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 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 14:03 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Tulkas je napisao/la:
Naravno da vazi

Kao ljubitelju nuklearne energije, poklanjam vam ovaj link na čitanje, gospodine Tulkas :D

RUSKI NAUČNICI: Ukrajini preti nuklearna katastrofa

http://web-tribune.com/u_fokusu/ekspert ... atastrofa#

I umesto da maštate o ukrajinskim nuklearnim projektilima, dajte da s vašim znanjem iz oblasti nuklearne energije i našom podrškom vama, zajedno učinimo nešto da ne dođe do ovih nemilih događaja, gospodine Tulkas :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 14:13 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
BBC je napisao/la:
Harmonija između "saveznika". Njemci šute zbog straha od US vojnih baza u Njemačkoj. Inače bi davno zatvorili US veleposlanstvo.

Germany asked U.S. about monitoring of Merkel but got no response: MP

By Erik Kirschbaum

A mobile phone simulating a call to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and computer with a series of numbers is seen in this multiple exposure picture illustration taken in Frankfurt October 28, 2013.

Credit: Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach
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(Reuters) - The German government asked the United States what information the National Security Agency had collected on Angela Merkel after monitoring her mobile phone for years but got no response, a German lawmaker said on Wednesday.

Omid Nouripour, a member of parliament for the opposition Greens, asked the German government in a formal parliamentary query if it had contacted Washington to discover what the NSA found out.

"I wanted to find out what the German government was doing about the NSA eavesdropping on her," Nouripour told Reuters.

In a reply dated April 7, an official in the interior ministry who was tasked with answering Nouripour's questions replied that the government had asked about any information on Merkel but received no answer.

"They didn't ask firmly enough," Nouripour said. "If you ask half-heartedly, you won't get answers. Merkel needs to keep pressing for answers."

Reports in October about the monitoring - based on disclosures by former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden - caused outrage in Germany, which is sensitive about surveillance because of abuses by East Germany's Stasi security police and the Nazi's Gestapo secret police.

Nouripour, head of foreign policy issues for the Greens, said he also asked if the government had sought documents or files that might have been created in connection with the monitoring of Merkel's cell phone, and if the U.S. government was still holding records of her calls.

Germany's interior minister asked the U.S. embassy in Berlin for "information about the facts of the case" on October 24, 2013, the interior ministry told Nouripour in the government's reply.

It added German government officials "requested in numerous conversations with representatives of the American and British governments timely answers to a list of questions.

"The German government still considers it necessary to clear up the facts as a consequence of the accusations against foreign intelligence agencies," the ministry said.

"The United States government has not provided any relevant information to the German government."

The U.S. embassy did not respond to requests for comment.

Nouripour said Merkel needs to get answers from U.S. President Barack Obama at a meeting in Washington in May, especially on whether the data has been destroyed or not.

"I think Merkel needs to keep asking for answers to show that this isn't a meaningless issue for her," Nouripour said.

Allegations that the United States monitored the phone calls

of 35 world leaders, including Merkel, prompted Germany to summon the U.S. ambassador for the first time in living memory.

In response, Obama in January banned U.S. eavesdropping on the leaders of close friends and allies, and began reining in the vast archive of Americans' phone data, seeking to reassure Americans and foreigners alike that the United States would take more account of privacy concerns.

'Lost Nation': US Think Tank Slams Germany's NATO Role
Germany may be Europe's driving force in the euro crisis, but a prominent US think tank has accused the country of shirking its defense duties. In a report released ahead of the NATO summit in Chicago, a group of experts criticizes Germany for threatening the future of the whole alliance through its weakness.

The Atlantic Council is considered one of Washington's leading foreign policy think tanks. The non-partisan institution was founded in 1961 and its honorary directors include former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice.

The Council places high value on using a diplomatic tone. So when its members resort to strong rhetoric it causes a stir, especially so now, on the eve of the NATO summit on May 20-21 in Chicago. In a 12-page report titled "Anchoring the Alliance" the Council's experts dissect the future of the defense alliance -- and make Germany into the main scapegoat for NATO's problems.

"A stronger Germany would be the greatest boost to NATO's future," says the study. But the authors say that the exact opposite is actually true, namely there is less German involvement. Germany, which has taken a lead role in the euro crisis, behaves like a "lost nation" when it comes to political and military leadership.

Germany's helpless behaviour has consequences, says the study. "A weak Germany that lacks a capacity to act globally will inevitably weaken NATO," the authors write. "Europe cannot remain a major force within the NATO Alliance if a country of Germany's size, geography, and prosperity makes the kind of deep reductions in defense spending announced by Chancellor Angela Merkel's government in 2011."

