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 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 02:30 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Jagnjeca brigada je napisao/la:
Al' puntar brani neonaci braću. :zubati


 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 08:15 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 13:56
Postovi: 9915
Agathonikos je napisao/la:
@gospodin Puntar

Ne plaše se oni unijata niti imaju razloga da ih se plaše, pretanki su oni za Ruseke, već im ide na *** to njihovo agresivno svojatanje Ukrajine a jedva da ih je 4 miliona. A posebno im smeta to njihovo napadno trpanje cijele Ukrajine u nekakve EU/AU okvire a u kojima su bili isključivo krajevi gdje su unijati većina. To je taj pounijaćeni zapad zapadne Ukrajine koji bi kao ono, na krilima EU i NATO, malo igrao tata-mate u Ukrajini jer oni su kao zajebani jer je kao NATO uz njih i te forice a u suštini, radi se o šaci isfrustriranog jada koji se odjednom osjetio kao nešto bitan :D

Pa I unijati su Ukrajinci. Kao I jos 25 miliona iz UPC. Mislis da oni obozavaju Ruse
A Rusi bi za sebe istok
Jebe se njima za Ukrajincima

Serbian are nationalists. It is impossible to argue with Serbians because they are without understanding. Since they respect only force, the same method should be used when dealing with them."

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 10:03 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
SAD spremaju sankcije za Ukrajinu ako nasilje ne prestane :D

Washington priprema finansijske sankcije za Ukrajinu ako nasilje u toj zemlji eskalira u trenutnoj političkoj krizi, izjavio je neimenovani službenik američkog kongresa.
Konačni detalji sankcija još nisu usaglašeni, ali se o njima ozbiljno razmišlja.
U sukobima u Ukrajini ubijeno je šest ljudi, a protesti traju već dva mjeseca nakon što se predsjednik Viktor Janukovič udaljio od razgovora sa Evropskom unijom pod pritiskom Rusije. Washington je već vratio vizni režim nekim ukrajinskim zvaničnicima.
Demonstranti ne odustaju od protesta i najavljuju da neće odstupiti sve dok se Janukovič ne povuče sa svoje pozicije. Uz to, traže prijevremene izbore na kojima bi svrgnuli sadašnju vlast.

Protesti su počeli nakon što je Janukovič odustao od dugo očekivanog sporazuma kojim bi pojačao veze sa Evropskom unijom, te se opredijelio za 15 milijardi dolara "spasa" iz Rusije, prenijela je agencija AFP.

http://www.klix.ba/vijesti/svijet/sad-s ... /140130009

Kao moraš u EU a time i u NATO jer sam *baš zabrinut za loš standard u Ukrajini* a ne da bi postao topovsko meso za obližnje Ruseke jer ako nećeš, evo ti sankcije =))
Znači bolidi i dalje ustrajavaju u istim floskulama a bumo videli hoće li Ukrajina zagristi i samu sebe sjebati ili pak neće :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 10:35 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 13:56
Postovi: 9915
Najjednostavnije I najbolje je raspisati izbore. Nekome to ne odgovara

Serbian are nationalists. It is impossible to argue with Serbians because they are without understanding. Since they respect only force, the same method should be used when dealing with them."

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 12:08 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
1. Plavo-Žuta boja: Nju predstavljaju regioni u kojima centralna vlast nema apsolutno nikakvu podršku tj ti delovi Ukrajine su u čvrstim rukama demonstranata. Sve vladine institucije su u njihovim rukama sem možda još vojnih objekata i kasarani koji se nalaze na tom prostoru.

2. Roza boja: Nju predstavljaju regioni u kojima su blokirane vladine institucije i gde postoji velika opasnost da tokom narednih dana budu zauzete od strane demonstranata.

3. Smeđa boja: Nju predstavljaju regioni u kojima je policija uspela da deblokira okružene institucije ali gde se još vode borbe na ulicama oko prevlasti.U celini gledano, demonstranti su na tim prostorima u defanzivi i odbačeni su na polazne pozicije.

