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Autor/ica Poruka
 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 13 sij 2014, 19:18 

Pridružen/a: 27 lip 2012, 02:19
Postovi: 2133
kad smo već kod toga

The average professional athlete in the U.S. will make more in one season than most of us earn in our entire lives….[yet,] despite those staggering salaries, 78% of NFL players, 60% of NBA players and a very large percentage of MLB players (4x that of the average U.S. citizen) file bankruptcy within five years of retirement.

šta reći, propalice ništa više. osim za ganjat lopte raznih oblika i veličina nisu ni za čobane

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 13 sij 2014, 21:43 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Pa i jest sramota da su toliko plaćeni za to ganjanje lopte...

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 13 sij 2014, 21:48 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 12979
Lokacija: Zagreb
Dobivaju onoliko koliko je tržište spremno dati, čisti kapitalizam.

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 13 sij 2014, 21:53 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Svako si mora s veremena na vrijeme dopustiti da bude nerazuman pa i ja. :zubati

Ma tržišno gospodarstvo je najefikasniji sustav, samo ovisi o ljudima kakav će to sustav biti.

Kao što birokracija može građevinske dozvole rješavat u 3 dana ili slat ljude u konc. logore i likvidaciju u istom razdoblju.

Sve je to efikasnost.

No mi smo izgubili moralnu nadogradnju.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 13 sij 2014, 23:00 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 15:32
Postovi: 11637
Lokacija: Varta drzava
doc je napisao/la:
Pa i jest sramota da su toliko plaćeni za to ganjanje lopte...

A sta ces... dok god ljudi masovno gledaju nabijanje napuhanog komada koze po nekoj malo bolje uredjenoj livadi tako ce biti... Po meni je tuzno da se ti ljudi uzdizu u nebesa zbog tog. Kao "virtuoz" zato sto brzo trci s loptom... :D

Prvo i najbitnije!!! Kupuj Janu, i kupi je u Konzumu!!!
Život je tvoje igralište
Pretpostavka je majka svih zajeba
Svi mi prdimo

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 13 sij 2014, 23:15 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Pa i ja gledam kad naganjaju loptu. I puno mi znači kad to dobro rade (zbog one Turske sam dva tjedna bio u downu...od euforije do očaja).

Možemo mi fantazirati ali ljudi kad čuju Hrvatska većinom je prva reakcija Šuker...

I jednostavne stvari imaju veliko značenje.

Ali ipak mi je bezveze...isto kao i izjave nogometaša nakon utakmice...šta ih imaš pitat o bilo čemu...uvijek iste izjave i klišeji...imaju 10 rečenica koje vrte...

Neš ti važnosti.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 14 sij 2014, 00:24 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 15:32
Postovi: 11637
Lokacija: Varta drzava
Ma gledam i ja... al kad uzmes sta oni zapravo rade i na cemu obrcu lovu koji mi obicni smrtnici nikad necemo vidjeti... i uzdize ih se kao da su ne znam sta... :neznam

Je li bolji Messi ili Ronaldo... kome puca cundarko. :D

Prvo i najbitnije!!! Kupuj Janu, i kupi je u Konzumu!!!
Život je tvoje igralište
Pretpostavka je majka svih zajeba
Svi mi prdimo

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 14 sij 2014, 00:45 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
A šta ja znam...ja sam prestao pratiti osim repku...i tu i tamo neki naš klub.

To što se tiče repke to zbilja ima neko značenje i za društvo...redovito to bude događaj da pola zemlje gleda tekme na SP/EP i to ima značaj društvenog događaja i ima neki utjecaj, posljedice.

Tako da to nije bezveze...ostalo...slažem se...

