02 kol 2022, 15:08 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Počele borbe za Bakhmut.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 02 kol 2022, 15:43 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 13:49 Postovi: 8608 Lokacija: Usa
Wagner je navodno na istocnom rubu grada.
I Peski se cisti, vec imaju snimke zarobljenih ukrajinaca.
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 02 kol 2022, 20:14 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Citat: Ukrop journalist „Butusov“ describes Peski as a „meat grinder“ and „hell“
He says 6500 shells per village are hitting AFU positions in this area per day, for 6 days now. Counter-Battery warfare is practically nonexistent Massive losses - „This is a meat grinder, where the battalion simply holds back the invasion with their bodies“
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 02 kol 2022, 20:31 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Sačekajte da Zelensky i supruga poziraju za Playboy. Onda stiže game-changer. Citat: "Péski. Meatgrinder.
What is there to lose, what else can be taken from me on the sixth day of my personal hell, in Péski, one kilometer from the first street of Ukrainian Donetsk? The bodies of those who were dearer to me than my kin lie under the heat in hacked 152 caliber trenches. As I wrote earlier, 6,500 shells per fucking village in less than 24 hours. It's been like this for six days now, and it's hard to fathom how any number of our infantry remain alive in this barrage of fire. No, I am not whining.
Two 82 and 120 mortars are working from our side. Sometimes two barrels of artillery wake up and "sneeze" towards Donetsk.
We almost do not respond. There is no counterbattery fire, none at all, the enemy without any problems puts artillery shells in our trenches, takes apart very strong, fortified concrete positions in dozens of minutes, without a pause and minimal rest squeezing our line of defense. The day before yesterday the dam broke, and a river of KIA/WIAs poured in. I do not publish any statistics, it is forbidden in our country, but you have no idea the number and percentage of our losses.
It's a fucking meat grinder, where the battalion simply holds back the invasion with its own bodies. For almost a week we have been waiting for at least some reinforcements to hit the enemy artillery, we are, I repeat, being burned with impunity with everything the Russian military system is rich in—today aviation worked.
I'm proud of the battalion leadership that stayed here with us. Kombat is with us, everyone is with us, shell-shocked, light WIAs, bandaged and returning in a couple of hours to their positions, if you can call these bottomless craters that. There is a war going on.
But without counter-battery fighting it turns into a senseless meat grinder, where huge numbers of our infantry are ground up in one day. Are you sure you wanted the truth? Here it is, the naked truth.
The reserve went to the position to cover the advance, but five minutes later out of 15 men only one was left unharmed. Bodies lying on the ground. If it's a light WIA, maybe you'll get lucky and get out on foot.
The only one they carried was a wounded man. He was screaming the whole way: “Where's the support? Where is the artillery? Why we were thrown? Why wasn't anybody covering us?” I don't know, buddy, why nobody covered us... I'm ashamed I'm still in one piece, only a couple of times I was pretty deaf. I took a vomit, I took a shit—sorry for the language—and I am back in the trenches.
All the reserves are spent, the military equipment goes up in flames, the enemy approaches and takes our positions without any problems after another barrage of artillery. Right now we are losing Péski, all our human and material capabilities are almost exhausted. Denis, the man from Mariupol, who told me "Well, I believe Arestovich, we will get it all back pretty soon," is dead. He was wounded twice, they bandaged him right in a trench, they told him, “Denchik, go to the evacuation,” but he answered "Guys, I will not leave you."
And he was wounded for the first time, and after the second wound he continued to shoot back. We still haven't picked up his body. At the ruins of Péski, he lies with his arms outstretched and his gaze fixed. He is asking for revenge. How can I refuse his last request? How can we all leave Dan?
I believe Dimka survived after all. Because he couldn't have died, having just recently returned from the hospital, having only just proposed to his girlfriend. They say that after one of his visits he just disappeared. Buried under earth. But I believe it's a mistake and he's alive. A foolish hope and prayer. I know our government doesn't like to think out loud. But I was left with no choice amidst Victory-mongering and Arestovichevism. The truth should be heard, not whispered in conversations in the kitchen. Of course, I will get a separate bullet for this, because how could the state lie to its own citizens?
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 02 kol 2022, 21:56 |
Pridružen/a: 11 tra 2016, 17:17 Postovi: 7747 Lokacija: Сарај Чадор
Baćuške su na jugoistoku Ukrajine duž cijelog fronta zaglavili i nema nekog velikog mrdanja. To je činjenica.
_________________ Skidanje okova je imperativ.
Takozvana "rs" je genocidna tvorevina.
The so-called "republic of srpska" is a genocidal ramshackle pseudo-state.
Ko je zrinyia na sigetu posjek'o..
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 03 kol 2022, 00:13 |
Pridružen/a: 09 tra 2017, 22:00 Postovi: 3111
BBC je napisao/la: Citat: Ukrop journalist „Butusov“ describes Peski as a „meat grinder“ and „hell“
He says 6500 shells per village are hitting AFU positions in this area per day, for 6 days now. Counter-Battery warfare is practically nonexistent Massive losses - „This is a meat grinder, where the battalion simply holds back the invasion with their bodies“ Sta drugo ruska vojska moze nego granatirat do besvjesti isto kao sto je radila i srpska? Ruska vojska je karina od vojske, amerikanci bi im glavu ugurali u dupe da zarate. Kakva je kineska vojska ostaje nam da vidimo, vjerojatno kao i ruska, precijenjena. Gledaj ti sta ona vadi kao argument kako rusima ide dobro, to sta nisu u stanju osvojit selo kilometar od donjecka pola godine. I nece ga ni osvojit vjerojatno.