4. Plava boja: Predstavlja regione u kojima centralna vlast ima čvrstu kontrolu. Pored jedinica policije ulicama patroliraju i antirevolucionarne snage sastavljene od Kozaka i pripadnika stranke Viktora Janukoviča.


 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 12:14 

Pridružen/a: 01 lip 2009, 18:27
Postovi: 5938
Lokacija: Generalni konzulat HR HB za Slavoniju i Baranju
Živjela ukrajinska revolucija, gospodine Agathonikos! :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 12:16 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Pessimus dux je napisao/la:
Živjela ukrajinska revolucija, gospodine Agathonikos! :D

Hoćete da kažete unijatskoukrajinska, gospodine Pessimus =)) :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 12:26 

Pridružen/a: 01 lip 2009, 18:27
Postovi: 5938
Lokacija: Generalni konzulat HR HB za Slavoniju i Baranju
Agathonikos je napisao/la:
Hoćete da kažete unijatskoukrajinska, gospodine Pessimus =)) :D

Kako god vi kažete, gospodine Agathonikos. :thumbup

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 12:26 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Apsolutno, gospodine Pessimus :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 12:40 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Nego, kad je riječ o eventualnoj podjeli Ukrajine, nije nemoguće da se podijeli čak i na tri dijela :D

Ruski na istoku i jugu, ukrajinskopravoslavni u centralnom dijelu i unijatski na zapadu.
Ono jeste da unijati i znatan broj pravoslavnih Ukrajinaca imaju dodirne tačke po pitanju pol. orjentacije Ukrajine ali baš da ljubav između njih cvjeta mimo tih dimenzija, teško, tako da je moguće rasulo i među njima, kad bi ih nakon odvajanja ruskog dijela skljukalo u zajedničku tvorevinu :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 12:45 

Pridružen/a: 29 srp 2012, 00:08
Postovi: 21217
Lokacija: među zvijezdama
Agathonikos je napisao/la:

Nego, vratimo se tematici :D

1. Plavo-Žuta boja: Nju predstavljaju regioni u kojima centralna vlast nema apsolutno nikakvu podršku tj ti delovi Ukrajine su u čvrstim rukama demonstranata. Sve vladine institucije su u njihovim rukama sem možda još vojnih objekata i kasarani koji se nalaze na tom prostoru.

2. Roza boja: Nju predstavljaju regioni u kojima su blokirane vladine institucije i gde postoji velika opasnost da tokom narednih dana budu zauzete od strane demonstranata.

3. Smeđa boja: Nju predstavljaju regioni u kojima je policija uspela da deblokira okružene institucije ali gde se još vode borbe na ulicama oko prevlasti.U celini gledano, demonstranti su na tim prostorima u defanzivi i odbačeni su na polazne pozicije.

4. Plava boja: Predstavlja regione u kojima centralna vlast ima čvrstu kontrolu. Pored jedinica policije ulicama patroliraju i antirevolucionarne snage sastavljene od Kozaka i pripadnika stranke Viktora Janukoviča.


Gospodine Aga, VI ovom kartom i analizom kao da vjezbate/pravite generalnu probu za sličan scenario u BiH?
Sve imam utisak da je vaše zanimanje za ovu tematiku potaknuto upravo tom idejom. :zubati

Sarajevo ljubavi moja! Слава Україні!

Ponesi zastavu!!!!

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 12:51 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Nije gospođice Emt.
Verujte mi da, iako sam jedan od najagilnijih predstavnika u promovisanju ideje našeg zajedništva na ovom forumu, naša država Bosna i Hercegovina i naše zajedništvo mi na ovoj tematici nijednom nisu pali na pamet :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 12:56 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 13:56
Postovi: 9915
Za razliku od bratske srbije rusima je stalo do ukrajine tj njenih dijelova

Serbian are nationalists. It is impossible to argue with Serbians because they are without understanding. Since they respect only force, the same method should be used when dealing with them."