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 14 sij 2014, 00:53 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 15:32
Postovi: 11637
Lokacija: Varta drzava
Pa i ja samo repku gledam, jer to u biti i nije samo nogomet, nego neko drustveno prihvaceno natjecanje izmedju drzava. Bolje loptom nego puskom, je l. :zubati

Prvo i najbitnije!!! Kupuj Janu, i kupi je u Konzumu!!!
Život je tvoje igralište
Pretpostavka je majka svih zajeba
Svi mi prdimo

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 14 sij 2014, 00:54 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Ili dok nema puške, da se snađemo i s loptom :)

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 14 sij 2014, 18:36 

Pridružen/a: 10 stu 2013, 23:00
Postovi: 941
Ovo sam jučer čitala, koja priča...

Zbog osvete gradonačelniku (demokrat), guverner savezne države New Jersey (republikanac) zatvorio građanima grada Fort Leeja most George Washington, zbog čega je jedna osoba u kolima hitne pomoći i umrla.

http://www.vecernji.hr/svijet/opozvat-c ... chu-914926

Gradonačelnik Fort Leeja je inače Hrvat, Mark Sokolich...

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 14 sij 2014, 18:58 

Pridružen/a: 21 kol 2011, 16:34
Postovi: 15238
Lokacija: Misao svijeta
To je stara priča. A za nas dobra u svakom slučaju u oba smjera. Prvo eliminira debelog Chrisa kao mogućeg republikanskog kandidata za predsjednika, drugo, stvara novu demokratsku političku zvijezdu koja je eto slučajem Hrvat.
Win-win situacija :D

Te kad mi jednom s dušom po svemiru se krene,
Zaorit ću ko grom:
O, gledajte ju divnu, vi zvijezde udivljene,
To moj je, moj je dom!

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 15 sij 2014, 19:35 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 11:29
Postovi: 76912
Lokacija: Institut za razna i ostala pitanja
E pa nisam znao da si demokrat.

U duši si i ti lijevi domoljub. :D

Fun fact: I HDZ i SDA su osnovani u Zagrebu.


 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 15 sij 2014, 19:43 

Pridružen/a: 21 kol 2011, 16:34
Postovi: 15238
Lokacija: Misao svijeta
Robbie MO je napisao/la:
E pa nisam znao da si demokrat.

U duši si i ti lijevi domoljub. :D

Daleko od toga. Republikanac sam i to Tea Party style u SADu, no ako išta nevolim više od demokratskih neoliberala su Log Cabin Republicans poput dotičnog buce.

Prije bih pucao u sebe iz pištolja nego glasovao za Chrisa i njemu slične.

Te kad mi jednom s dušom po svemiru se krene,
Zaorit ću ko grom:
O, gledajte ju divnu, vi zvijezde udivljene,
To moj je, moj je dom!

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 25 sij 2014, 01:56 

Pridružen/a: 02 pro 2011, 22:58
Postovi: 9003
Lokacija: Zagreb
volvoks je napisao/la:
Ovo je DAZP u realnosti :zubati
Objektivno, to je ipak povijesno meksička zemlja, skoro svaki bitniji grad ima španjolski naziv. Ako se ovako opet će postati meksička.

Američka ˝Šiptarija˝ ( albanski dio Makedonije)

Slična situacija.

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 26 sij 2014, 15:14 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Zadar1993 je napisao/la:
Robbie MO je napisao/la:
E pa nisam znao da si demokrat.

U duši si i ti lijevi domoljub. :D

Daleko od toga. Republikanac sam i to Tea Party style u SADu, no ako išta nevolim više od demokratskih neoliberala su Log Cabin Republicans poput dotičnog buce.

Prije bih pucao u sebe iz pištolja nego glasovao za Chrisa i njemu slične.



Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 31 sij 2014, 15:16 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
How the GOP Lost Middle America

Out of the Republican retreat on Maryland’s Eastern shore comes word that the House leadership is raising the white flag of surrender on immigration.

The GOP will agree to halt the deportation of 12 million illegal aliens, and sign on to a blanket amnesty. It only asks that the 12 million not be put on a path to citizenship.

Sorry, but losers do not dictate terms. Rich Trumka of the AFL-CIO says amnesty is no longer enough. Illegal aliens must be put on a path to citizenship and given green cards to work — and join unions.

Rep. Paul Ryan and the Wall Street Journal are for throwing in the towel. Legalize them all and start them on the path to citizenship.