_________________ 5. avgust 1995. - Dan ujedinjenja Srbijanaca i Srba iz regiona.
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 03 kol 2022, 00:20 |
Pridružen/a: 09 tra 2017, 22:00 Postovi: 3111
Inace, procjene su da je iz stroja izbacena trecina invazivnih snaga, to je bar 20 tisuca mrtvih, a mozda i 30 na ruskoj strani, plus ranjeni. Vizualno je dokazan gubitak 5 tisuca komada vojne opreme, od cega skoro 1000 tenkova, preko 100 najmodernijih aviona i helikoptera. Ovo pomnozite barem sa 2 .
_________________ 5. avgust 1995. - Dan ujedinjenja Srbijanaca i Srba iz regiona.
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 03 kol 2022, 02:42 |
Pridružen/a: 16 lip 2019, 08:55 Postovi: 236
Primarijus je napisao/la: BBC je napisao/la: Sta drugo ruska vojska moze nego granatirat do besvjesti isto kao sto je radila i srpska? Ruska vojska je karina od vojske, amerikanci bi im glavu ugurali u dupe da zarate. Kakva je kineska vojska ostaje nam da vidimo, vjerojatno kao i ruska, precijenjena. Gledaj ti sta ona vadi kao argument kako rusima ide dobro, to sta nisu u stanju osvojit selo kilometar od donjecka pola godine. I nece ga ni osvojit vjerojatno. Od 2:34
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 03 kol 2022, 07:25 |
Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2020, 17:34 Postovi: 23668
Amiđa je napisao/la: Baćuške su na jugoistoku Ukrajine duž cijelog fronta zaglavili i nema nekog velikog mrdanja. To je činjenica. jesu, ali Ukrajinci plaćaju enormnu cijenu toga koja nije dugoročno izdrživa. u međuvremenu, broj ljudi koji su otišli i nisu se vrtili prešao je 6 milijuna
_________________ Čuvajte nacionalnu homogenost ko zjenicu oka svoga!
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 03 kol 2022, 07:27 |
Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2020, 17:34 Postovi: 23668
Primarijus je napisao/la: Sta drugo ruska vojska moze nego granatirat do besvjesti isto kao sto je radila i srpska? .
to granatiranje nanosi neprijateljskoj strani užasne gubitke uz minimalne za napadača. najkomotniji i najelegantiji način ratovanja
_________________ Čuvajte nacionalnu homogenost ko zjenicu oka svoga!
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 03 kol 2022, 10:28 |
Pridružen/a: 04 srp 2022, 07:35 Postovi: 1039
crni_bombarder je napisao/la: Nije to do fanatizma koliko do reakcije odredjene grupe ljudi u odredjenoj situaciji.
Hrvati su narod koji uglavnom suti, ali kad dodje pet do dvanaest onda podivljamo, kako su nekad voljeli reci "kad hrvatska sutnja progovori".
I bosanski muslimani su dosta ratoborni, Srbi nekad u proslosti u zadnjem ratu se nisu proslavili. Sada mislim da ove nove generacije shisha barova nisu neka referenca.
Sto se tice ukrajinaca, bore se oni. Istina, ovo sto ih napada je daleko od mogucnosti ruske armije, sve one silne elitne divizije nisu u jurisu, stoje pozadi. Ili su ostavljene za ne daj Boze, ako pukne na Baltiku i slicno.
Cinjenica je da u Donbasu nema elitnih ruskih divizija, nijedna od 4 zracno desantne, Tula je dijelom u Mariupolju dijelom u Belgorodu, ostale niti nisu tu bar ja nisam nigdje procitao. Da ne navodim ostale divizije.
Nesto malo spetsnaza, i to je to. Artiljerija na stranu, gro pjesastva su lokalne milicije. Evo, sada su Ruje počele ubacivati i najelitnije jedince u rat jer su im elitni padobranci potpuno porokani.
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 03 kol 2022, 10:39 |
Pridružen/a: 26 pro 2021, 20:59 Postovi: 4354
Neman pises ogromne gluposti, koje su teske za citanje. Ajde malo odvadi...
Kao sto sam pisao ovde. Rusi ne nepraduju jer im je lakse da ih melju ovde, a Ukrajinci samo dosipaju. Zbog logistike, lakse im je ovde nego da idu preko Dnjepra, a Ukrajincima je teze. Zato Rusi nisu srusili sve mostove na Dnjepru.
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 03 kol 2022, 11:19 |
Pridružen/a: 08 pro 2020, 13:41 Postovi: 1002 Lokacija: Српски свет
Koji je odnos gubitaka?
Broj zarobljenih Ukrajinaca je oko 10 puta veci, nego zarobljenih Rusa, to su neke procene.
Moja procena poginulih Rusa - izmedju 10-15.000, Ukrajinaca 4-5 puta vise, izmedju 40.000-75.000 i taj odnos mislim da raste, posto su ruski gubici po svemu sudeci bili najveci na pocetku, kada se pokusalo sa brzim desantom.
_________________ Нека буде борба непрестана, нека буде што бити не може – нек ад прождре, покоси сатана! На гробљу ће изнићи цвијеће За далеко неко покољење.
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Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt Postano: 03 kol 2022, 12:39 |
Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2019, 23:54 Postovi: 4862 Lokacija: Svjetski poznat oslobođeni grad na istoku Srpske
Kako ide 7ma ili koja već ofenziva na Herson? Koliko su sad ljudi zagubili?
Braniti se mogu nekako, tj većinom čekaju da ih samelje artiljerija. Ali apsolutno nikakve ofenzive nisu u stanju voditi.
_________________ Nećete u Bejruuut, niste ni prije.
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