'Two-Tier Alliance'

Such accusations against Germany are not new. At his farewell speech in June 2011 in Brussels, former US Defense Secretary Robert Gates left no doubt that he thinks that the budget burden is unfairly split among NATO countries.

In his sober analysis, he said that NATO has become a "two-tier alliance." He accused some members of cutting their own defense budgets and deliberately exploiting the US, which now shoulders 75 percent of NATO's costs. The Atlantic Council's current study also comes down hard on Britain, where Prime Minister David Cameron's austerity program includes a 7.5 percent cut in defense spending over the next five years. "The trend lines for the capabilities of the UK military are worrisome," argues the report.

The institution's disappointment regarding Germany is especially palpable. The study's authors share the opinion of Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, quoting his now-famous November 2011 speech in Berlin, where he said: "I will probably be the first Polish foreign minister in history to say so, but here it is: I fear German power less than I am beginning to fear German inactivity."

The sobering result is that trans-Atlantic experts in Washington fear for Germany's relationship with America. That was also confirmed by a recent survey about the future of NATO that Foreign Policy magazine conducted among dozens of experts in Europe and the US.

When asked what will primarily define German foreign policy in 2020, only three experts cited "the trans-Atlantic relationship" with the US. By contrast, 14 experts said the most important influence would be "Berlin's preference for the status quo."

http://www.spiegel.de/international/wor ... 33797.html

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 15:46 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
A Nuclear Ukraine

Jeremy Bernstein

Watching the crisis in Ukraine unfold, it is easy to forget how much worse it could have been. In the sense of civil power, Ukraine is a nuclear state. Recall that the Chernobyl disaster took place at Pripyat, in northern Ukraine, some sixty miles from Kiev. Ukraine still has fifteen operating nuclear reactors, which contribute about half the country’s electricity. The enriched uranium used to fuel these power reactors is largely provided by the Russians (some is provided by General Electric). The Russians presumably have also been removing the plutonium the reactors produce. But it is Ukraine’s history as a military nuclear power that is so striking. In 1991 Ukraine had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world—only the United States and Russia had more.

At the end of the Cold War, Ukraine had some 1,900 strategic nuclear warheads and hundreds of tactical nuclear weapons—the kind that are designed to be used on the battlefield. Many of these were stored in the Crimea: one of the Soviets’ most important weapons sites was at Krasnokamenka, in the Kiziltashsky valley region of Crimea, where a secret underground facility was used to assemble and store nuclear warheads, some of which were then sent to other Warsaw Pact countries. As part of the Soviets’ military defenses against Europe the tactical nuclear weapons were distributed to Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine, as well as Russia. After Russia, Ukraine, which was seen as a primary front in any battle with the West, got the most.

It has never been clear how to use such weapons, which were intended to be used on advancing troops and tanks. As Oppenheimer said of the hydrogen bomb, the military targets are too small, and in practice, such weapons would produce collateral damage to your own troops. But it is clear how to use the strategic weapons, which are designed to attack whole cities: you put them on missiles or bombers. The Ukranians had a dozens of both.

Of course, at the time this arsenal was built, during the Cold War, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union so these weapons were part of the Russian stockpile. The newly independent country of Ukraine inherited them. In 1990 the Ukranian parliament adopted a non-nuclear policy, which included ridding the country of these devices. In 1992 then-prime minister and later president Leonid Kuchma decided that nuclear disarmament was not such a good idea and that Ukraine should keep a stockpile of nuclear missiles. He did not get his way, however, because in 1994 the parliament voted to make Ukraine a nuclear weapons-free state, and that year the Ukranians signed the so-called Budapest Memorandum, in which they agreed to dismantle their nuclear stockpile.

In view of Russia’s current occupation of the Crimea, it is worth noting that the Budapest accord, which was signed by Russia itself along with Ukraine, the US, and the UK, required the signers to make security assurances that any incursion on Ukranian territory by a nuclear power would be promptly taken before the United Nations Security Council. Indeed, Ukraine’s newly appointed prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, has cited this agreement in relation to Russia’s intervention, calling on the Kremlin not to “violate the Budapest Memorandum.”

The memorandum, however, did not make security guarantees to this effect, which would have forced the UN to take action and put Russia in a very tight spot.