A full and final capitulation. Let’s get it over with.

To understand why and how the Republican Party lost Middle America, and faces demographic death, we need to go back to Bush I.

At the Cold War’s end, the GOP reached a fork in the road. The determination of Middle Americans to preserve the country they grew up in, suddenly collided with the profit motive of Corporate America.

The Fortune 500 wanted to close factories in the USA and ship production abroad — where unions did not exist, regulations were light, taxes were low, and wages were a fraction of what they were here in America.

Corporate America was going global and wanted to be rid of its American work force, the best paid on earth, and replace it with cheap foreign labor.

While manufacturing sought to move production abroad, hotels, motels, bars, restaurants, farms and construction companies that could not move abroad also wanted to replace their expensive American workers.

Thanks to the Republican Party, Corporate America got it all.

U.S. factories in the scores of thousands were shut down, shedding their American workers. Foreign-made goods poured in, filling U.S. stores and killing the manufacturers who had stayed behind, loyal to their U.S. workers.

The Reagan prosperity was exported to Asia and China by the Bush Republicans. And the Reagan Democrats reciprocated by deserting the Bush Republican Party and going home. But this was not the end of what this writer described in his 1998 book, “The Great Betrayal.”

As those hotels, motels, restaurants, bars, fast-food shops, car washes, groceries and other service industries also relished the rewards of cheap foreign labor, they got government assistance in replacing their American workers.

Since 1990, some 30 to 40 million immigrants, legal and illegal, have entered the country.

This huge increase in the labor force, at the same time the U.S. was shipping factories abroad, brought massive downward pressure on wages. The real wages of Middle Americans have stagnated for decades.

What was wildly wonderful for Corporate America was hell on Middle America. But the Republican Party had made its choice. It had sold its soul to the multinationals. And as it went along with NAFTA, GATT, fast track and mass immigration, to appease Corporate America, it lost Middle America.

The party went with the folks who paid for their campaigns, only to lose the folks who had given them their landslides.

When Republicans accede to the demand for amnesty, and immigration without end, it does not take a political genius to see what is going to happen. For it is happening now.

Almost all of those breaking our laws, crossing the border, and overstaying their visas are young, poor or working class. Between 80 and 90 percent are from Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.

They are Third World peoples. They believe in government action and government programs that provide their families with free education, health care, housing, food, and income subsidies. They are not Bob Taft or Barry Goldwater conservatives.

Perhaps 85 percent of all immigrants, legal and illegal, more than a million a year now, are people of color. And while over 70 percent of Hispanics and Asians voted Democratic for Obama, among voters of African descent, the Obama vote was well above 90 percent.

Four of every five U.S. citizens of Asian, African and Hispanic descent vote Democratic in presidential elections. And it is their numbers that are growing. Already they are well over a third of the U.S. population.

As has been observed often, America, demographically, is going to look like California. And while Nixon won California all five times he was on a national ticket, and Reagan won California in landslides all four times he ran, California has not gone Republican in six straight presidential elections.

Democrats outnumber Republicans there by more than two-to-one in the Congressional delegation and in the state assembly, and not a single Republican holds statewide office.

If Bush I had built that border fence back in 1992 and declared a moratorium on legal immigration that fall, as many implored him to do, the party of the Bushes would not be facing its demise well before midcentury.


Zato se kliču na ime Stupid party...

Hoće li i Amerika u tom divnom eksperimentu postati zemlja trećeg svijeta ostaje vidjeti...

Mogli su biti Švicarska...

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 04 vel 2014, 18:11 

Pridružen/a: 02 pro 2011, 22:58
Postovi: 9003
Lokacija: Zagreb
Točno to , odlična analiza :)

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 04 vel 2014, 23:07 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:11
Postovi: 24067
Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Zbog ove reklame Amerikanci prijete bojkotom Coca-Cole!

U spotu se prikazuju ljudi različitih nacionalnosti snimljeni u različitim dijelovima SAD-a, a u podlozi svira patriotska pjesma "America is Beautiful" otpjevana na sedam različitih jezika.


