Nebula je napisao/la:
Mapa Owen-Stoltenbergovog plana (po mapi Vojske RS-a iz knjige Nikole Koljevića "Stvaranje Republike Srpske" Službeni glasnik RS) u poređenju sa Daytonskom entitetskom linijom.

Ovo je samo linija općenitog zemljovida OS plana prenesena na (ne baš kvalitetnu) kartu naselja, takvih karti OS plana ima bezbroj, npr.

po toj općenitoj, jedinoj poznatoj, liniji republika po OS planu se ne može znati koja točno naseljena mjesta bi išla u koju Republiku i gdje bi točno išla granica, pošto se mirovna konferencija nikad nije nastavila pa nikada nije došlo do izrade detaljnog razgraničenja na topografskim kartama, jer je Izetbegović odbio plan (htio je više teritorija, pa završio sa manje, sve već znano)
tako da što se tiče razgraničenja, nemamo ništa opipljivo u kartama, ali se možemo okrenuti samom sporazumu u kojem se na nekoliko mjesta spominje dosta detaljno razgraničenje na pojedinim lokacijama, tako sporazum kaže:
"a port facility for the Muslim majority Republic shall
be between Visici and Celjevo on the Neretva capable of taking vessels trans-shipping from Ploce
and also directly from other ports in the Adriatic, and that the southern border of the Muslim
majority Republic shall be moved down from Recice to just above Visici. Initially there shall be an
Access Authority Throughway along the road from Recice to Tasovcici and to the tum-off to Celjevo.
The land for the part shall be defined as being south of the houses along the road to Celjevo, west of
the houses along the road to Vesici, to the north of the built-up area of Visici and than following the
east bank of the Neretva River. If the port is developed the Muslim majority Republic will be
expected to build a flyover at the Celjevo crossroad and a new road along an agreed route to Recice
avoiding as far as possible existing settlements, and this road, with the land one half kilometre on
either side, and the port area will be part of the Muslim majority Republic;"
od Čeljeva (gdje bi bila muslimanska luka) do mainland teritorija muslimanske republike koje bi počinjalo odmah iznad Tasovčića (tu je i ova općenita karta sporazuma kriva jer po ovome cijela Dubravska visoravan, ili parem njen veliki dio bi bio u muslimanskoj republici, a to je teritorij općine Čapljina
dalje sporazum kaže;
"(a) between the Muslim and Croat parties for the establishment of an exit to the sea for the Muslim
majority Republic through he Croat majority Republic via the Access Authority Throughway from
Poplat to Neum and for the Muslim majority Republic to hold a tract of land on the shore of the
Adriatic on the isthmus of Kosa (Klek) and establish a Joint Authority between the two republics to
develop the tourist industry in that area;"
ovdje izgleda da bi teritorij poluotoka Kleka bio smatran teritorijem muslimanske republike, iako je dvosmisleno što se tiče ovoga "zajedničkog upravljanja dvije republike
dalje sporazum kaže što se tiče teritorija Distrikta Sarajevo;
"For an interim period, specified in paragraph 2 below, there shall be established the Sarajevo
District the outer boundary of which shall be as delineated in the attached map. This boundary shall
be subject to adjustment by the Boundary Commission in accordance with Article 11.1 (b) of the
Constitutional Agreement. The Commission shall first of all consider the areas Cekrcici, Ratkovci,
Catici and Drazevici for inclusion in the Sarajevo District and shall thereafter also consider the
inclusion of the opstinas of Kiseljak and Kresevo."
ovdje se priča o nekoliko sela općine Visoko i općinama Kiseljak i Kreševo koje bi vrlo vjerojatno završile u distriktu
dalje sporazum kaže;
"Annex A, Part II
Areas Vested in the Union of Republics of Bosnia and Herzegovina
1. The area defined by the present opstina of Neum, and that part of the present opstina of Stolac
that lies below the southern border of the Muslim majority Republic.