In the event, following the 1994 agreement, trains began moving Ukraine’s nuclear stockpile to disarmament facilities in Russia. About five thousand nuclear related devices were moved out on some one hundred trains. The operation was completed in 1996 and Ukraine joined the small club of nuclear states, which now includes Libya and South Africa, that have voluntarily given up their nuclear arsenals. In the 1990s, Belarus and Kazakstan also gave up their weapons. But the vast store of tactical and strategic bombs turned over by Ukraine was by far the largest in this group. In 2012 the last of Ukraine’s supply of highly enriched uranium was turned over to Russia.

As for the civilian nuclear power program, there are plans to build eleven new units and some of the older ones are being decommissioned. There is always a risk with nuclear reactors but hopefully the lessons of Chernobyl have been absorbed. The reliance on Russian uranium for these reactors is another way the Kremlin could continue to exert leverage over Ukraine, although some of the fuel is being supplied by the United States and one imagines this could be increased. Without these reactors Ukraine would run the risk of going dark. (Since the Russian incursion in the Crimea, Ukraine’s interim president has said the country would deploy armed forces around its nuclear facilities, while the Ukrainian parliament has called for international monitors to help guard its reactors.)

We can debate what might have happened if Ukraine had kept at least part of its nuclear arsenal, as Kuchma wanted. Would this have deterred the Russians or would we be facing a nuclear war? Or might the weapons themselves be in danger of falling into the wrong hands during an upheaval like the current one? Fortunately for all of us this debate is academic.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 15:47 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Odessa (1 000 000), AntiMaidan crew :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 16:05 

Pridružen/a: 16 sij 2013, 14:46
Postovi: 8173
Lokacija: Republic of Srpska
Lijepo lijepo...

8.45 - У Славјанску, на једној од две заузете зграде, и после истека рока вијори се руска застава и нема назнака да ће се демонстранти повући, јавља Ројтерс.

Лавров: Лицемерје Запада прешло све границе

Реагујући на ставове Запада када је у питању криза у Украјини, руски шеф дипломатије Сергеј Лавров оценио је да је лицемерје прешло све границе.

"Сећамо се да је насиље на тргу Мајдан, које се завршило са десетинама мртвих, оквалификовано као демократија. Сада се поводом мирних демонстрација на југоистоку (Украјине) говори о тероризму", рекао је Лавров на конференцији за новинаре, додајући да "лицемерје прелази све границе".

Лавров је истакао да је Русија поводом кризе у Украјини у више наврата од Запада тражила "адекватну реакцију" и још једном је упозорио на опасности употребе силе над проруским демонстрантима на истоку Украјине.

"Ми смо јасно рекли да употреба силе над демонстрантима озбиљно ставља под знак питања перспективе сарадње ради решавања украјинске кризе", рекао је Лавров.

Лавров је додао да за сада једина реакција Запада био позив Русији да престане да се меша у украјинску кризу.

Лавров је затражио објашњења због навода да је директор америчке Централне обавештајне агенције (ЦИА) Џон Бренан тајно био у посети Кијеву.

"За сада о томе нисмо добили убедљива објашњења", закључио је руски министар.

На другом крају планете, у Њујорку - дипломатска борба.

"Поједини људи овде једноставно не желе да сагледају праве разлоге за све што се дешава у Украјини и стално се питају на који начин је Русија умешана," рекао је на седници Савета безбедности руски амбасадор при Уједињеним нацијама Виталиј Чуркин.

Чуркин је истакао да је народ на југоистоку Украјине веома забринут за своју будућност и да не жели да му ико говори како да живи а нарочито не радикални екстремисти.


 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 17:28 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Gospodin Boris Huseinovič Obamov - Beli, visokopozicionirani kej đi bi ejđent =))


 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 17:45 

Pridružen/a: 30 svi 2009, 23:01
Postovi: 19667
Slike stanja na istoku Ukrajine danas.






 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 18:21 

Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 01:05
Postovi: 22488
slika :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 18:39 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
25. padobranska brigada iz Slavjanska prešla na stranu Narodne milicije Donbasa.


To su ovi mladići :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 19:03 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:11
Postovi: 24036
Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Ne znam bi li preimenovao temu u Kriza u Ukrajini ili Rat u Ukrajini. Grad za gradom na istoku i jugoistoku ide u nerede.

Safe European Home

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 19:06 

Pridružen/a: 16 sij 2013, 14:46
Postovi: 8173
Lokacija: Republic of Srpska
Dobro je ako ostane samo Istok problem. Mislim da bi se u skorije vrijeme mogle dešavati masovne demonstracije i u ostalim dijelovima. Raduje izjava Lavrova koji jasno kaže " Želimo smirivanje strasti u bratskoj Ukrajini".