Ljutiti Amerikanci prijete bojkotom kupnje Coca-Cole zbog, po njima, sporne reklame koju je ta tvrtka pustila tijekom finala sezone američkog nogometa, popularnog Super Bowla, kada cijena spota od 30 sekundi na televiziji dostiže i do četiri milijuna dolara, piše France24.

Bura se podigla zbog reklame u kojoj je Coca-Cola željela slaviti različitost, a neki patrioti su je shvatili kao uvredu stanovnika SAD-a. U spotu se prikazuju ljudi različitih nacionalnosti snimljeni u različitim dijelovima SAD-a, a u podlozi svira patriotska pjesma "America is Beautiful" (Amerika je prekrasna) otpjevana na sedam različitih jezika.
"Coca-Cola službeno piće ilegalnih imigranata"

Iz Coca-Cole tvrde da su reklamom željeli slaviti "različitost koja tu državu čini tako velikom". No, kratko nakon što je reklama puštena u programu, na društvenim mrežama ljutiti su građani počeli izražavati svoje nezadovoljstvo sadržajem, a neki su išli toliko daleko i pozvali na bojkot kupnje popularnog soka.

Najviše ih je zasmetala činjenica što je patriotska pjesma pjevana na stranim jezicima, među kojima su bili španjolski, hebrejski i hindu. "Od kada je u redu pjevati 'America is Beautiful' na bilo kojem drugom jeziku osim engleskog", pisalo je u jednom od komentara. Američki konzervativni mediji i političari također su krenuli u napad pa je Todd Starnes s Fox Newsa na Twitteru napisao da je "Coca-Cola službeno piće ilegalnih imigranata koji prelaze granicu", dok je bivši republikanski kongresnik Allen West na blogu reklamu nazvao "izrazito uznemirujućom".

Safe European Home

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 05 vel 2014, 00:36 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 12979
Lokacija: Zagreb
Neka provjere ustav SAD-a, nigdje nije specificirano da je engleski službeni jezik. A i dvojezičnost je u dobrom dijelu SAD-a realnost.
No, bez obzira na to, kampanja je retardirana, kao i sve koje se furaju na nekakvu različitost. Pa neću kupiti Colu jer je piju židovi, cenci i bijelci, kupit ću je jer mi je ukusna. Ovo je baš uludo bačen novac što se tiče marketinga, a i pokazat će se kao štetno. , ciljane grupe su im crnci i bijeli južnjaci, obje izrazito rasističke.

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 05 vel 2014, 02:39 

Pridružen/a: 02 pro 2011, 22:58
Postovi: 9003
Lokacija: Zagreb
Komedija, i lažni američki multi-kulti koji izlazi na vidjelo, a rugaju se nama Europljanima.

@volvoks točno. Na sjeveroistoku SAD-a je normalno da su natpisi u bolnici dvojezični. Engleski/španjolski. Mo`š mislit kak je onda u Kaliforniji :)

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 05 vel 2014, 21:29 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
EK SAD-u: Imate šest mjeseci da Hrvatskoj ukinete vize!

http://www.vecernji.hr/hrvatska/ek-sad- ... ize-919372

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 20 vel 2014, 01:28 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
SpongeBob SquarePants tombstone monument back at Spring Grove Cemetery after dispute
Cemetery sorry after removing monument

She was an Army sergeant. Tragically, despite her military training, her own boyfriend strangled her. In her honor, her family erected two SpongeBob monuments at the Spring Grove cemetery in Cincinnati. Both SpongeBobs were in uniform.

“I thought it was the greatest thing in the cemetery,” Deborah Walker, the soldier’s mother, told a local radio station. “I even told the people there that I think this is the best monument I’ve ever seen. It’s the best headstone in the cemetery and they all agreed. It came out really nice.”

http://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/spo ... er-dispute


Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 20 vel 2014, 02:42 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
"In 2006, 60% of the Democratic Party’s fundraising and 25% of that for the Republican Party's fundraising came from Jewish-funded Political Action Committees. Democratic presidential candidates depend on Jewish sources for 60% of money from private sources."