2. That part of the railway line from Tuzla that passes across Brcko to the railway bridge on the Sava.
3. Those public buildings in the Sarajevo District and in the surrounding area that are designated by
the Presidency to be used by the Union Parliament, the Council of Ministers, the Supreme,
Constitutional and Human Rights Courts, and the administrative institutions of the Union."
ovo su teritoriji hrvatske i srpske republike koji bi u slučaju izdvajanja tih republika iz Unije republika BiH automatski postao teritorij muslimanske Republike, dakle u slučaju izdvajanja hrvatske Republike čitava općina Neum i čitava općina Stolac (tj. njen preostali hrvatski dio) bi postale teritorij muslimanske republike, moram kazati: krasno
dalje sporazum kaže;
"As much as possible of the town of Gomji Vakuf shall be in the Muslim majority Republic, subject
to the Croat majority Republic retaining road access to Prozor from the north of Gomji Vakuf, and to
Novi Travnik along the road running north from the village of Ploca towards the road junction to the
north of Bistrica. Construction of new roads may be necessary, and the Special Representative of the
UN Secretary-General (SRSG), after appropriate consultations, shall arbitrate in the case of disputes."
za Distrikt Mostar sporazum kaže;
"The Outer Boundary of the Mostar City Opstina
It has been suggested that the Mostar City Opstina be defined as including the six mjesna zajednica
of Aleksa Santic, Carina, Cernica, Brankovac, Donja Mahala and Luka I. This needs however, to be
determined by consultation in Mostar with all interested parties, which is to be done locally as soon
as circumstances permit. If there is failure to agree in the delimitation of the Mostar City Opstina it is
agreed that the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall make
the final determination"
i mislim da bi to bilo to što se tiče interesantnih spominjanja pitanja teritorijalnih razgraničenja u sporazumu, inače što se tiče teritorijalnog razgraničenja OS plana tu su te tri velike nepoznanice gradova Donji Vakuf, Bugojno i Jablanica i u kojoj republici bi oni išli i kako bi izgledalo razgraničenje oko tih gradova, to vrlo vjerojatno nikad nećemo saznati
ne mogu vjerovati da smo mi ovo potpisali, Hvala dragom Bogu na luđaku Izetbegoviću, mogu samo zamislit koja je euforija po odbijanju sporazuma vladala u njegovoj ludoj islamističkoj glavi jer upravo otprilike u isto vrijeme kad je odbio sporazum, muslimanska vojska je protjerala Hrvate iz Bugojna, što je objektivno najveći ratni muslimanski dobitak u ratu. Ne sumnjam da je Izetbegović tada u glavi mislio da je mješavina Rommela, MacArthura i Montgomeryja, jučer odbiješ mirovni plan, danas uzmeš svoj najveći dobitak u ratu - grad Bugojno "besplatno" jer nisi u nikakvim pregovorima morao dati ništa za njega
siguran sam da je Alija tada mislio da će po zauzimanju Bugojna, on zaista istjerati Hrvate iz lašvenske i lepeničke doline i još pogurati prema moru i uzeti sav taj teritorij, to ga vjerojatno i nagnalo da nastavi rat, nastavi odbijati sve sporazume do Washingtona (kada je konačno shvatio da je bezizlazno pogriješio u svojoj procjeni, da Hrvate ne može pobijediti i kad su Hrvati počeli uzimati teritorij u središnjoj Bosni i kada je prijetilo vojno spajanja hrvatskih enklava) i Daytona i odvede svoj narod u potpuni vojni poraz, i još mu priredi Srebrenicu za kraj
i još za kraj jedno teritorijalno al ne Bih teritorija iz sporazuma;
"that as soon as relations between the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbia and Montenegro) are normalised there shall be a treaty covering an exchange of territory
involving also the Union of Republics of Bosnia and Herzegovina to take account of the need for
strategic assurances for Dubrovnik and of the strategic importance of Prevlaka to the Bay of Kotor,
the need for the Serb majority Republic to have access to the sea in the area between Ostri Rt and
Molunat, and the need for the Republic of Croatia to be compensated with territory so that there
shall be no net loss of territory to the Republic of Croatia."
što reći?