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 12:57 

Pridružen/a: 29 srp 2012, 00:08
Postovi: 21217
Lokacija: među zvijezdama
Agathonikos je napisao/la:
Nije gospođice Emt.
Verujte mi da, iako sam jedan od najagilnijih predstavnika u promovisanju ideje našeg zajedništva na ovom forumu, naša država Bosna i Hercegovina i naše zajedništvo mi na ovoj tematici nijednom nisu pali na pamet :D

Samo provjeravam koliko čvrsto stojite na braniku naše domovine.

Znači sumnje su mi neosnovane bile :bihzastava

Nadam se da i VI shvatate zašto ne mozete model budućeg mozebitnog cijepanja Ukrajine i eventualnu rusku podršku ubaciti u slozenu kalkulaciju cijepanja BiH? :zubati

Sarajevo ljubavi moja! Слава Україні!

Ponesi zastavu!!!!

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 13:04 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Naravno, gospođice Emt.
Ukrajina je unutrašnja stvar žitelja Ukrajine i dešavanja u njoj kao i eventualne podele na dva ili tri dela, neće i ne smeju da utiču na naše zajedništvo i rešenost da našu državu očuvamo celovitom, na našu radost i radost pokolenja koja dolaze posle nas :D

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 13:23 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 13:56
Postovi: 9915
Ukrajina treba pripadati ukrajincima ali kako. E za to postoje izbori.
Kako to u srbiji lijepo rijese

Serbian are nationalists. It is impossible to argue with Serbians because they are without understanding. Since they respect only force, the same method should be used when dealing with them."

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 13:45 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 12979
Lokacija: Zagreb
Tulkas je napisao/la:
Ukrajina treba pripadati ukrajincima ali kako. E za to postoje izbori.
Kako to u srbiji lijepo rijese

Što hoćeš s time reći?
Inače, kad smo kod izbora, Ukrajina ima mješavinu teritorijalnig biranja kojeg ima SAD i klasične d'Hondtove metode u omjeru 50:50.
Zato Stranka Regija ima 85 mandata više uz samo 5% glasova više.

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 14:40 

Pridružen/a: 24 vel 2012, 13:46
Postovi: 6569
Lokacija: kašeta brokava
Agathonikos je napisao/la:
Naravno, gospođice Emt.
Ukrajina je unutrašnja stvar žitelja Ukrajine i dešavanja u njoj kao i eventualne podele na dva ili tri dela, neće i ne smeju da utiču na naše zajedništvo i rešenost da našu državu očuvamo celovitom, na našu radost i radost pokolenja koja dolaze posle nas :D

Gospodine Agathone, dojma sam da Vas je sve ovo emocionalno taknulo, s obzirom na činjenicu da ste (ne)svjesno prešli na ekavicu.

Ima li istine u tome, u kontekstu Vaše brige za cjelovitost i jedinstvenost jedine nam Bosne i Hercegovine? :D

Čast svakome, veresija nikome.

Jutarnji list, 16.11.2012., 8h:

Sudac Meron danas će pročitati konačnu presudu Hrvatskoj dr. Franje Tuđmana.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 14:43 

Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 01:05
Postovi: 22488
In Ukraine, fascists, oligarchs and western expansion are at the heart of the crisis

The story we're told about the protests gripping Kiev bears only the sketchiest relationship with reality