Mearsheimer and Walt: The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, p163

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: USA - zbirna tema
PostPostano: 07 ožu 2014, 20:55 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Obami bi uskoro moglo biti veselo. Ali hej, uvijek možeš armiju poslati u rat da ljudi o tome ne pričaju.

Warning: Stocks Will Collapse by 50% in 2014
Thursday, 06 Mar 2014 01:51 PM

It is only a matter of time before the stock market plunges by 50% or more, according to several reputable experts.

“We have no right to be surprised by a severe and imminent stock market crash,” explains Mark Spitznagel, a hedge fund manager who is notorious for his hugely profitable billion-dollar bet on the 2008 crisis. “In fact, we must absolutely expect it."

Unfortunately Spitznagel isn’t alone.

“We are in a gigantic financial asset bubble,” warns Swiss adviser and fund manager Marc Faber. “It could burst any day.”

Faber doesn’t hesitate to put the blame squarely on President Obama’s big government policies and the Federal Reserve’s risky low-rate policies, which, he says, “penalize the income earners, the savers who save, your parents — why should your parents be forced to speculate in stocks and in real estate and everything under the sun?”

Billion-dollar investor Warren Buffett is rumored to be preparing for a crash as well. The “Warren Buffett Indicator,” also known as the “Total-Market-Cap to GDP Ratio,” is breaching sell-alert status and a collapse may happen at any moment.

So with an inevitable crash looming, what are Main Street investors to do?

One option is to sell all your stocks and stuff your money under the mattress, and another option is to risk everything and ride out the storm.

But according to Sean Hyman, founder of Absolute Profits, there is a third option.

“There are specific sectors of the market that are all but guaranteed to perform well during the next few months,” Hyman explains. “Getting out of stocks now could be costly.”

How can Hyman be so sure?

He has access to a secret Wall Street calendar that has beat the overall market by 250% since 1968. This calendar simply lists 19 investments (based on sectors of the market) and 38 dates to buy and sell them, and by doing so, one could turn $1,000 into as much as $300,000 in a 10-year time frame.

Editor's Note: Sean Hyman Reveals His Secret Wall Street Calendar in This Controversial Video, Click Here

“But this calendar is just one part of my investment system,” Hyman adds. “I also have a Crash Alert System that is designed to warn investors before a major correction as well.”

(The Crash Alert System was actually programmed by one of the individuals who coded nuclear missile flight patterns during the Cold War so that it could be as close to 100% accurate as possible).

Hyman explains that if the market starts to plunge, the Crash Alert System will signal a sell alert warning investors to go to cash.

“You would have been able to completely avoid the 2000 and 2008 collapses if you were using this system based on our back-testing,” Hyman explains. “Imagine how much more money you would have if you had avoided those horrific sell-offs.”

One might think Sean is being too confident, but he has proven himself correct in front of millions of people time and time again.

In a 2012 interview on Bloomberg Television, Hyman correctly predicted that Best Buy would drop down to $11 a share and then it would rally back up to $40 a share over the next few months. The stock did exactly what Hyman predicted.

Then, during a Fox Business interview with Gerri Willis in early 2013, he forecast that the market would rally to new highs of 15,000 despite the massive sell-off that was haunting investors. The stock market almost immediately rebounded and hit Hyman’s targets.

“A lot of people think I am lucky,” Sean said. “But it has nothing to do with luck. It has everything to do with certain tools I use. Tools like the secret Wall Street calendar and my Crash Alert System.”

With more financial uncertainty that ever, thousands of people are flocking to Hyman for his guidance. He has over 114,000 subscribers to his monthly newsletter, and his investment videos have been seen millions of times.

In a recent video, Hyman not only reveals the secret Wall Street calendar, he also shows how his Crash Alert System works so that anybody can follow in his footsteps (click here to watch it now).

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.moneynews.com/MKTNewsIntl/St ... z2vIww1UjN
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

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