 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 19:08 

Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 01:05
Postovi: 22488
Proruski demonstranti zauzeli aerodrom u Slavjansku.

Sada će "nacionalna garda" morati autobusima u Slavjansk, ako žele da ga zauzmu.

Ovaj Turčinov i neki tamo Avakov u Kijevu samo izdaju neke ultimatume nakon čijeg isteka se desi ništa. Vojska i policija odbijaju da pucaju po svojim sugrađanima, kao "Alfe" pre neki dan, pa im verovatno treba vremena da organizuju ove klošare iz Galicije. Legitimna i legalna vlast....

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 19:12 

Pridružen/a: 16 sij 2013, 14:46
Postovi: 8173
Lokacija: Republic of Srpska
Tako ti je to Carmello kad ne odradiš posao na vrijeme i kreneš krivim putem i razočaraš naredbodavce koji se ne usuđuju ni pomoći iako su veći krivci od majdanovaca...


 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 19:26 

Pridružen/a: 30 svi 2009, 23:01
Postovi: 19667
Situacija napeta, Turčinov potpisao ukaz o operaciji

Situacija na istoku Ukrajine je sve napetija, a vršilac dužnosti predsednika Ukrajine Aleksandar Turčinov potpisao je ukaz o početku specijalne operacije na istoku zemlje, nakon što je jutros istekao ultimatum proruskim demonstrantima koji i dalje drže vladine zgrade u desetak gradova na istoku.

Turčinov je ranije najavio pokretanje "sveopšte antiterorističke operacije" sa ciljem da ukrajinske vlasti povrate kontrolu nad policijskim i vladinim zgradama, a u međuvremenu je razgovarao sa generalnim sekretarom UN Ban Ki Munom i zatražio pomoć Ujedinjenih nacija u tome, saopštio je kabinet Turčinova.

U saopštenju nije eksplicitno navedeno da Ukrajina traži pomoć mirovnih snaga UN i nije sasvim jasno kakvu ulogu Kijev očekuje od snaga UN, ocenjuje AFP.

"Mi bismo pozdravili vašu pomoć u izvođenju zajedničke antiterorističke operacije na istoku zemlje", rekao je Turčinov u telefonskom razgovoru sa generalnim sekretarom UN Ban Ki Munom, saopštila je kancelarija predsednika na sajtu.

Takva zajednička operacija bi omogućila, kako je Turčinov naveo, da se osigura da sve akcije koje preduzimaju "profesionalci i posmatrači" budu zakonite i legitimne.

Istovremeno, Asošijeted pres prenosi da je Turčinov zatražio razmeštanje mirovnih snaga UN na istoku zemlje i da je za to neophodan mandat Saveta bezbednosti gde Rusija ima pravo veta.

Turčinov je ranije najavio pokretanje "sveopšte antiterorističke operacije" sa ciljem da ukrajinske vlasti povrate kontrolu nad policijskim i vladinim zgradama koje su prethodnih dana zauzeli proruski demonstranti u desetak gradova na istoku zemlje.

U objavljenom saopštenju kaže se da je generalni sekretar UN izrazio "punu podršku" Turčinovu i ukrajinskom narodu, ali se ne iznose drugi detalji telefonskog razgovora, navodi AFP.

Šefovi diplomatija zemalja članica EU u međuvremenu su formalno na sastanku u Luksemburgu odobrili milijadu evra finansijske pomoći Ukrajini, ali i proširili listu funkcionera bivšeg režima kojima je zabranjeno da putuju i raspolažu imovinom u EU.

Oni su osudili nasilje na istoku Ukrajine i pozvali Rusiju da jasno osudi okupaciju državnih institucija u tom regionu, uz upozorenje da je reč o opasnoj eskalaciji krize u protekla dva dana i da Moskvi prete sankcije.

Šef ruske diplomatije Sergej Lavrov je ocenio da je odluka ukrajinskih vlasti da primeni silu, uključujući vojsku, protiv pristalica federalizacije Ukrajine izuzetno opasna i založio se za ravnopravnost građana Ukrajine.