We've been here before. For the past couple of months street protests in Ukraine have been played out through the western media according to a well-rehearsed script. Pro-democracy campaigners are battling an authoritarian government. The demonstrators are demanding the right to be part of the European Union. But Russia's president Vladimir Putin has vetoed their chance of freedom and prosperity.It's a story we've heard in one form or another again and again – not least in Ukraine's western-backed Orange revolution a decade ago. But it bears only the sketchiest relationship to reality. EU membership has never been – and very likely never will be – on offer to Ukraine. As in Egypt last year, the president that the protesters want to force out was elected in a poll judged fair by international observers. And many of those on the streets aren't very keen on democracy at all.You'd never know from most of the reporting that far-right nationalists and fascists have been at the heart of the protests and attacks on government buildings. One of the three main opposition parties heading the campaign is the hard-right antisemitic Svoboda, whose leader Oleh Tyahnybok claims that a "Moscow-Jewish mafia" controls Ukraine. But US senator John McCain was happy to share a platform with him in Kiev last month. The party, now running the city of Lviv, led a 15,000-strong torchlit march earlier this month in memory of the Ukrainian fascist leader Stepan Bandera, whose forces fought with the Nazis in the second world war and took part in massacres of Jews.So in the week that the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army was commemorated as Holocaust Memorial Day, supporters of those who helped carry out the genocide are hailed by western politicians on the streets of Ukraine. But Svoboda has now been outflanked in the protests by even more extreme groups, such as "Right Sector", who demand a "national revolution" and threaten "prolonged guerrilla warfare".

Not that they have much time for the EU, which has been pushing Ukraine to sign an association agreement, offering loans for austerity, as part of a German-led drive to open up Ukraine for western companies. It was Viktor Yanukovych's abandonment of the EU option – after which Putin offered a $15bn bailout – that triggered the protests.But Ukrainians are deeply divided about both European integration and the protests – largely along an axis between the largely Russian-speaking east and south (where the Communist party still commands significant support), and traditionally nationalist western Ukraine. Industry in the east is dependent on Russian markets, and would be crushed by EU competition.It's that historic faultline at the heart of Ukraine that the west has been trying to exploit to roll back Russian influence since the 1990s, including a concerted attempt to draw Ukraine into Nato. The Orange revolution leaders were encouraged to send Ukrainian troops into Iraq and Afghanistan as a sweetener.Nato's eastward expansion was halted by the Georgian war of 2008 and Yanukovych's later election on a platform of non-alignment. But any doubt that the EU's effort to woo Ukraine is closely connected with western military strategy was dispelled today by Nato's secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who declared that the abortive pact with Ukraine would have been "a major boost to Euro-Atlantic security".Which helps to explain why politicians like John Kerry and William Hague have been so fierce in their condemnation of Ukrainian police violence – which has already left several dead – while maintaining such studied restraint over the killing of thousands of protesters in Egypt since last year's coup.Not that Yanukovych could be mistaken for any kind of progressive. He has been backed to the hilt by billionaire oligarchs who seized control of resources and privatised companies after the collapse of the Soviet Union – and fund opposition politicians and protesters at the same time. Indeed, one interpretation of the Ukrainian president's problems is that the established oligarchs have had enough of favours granted to an upstart group known as "the family".It's anger at this grotesque corruption and inequality, Ukraine's economic stagnation and poverty that has brought many ordinary Ukrainians to join the protests – as well as outrage at police brutality. Like Russia, Ukraine was beggared by the neoliberal shock therapy and mass privatisation of the post-Soviet years. More than half the country's national income was lost in five years and it has yet fully to recover.But nor do the main opposition and protest leaders offer any kind of genuine alternative, let alone a challenge to the oligarchy that has Ukraine in its grip. Yanukovych has now made sweeping concessions to the protesters: sacking the prime minister, inviting opposition leaders to join the government and ditching anti-protest laws passed earlier this month.Whether that calms or feeds the unrest will be clear soon enough. But the risk of the conflict spreading – leading political figures have warned of civil war – is serious. There are other steps that could help defuse the crisis: the creation of a broad coalition government, a referendum on EU relations, a shift from a presidential to a parliamentary system and greater regional autonomy.The breakup of Ukraine would not be a purely Ukrainian affair. Along with China's emerging challenge to US domination of east Asia, the Ukrainian faultine has the potential to draw in outside powers and lead to a strategic clash. Only Ukrainians can overcome this crisis. Continuing outside interference is both provocative and dangerous.

Izgleda da je EU pustila "revolucionare" niz vodu na onom samitu u Briselu sa Putinom prekjuče, čim je jedan Gardijan (najrusofobniji medij na planeti Zemlji) objavio ovakav tekst. Prosto ne mogu da verujem.

http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfre ... -expansion

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 14:44 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Aga se ovih dana javlja preko Wifi sa Ravne Gore. Traži najveći vrh sa kojeg se vidi Ukrajina.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 15:01 

Pridružen/a: 24 vel 2012, 13:46
Postovi: 6569
Lokacija: kašeta brokava
Carmello Šešelj je napisao/la:
In Ukraine, fascists, oligarchs and western expansion are at the heart of the crisis

The story we're told about the protests gripping Kiev bears only the sketchiest relationship with reality

We've been here before. For the past couple of months street protests in Ukraine have been played out through the western media according to a well-rehearsed script. Pro-democracy campaigners are battling an authoritarian government. The demonstrators are demanding the right to be part of the European Union. But Russia's president Vladimir Putin has vetoed their chance of freedom and prosperity.It's a story we've heard in one form or another again and again – not least in Ukraine's western-backed Orange revolution a decade ago. But it bears only the sketchiest relationship to reality. EU membership has never been – and very likely never will be – on offer to Ukraine. As in Egypt last year, the president that the protesters want to force out was elected in a poll judged fair by international observers. And many of those on the streets aren't very keen on democracy at all.You'd never know from most of the reporting that far-right nationalists and fascists have been at the heart of the protests and attacks on government buildings. One of the three main opposition parties heading the campaign is the hard-right antisemitic Svoboda, whose leader Oleh Tyahnybok claims that a "Moscow-Jewish mafia" controls Ukraine. But US senator John McCain was happy to share a platform with him in Kiev last month. The party, now running the city of Lviv, led a 15,000-strong torchlit march earlier this month in memory of the Ukrainian fascist leader Stepan Bandera, whose forces fought with the Nazis in the second world war and took part in massacres of Jews.So in the week that the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army was commemorated as Holocaust Memorial Day, supporters of those who helped carry out the genocide are hailed by western politicians on the streets of Ukraine. But Svoboda has now been outflanked in the protests by even more extreme groups, such as "Right Sector", who demand a "national revolution" and threaten "prolonged guerrilla warfare".