On je dodao da se Rusija ne meša u unutrašnja pitanja Ukrajine, a da očekuje od zemalja Zapada odgovarajuću reakciju na događaje u toj zemlji.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 19:26 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Onaj reptil iz CIA-e je i dolazio prekjuče u Kijev da ih podjarca na rat, krvoproliće i haos jer zna da majdanske pučiste očekuju teški dani u samom Kijevu, kad Rusi zavrnu gas, zavrnu novčanu pomoć a ljeto će prohujati i valja opet u zimu koja je tamo hladna kao i ruska. Znači valja iskoristiti nakurnjake što prije, posebno što sad nemaju vlast nad jugovostokom od kojeg ostatak Ukrajine zavisi skoro kao od Rusije a oni im ne nude ništa, osim šupljaka o milijardama i zlatnim kašikama.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 19:42 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Carmello Šešelj je napisao/la:
Ovaj Turčinov

To im je predsjednik parlamenta i predsjednik paradržave. Polujevrejin je a negdje sam pročitao i da je pripadnik neke kabalističe sekte i da svaku odluku koju donese, prethodno odmetitira. Znači, ako je to istina, imati takvog čudaka na čelu države u momentima kad krv može poteći, nije baš neka dobitna kombinacija.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 19:51 

Pridružen/a: 21 stu 2012, 10:26
Postovi: 3383
Lokacija: Србија
Kako stvari stoje, ćelave automobilske gume biće hit ovog leta...

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 19:53 

Pridružen/a: 21 stu 2012, 10:26
Postovi: 3383
Lokacija: Србија
Agathonikos je napisao/la:
Carmello Šešelj je napisao/la:
Ovaj Turčinov

To im je predsjednik parlamenta i predsjednik paradržave. Polujevrejin je a negdje sam pročitao i da je pripadnik neke kabalističe sekte i da svaku odluku koju donese, prethodno odmetitira. Znači, ako je to istina, imati takvog čudaka na čelu države u momentima kad krv može poteći, nije baš neka dobitna kombinacija.

Ma kakva kabalistička sekta, to su sve satanisti!

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 20:02 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 12979
Lokacija: Zagreb
Arsenij daje izjave da je prolivena krv ukrajinskih heroja i da će njihov odgovor biti strašan. Kakav je to mentalni sklop, ponaša se kao da je njegova vlast bogomdana i da se nitko nema prava na istu žaliti, pogotovo ne sredstvima koja su od njih napravila heroje. A stvarnost je da ta vlada nema nikakav legitimitet, pa čak ni onaj ulice jer ona najborbenija ekipa s Majdana ne podržava dotičnog jabukoždera.

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 20:09 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
volvoks je napisao/la:

Jeste li sigurni da se radi o mom prijatelju ili pak o gospodinu Arsenu (Avakov, tzv. ministar unutrašnjih poslova)?
Prije bih rekao da je to izjava ovog potonjeg.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 20:23 

Pridružen/a: 30 svi 2009, 23:01
Postovi: 19667
volvoks je napisao/la:
Arsenij daje izjave da je prolivena krv ukrajinskih heroja i da će njihov odgovor biti strašan. Kakav je to mentalni sklop, ponaša se kao da je njegova vlast bogomdana i da se nitko nema prava na istu žaliti, pogotovo ne sredstvima koja su od njih napravila heroje. A stvarnost je da ta vlada nema nikakav legitimitet, pa čak ni onaj ulice jer ona najborbenija ekipa s Majdana ne podržava dotičnog jabukoždera.

Ne treba očajavati. Predsjednički izbori u Ukrajini su zakazani za 25 maj tako da jedva čekam da vidim šta će biti. Ko zna, možda onaj koga su pučisti skinuli sa vlasti na nezakonit način bude lično ili njegova politička stranka ponovo na vlasti. Politička scena u Ukrajini je takva da su i jedni i drugi negdje tu na pola.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 20:27 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Vladimir RUS je napisao/la:
Predsjednički izbori u Ukrajini su zakazani za 25 maj tako da jedva čekam da vidim šta će biti.

A ko vam kaže da će biti :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 20:43 

Pridružen/a: 30 svi 2009, 23:01
Postovi: 19667
Izguglao si nešto što ja nisam? :zubati

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 20:54 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Vladimir RUS je napisao/la:
Izguglao si nešto što ja nisam? :zubati


Malo sam guglao po glavi i zaključio da je mjesec dana do tih izbora premalo da bi se omogućili bezbjedni i pošteni izbori, posebno kad vidim one maskirane štitonoše koje već zamišljam kako patroliraju pored izbornih mjesta, zastrašivaju birače i upadaju u njih, donoseći neke svoje kutije. Zatim, tu je i vrlo izvjesna eskalacija sukoba, zatim američka i ruska procjena o ishodu izbora pa daljnja destabilizacija pri procjeni da im ti izbori neće ići u prilog.

Mislim, možda i budu ali sumnjam.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 14 tra 2014, 20:58 

Pridružen/a: 09 vel 2010, 20:22
Postovi: 5970

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