Not that they have much time for the EU, which has been pushing Ukraine to sign an association agreement, offering loans for austerity, as part of a German-led drive to open up Ukraine for western companies. It was Viktor Yanukovych's abandonment of the EU option – after which Putin offered a $15bn bailout – that triggered the protests.But Ukrainians are deeply divided about both European integration and the protests – largely along an axis between the largely Russian-speaking east and south (where the Communist party still commands significant support), and traditionally nationalist western Ukraine. Industry in the east is dependent on Russian markets, and would be crushed by EU competition.It's that historic faultline at the heart of Ukraine that the west has been trying to exploit to roll back Russian influence since the 1990s, including a concerted attempt to draw Ukraine into Nato. The Orange revolution leaders were encouraged to send Ukrainian troops into Iraq and Afghanistan as a sweetener.Nato's eastward expansion was halted by the Georgian war of 2008 and Yanukovych's later election on a platform of non-alignment. But any doubt that the EU's effort to woo Ukraine is closely connected with western military strategy was dispelled today by Nato's secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who declared that the abortive pact with Ukraine would have been "a major boost to Euro-Atlantic security".Which helps to explain why politicians like John Kerry and William Hague have been so fierce in their condemnation of Ukrainian police violence – which has already left several dead – while maintaining such studied restraint over the killing of thousands of protesters in Egypt since last year's coup.Not that Yanukovych could be mistaken for any kind of progressive. He has been backed to the hilt by billionaire oligarchs who seized control of resources and privatised companies after the collapse of the Soviet Union – and fund opposition politicians and protesters at the same time. Indeed, one interpretation of the Ukrainian president's problems is that the established oligarchs have had enough of favours granted to an upstart group known as "the family".It's anger at this grotesque corruption and inequality, Ukraine's economic stagnation and poverty that has brought many ordinary Ukrainians to join the protests – as well as outrage at police brutality. Like Russia, Ukraine was beggared by the neoliberal shock therapy and mass privatisation of the post-Soviet years. More than half the country's national income was lost in five years and it has yet fully to recover.But nor do the main opposition and protest leaders offer any kind of genuine alternative, let alone a challenge to the oligarchy that has Ukraine in its grip. Yanukovych has now made sweeping concessions to the protesters: sacking the prime minister, inviting opposition leaders to join the government and ditching anti-protest laws passed earlier this month.Whether that calms or feeds the unrest will be clear soon enough. But the risk of the conflict spreading – leading political figures have warned of civil war – is serious. There are other steps that could help defuse the crisis: the creation of a broad coalition government, a referendum on EU relations, a shift from a presidential to a parliamentary system and greater regional autonomy.The breakup of Ukraine would not be a purely Ukrainian affair. Along with China's emerging challenge to US domination of east Asia, the Ukrainian faultine has the potential to draw in outside powers and lead to a strategic clash. Only Ukrainians can overcome this crisis. Continuing outside interference is both provocative and dangerous.

Izgleda da je EU pustila "revolucionare" niz vodu na onom samitu u Briselu sa Putinom prekjuče, čim je jedan Gardijan (najrusofobniji medij na planeti Zemlji) objavio ovakav tekst. Prosto ne mogu da verujem.

http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfre ... -expansion

Vi ste nešto pomiješali, gospodine Šešelj.

Čast svakome, veresija nikome.

Jutarnji list, 16.11.2012., 8h:

Sudac Meron danas će pročitati konačnu presudu Hrvatskoj dr. Franje Tuđmana.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 15:01 

Pridružen/a: 24 vel 2012, 13:46
Postovi: 6569
Lokacija: kašeta brokava
BBC je napisao/la:
Aga se ovih dana javlja preko Wifi sa Ravne Gore. Traži najveći vrh sa kojeg se vidi Ukrajina.


Čast svakome, veresija nikome.

Jutarnji list, 16.11.2012., 8h:

Sudac Meron danas će pročitati konačnu presudu Hrvatskoj dr. Franje Tuđmana.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 15:10 

Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 01:05
Postovi: 22488
SDB je napisao/la:
Vi ste nešto pomiješali, gospodine Šešelj.

Nije nemoguće, pošto ga ne čitam redovno, to jest, skoro ga uopšte ne čitam. Zaključak sam izveo po tome što Rusi na internetu najviše kukaju na njih i na BBC. :neznam

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 15:15 

Pridružen/a: 24 vel 2012, 13:46
Postovi: 6569
Lokacija: kašeta brokava
Guardian je ljevičarski list, koji itekako kritizira establishment (pogotovo sad kad su konzervativci na vlasti) i Ameriku. Oni su oko Sirije odigrali bitnu ulogu u sprečavanju napada.

Čast svakome, veresija nikome.

Jutarnji list, 16.11.2012., 8h:

Sudac Meron danas će pročitati konačnu presudu Hrvatskoj dr. Franje Tuđmana.

 Naslov: Re: Ukrajina - Million man march....
PostPostano: 30 sij 2014, 15:17 

Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 01:05
Postovi: 22488
http://marknesop.wordpress.com/2012/10/ ... rrassment/
Evo na brzinu sam našao ruski tekst iz 2012. u kojem pljuju Gardijan zbog rusofobije. :neznam

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